

Research on Wind-Break Facilities of the Second Lanchow-Sinkiang Double-Line Railway

【作者】 黄尊地

【导师】 梁习锋;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新建兰州至乌鲁木齐第二通道为客运专线铁路,为我国首条通过大风地区的高速铁路,计划运营车速350km/h的高速动车组。线路全长1768公里,穿越大风地区总长度达500多公里,风区内大风频繁,风力强劲,路况复杂,大风对铁路列车运行安全及运输畅通构成严重威胁。客运专线列车运行安全情况以及弓网接触供电是否正常成为制约兰新第二双线工程成功的关键因素。为使高速动车组安全通过风区,必须开展风、车、路、墙、网等耦合空气动力特性和大风环境下列车运行安全研究。本文以数值计算为主,采用动模型试验和风洞试验结果作为验证,对设置防风设施后动车组气动特性、接触网处风速影响等进行数值计算,以此为基础进行不同路基高度上挡风墙的合理高度研究,防风走廊的合理外形研究等,得出结论:综合考虑动车组运行安全和弓网供电正常,平地和路堤上合理挡风墙的高度基本在3.5m~4m范围内,路堑上的合理挡风墙高度相对偏低,且路堤越高,最大防御风速越小;在环境风速超过挡风墙防御的风区,提出修建一种新型的半封闭式防风走廊,该防风走廊既能实现对列车和接触网的综合防护,又具有防沙功能,同时也不会产生隧道空气动力效应等不利影响,是一种理想的强风区高速铁路防风设施。研究成果为兰新第二双线路基防风设施设计提供了科学可靠的依据并已用于线路工程建设。

【Abstract】 The second channel from Lanchow to Urumqi, a line for passenger transport, is the first high-speed railway through strong winds region of our country, on which high-speed EMU runs with the speed of 350km/h. Its total length is 1768 km, with 500 km through wind region. Frequent and strong wind, complex road situation pose a serious threat on the running train safety and expedite railway transportation. It is the key element to constrain the success of the second Lanchow-Sinkiang double-line project whether the running train is safe and overhead contact wire above pantograph supplies power normally or not. To insure high-speed EMU security through winds region, research on the coupling air dynamic characteristics among the wind, vehicles, roads, walls, overhead contact wire etc and train safety must be carried out.This paper give priority to the numerical simulation, with the supplements of moving model test and wind tunnel test verification. Based on the numerical calculations about aerodynamic characteristics of EMU and influence on overhead contact wire after the wind-break facilities, the right height of wind-break wall in different subgrades and reasonable shape of wind-break corridor are researched. The conclusions are that:the reasonable height of wind-break wall on the ground and embankment is in the rangement of 3.5m-4m, but lower on the line below the ground, the higher embankment is, the smaller maximum defendable wind is; in the area where environment wind speed beyond wind-break wall’s defence, a new kind of semi-enclosed wind-break corridor is put forward to be bulit, and this wind-break corridor can not only provide comprehensive protection to the train and overhead contact wire, prevent the sand, but also make no adverse effects, such as tunnel aerodynamic effects etc, so it is an ideal wind-break facility within strong winds region for high-speed railway.Research achievements provide scientific reliable basis for the wind-break facilities design of the second Lanchow-Sinkiang double-line railway, which has been applied in the line construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

