

【作者】 蔡湘粤

【导师】 张卫良;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 我国高等教育从扩招以来,逐步走向了“大众化”阶段,独立学院也就是在这一背景下产生的。目前全国共有独立学院322所,在校人数达180多万人,承担了全国普通高校近三分之一的本科生培养任务,成为了我国高等教育中不可缺少的部分。因此,独立学院大学生的就业问题也应该与普通高校大学生就业一样引起重视。由于高校的年年扩招,使得高校与用人单位供求关系发生了改变,造成高校毕业生就业难的现象的发生。独立学院由于其处在普通高校和民办高校之间,加之办学时间不长,社会的认知度不高,导致毕业生在就业过程中的面临着更大的困难。近几年国家的相关部门针对大学生就业难的问题,制定了相关的政策和法律制度,尽可能的为毕业生提供帮助,同时国家在宏观调控,深化教育体制改革,加强就业市场建设等方面也做了很多工作并取得了一定的效果。但是大学生就业问题是一项长期而复杂的工作,需要政府和社会各界不断的努力。本文以湖南省独立学院为例概述了独立学院大学生就业的现状,从就业数量与就业质量结构上分析了独立学院学生就业的特征。在此基础上,对影响独立学院大学生就业的政府、用人单位、学校、学生等层面的相关因素进行了重点分析,并提出了独立学院学生就业的相关对策和建议。

【Abstract】 China’s higher education from the step by step since enrollment, "pop" stage, the independent institute also is in the background. Now the country which were independent institute in school, a number of 322 180 million for national ordinary university, nearly a third of undergraduate training task of China’s higher education, become the indispensable part. Therefore, the independent college students employment problem should also and ordinary college students’ employment as take seriously. Because the annual enrollment, making university college of supply and demand with unit of choose and employ persons are changed, causing the employment of college graduates difficult happens. Independent college because its in ordinary universities and private college, and between running time is not long, social awareness is not high, cause in the process of graduates in the employment face greater difficulties.In recent years the related departments of state in the college students’ employment problems, formulated the related policies and legal system and try to provide help as the country graduates in macro-control, deepening education reform, strengthen the employment market construction etc also did a lot of work and have achieved some results. But the problem of university students’ employment is a long and complicated work, need government and social all circles continuous effort. In this paper the independent institute of hunan province as an example summarizes the present situation of independent institute of university students’ employment, from employment number and employment quality structure analysis on the characteristics of independent college students employment. On this basis, the influence of the independent college students employment government, unit of choose and employ persons, school, student and other aspects related factors of the key analysis, and put forward the independent college students employment related countermeasures and Suggestions.

【关键词】 独立学院大学生就业困境对策
【Key words】 independent instituteuniversity studentsemploymentdifficultiesstrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

