

【作者】 肖番日

【导师】 郑传均;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 论文从低碳化视角(节能和减排)探究中国矿产品贸易产品结构优化,贸易质量提升,在扩大矿产品贸易的同时,保护好自然生态环境,推动中国由矿产品贸易大国向矿产品贸易强国转变等问题。中国矿产品贸易现状特征是:非金属矿产以净出口为主,且以水泥为代表;金属矿产以净进口为主,且以铁矿砂及其精矿为代表。借鉴“生命周期法”构建了矿产品净进口载能量测度理论模型,计算数据表明,中国矿产品净进口载能量结构为双向结构,金属矿产负向载能与非金属矿产正向载能。结合上述载能量模型与碳排放系数法,进一步构建了矿产净进口载碳量测度模型,得出中国矿产品净进口载碳量结构是二极分化结构,其中,金属矿产品属于低碳矿产品,以铁矿砂为代表;非金属矿产品属于高碳矿产品,以水泥为代表。出现以上载能量与载碳量结构的原因在于:国内对于金属矿产品的消费需求旺盛,但国内供应不足,国外供应充裕且矿石品质好,具备进口替代条件,由此形成金属矿产品净进口格局,金属矿产品成为低碳矿产品;国外对于非金属矿产品的进口需求比国内消费需求大,且国内供应充足,具备出口竞争优势,由此形成非金属矿产品净出口格局,非金属矿产品成为高碳矿产品。以提升进口质量,优化出口结构为原则,研究了矿产品进出口节能与低碳化策略,并针对金属矿产品与非金属矿产品制定了结构低碳化调整策略与节能策略,从而促进矿产品贸易由“量”的增长向“质”的提升转变,探索了中国矿产品贸易低碳化发展模式。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of low carbon, this paper aims to changing the past China’s trade development mode of not "quality" but "quantity", optimizing the structure of mineral, ascending the trade quality and realizing the mineral balanced development between the "quality" and "quantity". The paper intends to not only promoting mineral trade development, but also protecting the natural ecological environment.For this reason, the paper analysed the status of China’s mineral trade, measured the net import loaded energy and net import loaded carbon. On the above results, low carbonizing strategy and energy saving tactics were put forward.The status of China’s mineral trade could be described like:the non-metallic mineral almost composed as the net export, but the metallic mineral almost composed as the net import. Cement was the representative non-metallic mineral, and Iron ores was the representative metallic mineral.Based on the above analysis, the paper constructed a theoretical measurement model of mineral net import loaded energy by referring the "Life Cycle Assessment", and concluded that the structure of China’s net import loaded energy was two-way structure, including the negative loaded energy of metallic mineral and the positive loaded energy of non-metallic mineral.By combining the above theoretical measurement model and the "Carbon Emission Coefficient of Coal", the paper constructed another theoretical measurement model in order to measuring the net import loaded carbon of mineral, and concluded that the structure of China’s net import loaded carbon was dual structure, including the low carbon metallic mineral and high carbon non-metallic mineral. The representative low carbon metallic mineral was Iron ores, and the representative high carbon non-metallic mineral was cement. The reason could be summarised as that the metallic mineral had import advantage and the non-metallic mineral had export advantage.Thereby, low carbonization of China’s mineral trade needs to keep the principle of ascending imported quality and optimizing export structure, formulate different low carbonization structure adjustment strategies and energy saving tacitcs according to the metallic mineral and the non-metallic mineral, make the change from the growth of "quantity" to the ascension of "quality", and explore the low carbonizing development mode of China’s mineral trade.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

