

Xiang Fu Heavy Gypsum Mine Stope Ore Optimization of Structural Parameters

【作者】 吴伟伟

【导师】 胡毅夫;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的石膏资源储量大,分布广,普膏多,优质膏少。现有大约500座石膏矿山,年平均产量约5万吨。石膏主要用于建筑制品、水泥缓凝剂、土壤调节剂、肥料、工艺美术等行业,为国民经济的发展做出了很大的贡献。近十多年来,石膏是非金属矿中发展速度最快和发展势头最稳定的矿种。我国70%的石膏矿属于地下开采,而且基本上均是采用留石膏护顶层的房柱法开采。采场结构参数对石膏矿的开采非常重要,合理的采场结构参数,不仅可以确保顶板稳定,不发生采空区塌陷和地表沉陷等大规模的地压活动,还可以最大限度的提高矿石回收率,增加矿山的经济效益。本文结合湖南省临澧县湘福石膏矿的实际开采情况,进行了石膏矿缓倾斜厚大矿体采场结构参数的优化研究。首先对湘福石膏矿的矿石进行了室内抗压、抗拉和抗剪力学试验,得出了其岩石力学性能参数。其次采用Hoek-Brown强度准则,把岩石力学参数转换成岩体力学参数。然后运用弹塑性力学、结构力学、材料力学、工程力学以及工程经验公式,从理论上求解出矿房极限跨度、石膏护顶层厚度、矿柱尺寸、矿柱间距以及厚大矿体分层开采的隔离板厚度等采场结构参数。最后运用MIDAS有限元计算软件,对石膏矿缓倾斜厚大矿体单层开采和分层开采下不同采场结构参数的矿体回采进行了数值模拟分析研究,得出石膏矿缓倾斜厚大矿体更适合采用分层开采技术。

【Abstract】 Our country has large reserves of gypsum, which is widely distributed, and has more general cream, less high-quality cream. There are about 500 gypsum mines, the average yield is about 50,000 tons. Gypsum is mainly used in building products, cement retarder, soil conditioner, fertilizer, arts, crafts and other industries, which has made great contribution to the development of the national economy. Over the past decade, gypsum is the fastest growing non-metallic ores and minerals of the most stable development momentum.70% of the gypsum mine in China is mining underground, and essentially all mine is used to stay top of the plaster room and pillar mining method. Structural parameters of the stope is very important to the gypsum mines. The reasonable structural parameters not only can ensure the safety of roof, does not occur large-scale ground pressure activities, including gob collapse and surface subsidence, but also can improve the recovery rate of ore maximum, to increase economic benefits of the mines.In this paper, we studying the optimization of stope structure parameters to the inclined heavy gypsum mine by Xiang fu actual mining situation in Hunan Linli County.Firstly, we obtain the performance parameters of rock mechanics of the Xiang fu gypsum mine by the compression test, tensile test, and shear test in the laboratory.Then we can made the mechanical parameters of rock into a rock mechanics parameters by Hoek-Brown strength criterion.And by using the plastic mechanics, structural mechanics, material mechanics, engineering mechanics and engineering experience formula, we can solve the stope limit span, the thickness of retaining top, pillar size, pillar spacing, the thickness of isolation plate of heavy mine by the stratified mining.Finally, we using the MIDAS finite element software to simulation the ore mining with the different Structural parameters between single mining and stratified mining of the inclined heavy ore. And we know the technology of stratified mining is appropriate to the inclined heavy ore.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

