

Study on the Performance of Cementitious Capillary Crystalline Waterproofing Material

【作者】 王平

【导师】 黄伟;

【作者基本信息】 安徽工业大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放及城市化进程的加快,建筑防水材料的应用越来越广泛。近年来从国外引进的水泥基渗透结晶防水材料,以其独特的性能优势逐渐引起人们的注意,但是由于国内厂商在技术上的不完善,以及材料自身作为一种刚性防水材料在使用过程中受基体开裂影响较大等原因,致使目前国内市场在水泥基渗透结晶防水材料的使用方面还远未达到国外水平。针对这一现状,本文基于国外进口防水络合剂,通过国产活性物质的掺加及基材的有效组合,研究出性价比高、抗裂性能好的水泥基渗透结晶防水材料。文中基于对混凝土毛细孔内渗透结晶机理的分析和对国外已有成品的参考,结合国内外研究,选择多种化学物质,通过正交试验确定SJ材料最优组合配方,并进行性能测试,测试结果表明SJ材料各项性能均达到国标要求。通过渗透结晶型裂缝自愈合混凝土抗渗性能的研究及其机理分析,显示SJ材料可以显著改善混凝土的性能,其中抗渗性能的提高最多可达400%。考虑到刚性防水材料在一定环境下对抗裂性的要求,文中对掺聚丙烯纤维和SJ材料砂浆的抗裂防渗性能进行了研究,结果表明聚丙烯纤维可以有效减缓砂浆基体裂缝的发生与发展,为SJ材料的作用提供良好条件;其中复掺两种材料砂浆基体开裂系数最大可减少82%,复掺1.5%SJ材料、12mm长1.0 kg·m-3聚丙烯纤维砂浆一次抗渗压力值相比于基准砂浆增幅可达175%,且具有明显的二次抗渗能力,证明掺加聚丙烯纤维渗透结晶防水砂浆防裂抗渗技术是可行的。利用SEM对试验试件进行观测,对其作用机理进行分析显示,在掺加聚丙烯纤维和SJ材料的砂浆中,由于纤维的抗裂、SJ材料的防渗,及两者之间的相互作用,使得砂浆在防水效果增强的同时,抗裂效果亦有很大程度的提升。最后,对SJ材料进行现场施工应用技术研究,取得了良好的实际使用效果,体现出其具有一定的实用价值,并提出材料的相关施工工艺及质量控制与验收标准。

【Abstract】 With the reform and opening up of china and the rapid urbanization, the waterproof materials for building were applied more and more widely. Imported from abroad in recent years,the Cementitions Capillary Crystalline Waterproof Materials(CCCW) attracted people’s attention for its unique performance. Due to technical imperfections in the domestic manufacturers, and the material itself as a rigid waterproof material which is greatly influenced by the matrix cracking and so on, so that the application of CCCW in the current domestic market was far short of the foreign level. In response to this situation, based on the imported waterproofing complexing agent and mixed with part of the domestic active substance efficiently, a CCCW with highly cost-effective and high crack resistance was worked out in this article.Based on the analysis of the penetration crystallization mechanism within the pores of concrete and the reference of existing products in foreign, the author combined with the research at home and aboard, selected several chemical substances and conducted the orthogonal test to determine the optimal combination. The performance testing was continued, proving that the performance met the national standard. Through the study and mechanism analysis of impermeability of the crack self-healing capillary crystalline concrete, it showed that the properties of concrete was improved by SJ capillary crystalline repairing material significantly, of which the impermeability was improved most ,up to 400%. Taking into account the crack resistance requirement of rigid waterproof material under certain environmental requirements, the research on the imperviousness and crack resistance of polypropylene fiber and capillary crystalline mortar was conducted. It worked out that the fiber could effectively relieved the occurrence of cracks and its development in mortar matrix, of which mixed with two materials, the maximum reduction of crack coefficient of mortar matrix was 82%; compared with the standard mortar, the amplification of impermeability pressure of 12mm, 1.0 kg·m-3polypropylene fiber mortar which compound mixed with 1.5% SJ material was up to 175%, and the secondary impermeability was obvious. It proved that the imperviousness and crack resistance technology of capillary crystalline waterproofing mortar which mixed with Polypropylene Fiber is feasible.The test specimens were observed by SEM, and its mechanism of action was analyzed. It finally reached that due to the cracking resistance of fiber, the impermeability of SJ material and interaction between the two, the waterproofing effect was increased, and the cracking resistance effect of their own was also promoted significantly.Finally, the construction applications of SJ material in the site was studied, which had achieved good practical effects, reflected its some practical value. The author also proposed the relevant construction techniques, quality control and acceptance criteria of this material.


