

Research on Verifying Landscape Culture of the Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang

【作者】 黄晴

【导师】 钟虹滨;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 “潇湘八景”作为一种具有深厚历史文化内涵和丰富景观特征的山水文化,给后人留下了无比珍贵的精神财富和物质遗产。但地位如此之高的“潇湘八景”却并不为众人所了解。在学术界,学者们对“潇湘八景”是否真实存在以及具体地点的确定等方面的看法仍存在一些分歧。因此,对“潇湘八景”山水文化景观进行考证研究,就显得任重而道远。本文在对“潇湘八景”山水文化景观相关概念的识读基础上,挖掘其蕴藏的文化意蕴和体现的当代价值,提出其文本考证方法、实地考证原则与策略,并以“山市晴岚”为例,进行深入分析研究,建立“潇湘八景”山水文化景观考证的思路与框架,为山水文化景观考证与发掘奠定基础。首先,在国内外研究现状基础上,认知了“潇湘八景”山水文化景观的相关概念,追溯了“潇湘八景”的产生与发展状况,分析阐述了“潇湘八景”山水文化景观蕴含的文化意蕴与彰显的当代价值。其文化意蕴体现在诗情画意的潇湘意象、贬谪流放的隐喻文化和平远山水的禅道精神三方面;其当代价值体现在潇湘地区传统文化的保护与传承、山水文化景观的发掘与开发、潇湘特色区域景观的旅游开发与湖湘文化品牌形象的建立与推广等四个方面。其次,通过详细的分析研究,在文本考证方法上,提出了诗曲和绘画的探析归纳法、二维向三维的分析转换法以及结构与元素的剖析整合法;在实地考证原则上,提出了整体灵活性原则、结构相似性原则和地域文脉性原则;在实地考证策略上,提出了文本分析与实地考察的静动结合、历史延续与时代发展的兼顾融合和整体结构与局部元素的对应整合策略。最后,以“山市晴岚”为例,运用文本考证方法、实地考证原则与策略,分别从历史文化、空间结构和景观特征三方面进行文本考证,从历史概况、地理地貌和景观考察三方面进行实地考证。考证研究证实“山市晴岚”的确存在于湘潭昭山,其景观元素在昭山辐射范围内能基本对应;同时,也验证“潇湘八景”山水文化景观考证的思路与框架能有效的指导景点的真实性及地点的确认等方面的考证。

【Abstract】 Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang, a landscape culture which boasts profound historical and cultural commutations and rich scenery features, leaves people precious spiritual wealth and material heritage. However, the Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang remains unknown to the public. In the academic area, there has been some disputable ideas on the existence and location of Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang. Therefore, it becomes an significant task to explore the Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang.Based on a general conception of landscape culture of Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang and related ideas, this paper explores the cultural connotation and its contemporary value, puts forward the methods to verify landscape culture of Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang, suggests the principles of locating and verifying, takes the Foggy but Sunny Image of Mountain and Market for example and analysis deeply. All these can help us to form a framework and idea for the exploration of landscape in Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang.Firstly, this paper, based on a research statuesque both at home and abroad, introducts the related conceptions of landscape in Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang, traces the emergence and development situation, analysis the cultural connotation and its contemporary value. The cultural connotation consists of three parts, the poetic image of Xiao and Xiang, the metaphorical culture of relegation and exile, and Pinyuan landscape and Zen spirit. Its contemporary value is fully embodies in four aspects, the preservation and inheritance of traditional culture in Xiao and Xiang district, the exploration and development of landscape of Xiao and Xiang, the promotion of tourism in Xiao and Xiang special areas, and the establishment and spreading of the image of the Hu and Xiang cultural brand.Secondly, this paper makes detailed analysis on the verify methods, puts forward the analyzing methods on poem and drawing, transfer of 2-D to 3-D, and the integration of structure and elements. In the search of the principles of verify locations, the paper comes up with some flexible principles, structure-similar principle and regional principle. In the exploration of the location-verifying strategies, the author puts forward three common strategies:combination of document analysis and practical research, combination of historical continuity and times developments, the corresponding integration of overall structure and partial elements.Thirdly, the paper, taking the Foggy but Sunny Image of Mountain and Market for example, adopts the methods of the document-verifying and the principles and strategies of practice-verifying to make a documental and practical verification. The former verifies from the following three aspects, its profound history and culture, the unique special structure, and rich scenic features. The latter verifies from three aspects, the historical background, geographic features and landscape praticement. It proves that the Foggy but Sunny Image of Mountain and Market is really existing in the Zhao mountain of Xiangtan and its landscape elements can be basically corresponded in the Zhao mountain. Moreover, it verifies that the framework and idea for the exploration of landscape in Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang can availably guide the verification on the existence and location of the landscape.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

