

The Research of the Motor Vehicle Compulsory Insurance Exoneration Clause Legal Questions

【作者】 杨梦灵

【导师】 余卫明;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 交强险是机动车交通事故责任强制保险的简称,是由保险公司对被保险机动车发生道路交通事故造成本车人员、被保险人以外的受害人的人身伤亡、财产损失,在责任限额内予以赔偿的强制性责任保险。以被保险人依法应当对第三人承担的赔偿责任作为保险标的。法院在道路交通事故人身损害赔偿纠纷和保险合同纠纷过程中对交强险免责条款的认定适用不同的标准,导致不公平,引发道德风险。在道路交通事故人身损害赔偿纠纷中,法院一般不审查保险合同免责条款的效力,保险公司对投保人的抗辩理由不能对抗受害人,司法实践中大量出现投保人以受害人的名义起诉,出现侵权人因交通事故获利的情况。交强险免责条款在两类诉讼中的适用标准和免责条款自身设置上需要进一步完善。在道路交通事故人身损害赔偿纠纷中,合法有效的保险合同是交强险赔偿的依据,受害人的直接请求权的范围是对被保险人基于保险合同应得到得保险金,在适用时应当对交强险免责条款的效力进行审查。交强险免责条款因重点概念不明确,即第三者、财产损失、精神抚慰金、无证驾驶、医保用药的范围不明晰,导致适用混乱。通过对道路交通事故人身损害赔偿纠纷及保险合同纠纷的适用中存在争议的问题统一适用标准、明确交强险的重点概念及内涵,完善《交强险条例》第22条及量化精神抚慰金的赔偿等,以期完善交强险免责条款的法律规制,从而完善道路交通事故的处理。

【Abstract】 The compulsory insurance of motor vehicle mentioned is the third party liability compulsory insurance of motor vehicle traffic accident, is the abbreviation of insured by insurance company to produce road transportation accident caused a motor vehicle outside personnel insurant this vehicle the victim’s personal casualty and property loss, in compensation liability limit the mandatory liability insurance. According to law by the insured shall undertake liability to the third party as insurance mark. The court in road traffic accident compensation for demage and insurance contract dispute process to the exoneration clause that vehicle for different standard, lead to unfair, triggered moral risk. In road traffic accident compensation for personal injury, the court usually don’t dispute review the effectiveness of the exoneration clause of insurance contract, insurance company the justifications for policy-holder can fight the victim, the judicial practice in a large presence in the name of the applicant appear prosecution, the victim of the traffic accident infringer profit because. Vehicle under two kinds of litigation exoneration clause the suitable standards and exoneration clause set itself needs to be further improved. In road traffic accident compensation for demage, lawful and valid insurance contract is the basis of insurance compensation, the victim’s direct claim to insurant is the scope based on insurance contract shall be applicable to insurance gold, ought to be in the validity of the insurance exoneration clause for examination. Because of key concept vehicle exoneration clause is not clear, namely a third party, property damage, spirit of his compensation, driving without license, the scope of medical insurance is unclear, causing confusion. Through of the road traffic accident compensation for insurance contract dispute applicable unified disputable issues applicable, clearing the connotation of key concepts of the compulsory insurance of motor vehicle, improving the " the compulsory insurance of motor vehicle regulations " article 22 and quantitative spirit of his compensation to perfect compensation insurance exoneration clause, thereby improve to treat road traffic accident.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】311

