

Ideological Manipulation on Translation: A Study on Lu Xun’s Translation Theory

【作者】 谭芬

【导师】 张映先;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 赫曼斯曾经提出,从目标文学的视角看来,翻译都是因为某种目的对原文文本进行的某种程度的操控。本文将从这个角度出发,以意识形态为贯穿线索,来探讨鲁迅的翻译思想与实践研究。意识形态作为制约翻译行为的重要因素之一,对译者翻译思想的形成,起着决定性的操控作用。同时,译者的翻译思想,也会操控和影响所处社会的意识形态。本文尝试借助图里的翻译规范理论和列费维尔的操控观,以及佐哈尔对文学翻译地位的探讨,以鲁迅的翻译观为研究案例,来探讨意识形态如何操控翻译思想和实践。翻译不是在真空环境下进行的。作为特定社会历史文化背景下的产物,翻译反映了译者的意识形态和政治目的。意识形态对译者翻译思想的操控主要体现在其翻译目的,与主流意识形态的碰撞,翻译选材以及翻译的策略等方面。译者的翻译思想,同时会对社会的意识形态,受众的文化意识产生反作用。本文着重阐释了鲁迅的个人意识形态,社会意识形态以及其翻译思想之间的相互作用和操控关系。中国当时半殖民地,半封建社会的社会历史背景,影响了鲁迅在翻译思想上的意识形态和社会政治观念。在与主流文化意识形态的相互影响和对抗之中,鲁迅逐渐形成了自己特有的意识形态和翻译思想。借助西方的东方主义观,他看到了国民的劣根性和改革救国的迫切需要。他从受压迫的国家着手选择翻译题材,试图唤起国民的反抗和忧患意识。他所推崇的直译观,推动了白话和新文学范式在中国的发展,促进了中国近代翻译史上的重大变革。意识形态与翻译密不可分。本文尝试将现代文学翻译主将鲁迅的翻译思想与实践放置在操控理论背景下分析研究,来探讨其与社会、个人的政治意识形态关系。通过研究分析,使翻译研究不再仅禁锢在文本层面上。这是对翻译思想研究的一次尝试性的探索。本文的系统研究使我们能够更好的把握翻译的本质以及意识形态在翻译中扮演的角色。尤其是译者在翻译实践活动,文化重建以及意识形态变革中所起的作用。

【Abstract】 Hermans once pointed out that translation was a kind of manipulation to the original texts from the perspective of target culture. The author tends to apply ideological manipulation into the study of Lu Xun’ s translation theory and activities under the theoretical frame of Manipulation. As one of the most important controlling factors in translation process, ideology plays a crucial role in the manipulation of translation theories. At the same time, translation theories also have influence on socio-ideology. This thesis aims at discussing how ideology has manipulated translation theories in the case of Lu Xun with Toury’s translation norms and Lefevere’s manipulation ideas, together with Zohar’s discussion on the position of cultural translation.Translation can not be formed in vacuum environment. On the contrary, as a product of a specific social, cultural and historical background, it reflects the ideology and political ambitions of translators. Ideology manipulates translators’ theories from four aspects:motivation, attitudes towards dominant ideologies, original texts selections and translation strategies. Conversely, a translator’s theories also have impact on the social ideology and his readers’cultural consciousness. This thesis focuses on the discussion about the interactions among Lu Xun’s ideology, social ideology and translation theory. With the social characteristics of semi-colonization and semi-feudalism, Lu Xun’s translation theory has been stamped by ideology and politics. In the process of conflicts with other dominant ideologies, Lu Xun gradually formed his own unique ideology and systematic translation theory. In the viewpoints of Western Orientalism, he realized the deteriorated national qualities and the urgency of revolution. He had chosen lots of original texts from the oppressed countries, trying to arouse national consciousness of resistance. His adoption of foreignizing helped form baihua and new literary models in China. He contributed a lot to modern Chinese literary translation history.Ideology and translation are closely related. It is a nice try to explore new perspectives to study translation by taking "Manipulation" as a theoretical background to discuss ideological relationship between Lu Xun’s translation and society. The author hoped that this thesis could be a little help for understanding the essence of translation, the role ideology plays in the process of translation and especially the role translators play in translation practice, culture rebuilding and ideology transitions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

