

Study on Safe and Effective Backfill Technology for Steeply Dipping Seam Mining

【作者】 刘伟洁

【导师】 张钦礼;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 山东华泰矿业有限公司三采区开采范围内地表为村庄和农田,且铁路线近似南北、莱麻公路近似东西横贯矿区,属典型的“三下”(建筑物下,铁、公路下,水体下)资源。为解决华泰公司大量煤矸石堆积,大倾角薄煤层工作面封堵困难等难题,本文结合“煤矸石似膏体胶结充填技术可行性研究”科研项目,运用理论分析、室内试验、方案设计、大型软件数值模拟分析以及系统综合评判技术等综合手段,对华泰矿业有限公司煤矸石胶结充填关键技术以及充填工作而封堵措施优化进行全而研究,提出了煤矸石空心挡墙工艺。主要研究工作以及结论如下:(1)通过现场调查和测试,充分了解了矿山工程地质概况,根据矿山需要充填范围和充填采煤方式,并结合国内外充填矿山经验,提出了投资小、操作简单、运行可靠的似膏体自流充填技术。(2)通过室内充填配比试验,对充填材料物化性能进行分析,提出最优充填料浆配比。煤矸石粉煤灰混合浆体泌水率低(小于4%),有利于缩短初凝时间,减少采场充填工作面泄水量。粗颗粒煤矸石胶结充填体强度高于原试验所用细颗粒煤矸石胶结体强度。钢渣粒级组成与粗颗粒煤矸石相近,其中可能含有玻璃质的活化成分,只要能解决破碎成本问题,钢渣是较好的煤矸石替代骨料。(3)利用大型数值模拟分析软件对矿山原有的沿走向布置的大倾角工作面对充填工艺的适应性进行评价模拟。根据挡墙宽度和工作面斜长不同正交9种方案。结果表明,沿走向布置工作而,料浆压力大,无法保证充填作业安全。(4)设计了沿倾向的仰采工作面布置方式,并提出了充填采煤工艺、顶板管理及充填工艺要点。利用数值分析软件分析三种充填高度下的采场顶板稳定性。(5)根据模糊综合评判和数据包络分析的互补性,采用层次分析法、模糊评价和数据包络法相结合的FAHP-DEA模型,确定了最佳的采、充关系及相应的挡墙构筑工艺。

【Abstract】 Surface of the Third mining District of Shandong Huatai Mining Co., Ltd. is villages and farmland, the north-south railway line and east-west Ma Lai highway cross here, it’s a typical "three under" resource(under the building, under the railway/Highway, under the water body). To solve the problem of coal gangue accumulation and the backfill work face of steeply dipping seam difficult to block for the Huatai Mining Co., Ltd. this paper studied the key technologies to filling with coal gangue and optimization of the measures to block the backfill work face comprehensively, in which theoretical analysis, laboratory test, program design, analysis and numerical simulation of large software systems by means of comprehensive evaluation techniques were used. Proposed the process of gangue hollow wall technology.The main contents and conclusions of this paper are summarized as follows:(1) Fully understand the geology of mining engineering through field investigation and testing, proposed paste-like backfill approaches according to the scope needs to fill and filling mining methods.(2) Analysis of physical and chemical properties of filling material resulted to an best slurry filling ratio. The low bleeding rate(less than 4%) of mixed slurry of coal gangue and powder coal is conducive to shorten the initial setting time, and reduce water leakage. Strength of coarse coal gangue paste-like backfill is better than fine coal gangue paste-like backfill used in the original experiment; Slag and coarse coal gangue paste-like backfill is similar in composition, which may contain glassy active ingredients, as long as we can solve the problem of fragmentation cost, coal slag is a good alternative of coal gangue.(3) Analyzed the adaptability of the filling process by numerical simulation software. According to different wall width and work face there are totally 9 programs. The results show that arranged work face along the strike would leading to too much pressure, and can not guarantee safety.(4) Designed a layout along the tendency, and proposed coal mining process of filling, roof management and filling technology. Analyzed the stability of roof under three filling height by numerical analysis software(5) Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Data Envelopment analysis, using FAHP-DEA model which combined by analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Fuzzy evaluation and Data Envelopment(DEA) to determine the best mining and filling relationships and the corresponding wall charge build process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

