

【作者】 伍波华

【导师】 费洪晓;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网应用技术的不断发展和企业信息化建设的不断深入,企业对数字资源管理、流程改造与知识共享等内容管理建设方面提出了更高的要求,尤其是在传统媒体企业走向互联网媒体企业的过渡过程中,基于互联网的内容管理建设显得尤其重要和迫切。专业网站内容管理系统的应用不仅能解决现有知识与内容管理方面的问题,而且能规范资源管理与控制、促进企业发展。本文从实际应用的角度出发,针对媒体企业信息化建设的特点,在深入分析研究各类大型门户网站的应用需求基础上,运用Web技术和相关数据库技术,研究分析基于B/S架构的网站内容管理系统的架构设计和关键技术。为了能满足“千万级”数据量的在线管理要求,同时确保用户对访问网站的速度要求,解决系统在应对大量并发请求时的可能遇到的高负载问题,提出一种前端应用与后台管理分离的系统结构设计,并结合模板技术、静态生成技术与前端动、静态缓存技术对数据负载进行分流处理。在安全性方面,重点研究因程序或系统设计缺陷而导致的各类注入攻击,注入攻击也是当今Web安全领域统计最多的安全事件。本文从系统设计和编程角度出发,在研究分析注入攻击原理的基础上,从数据获取和数据识别两个层面运用程序进行安全检测。在系统的灵活性与扩展性方面,以XML技术为基础,从有利于与其它网站或其它应用系统进行数据通信等方面,对系统进行可扩展性设计研究。通过对系统关键技术的分析研究与应用,实现网站内容管理系统能应对大量用户的并发数据请求而不影响系统后台的运行效率,基于XML的开放式数据结构能很好的与其它异构数据库系统进行数据通信,有利于系统扩展,同时,严格的数据获取与数据检测流程确保了系统数据的完整性与安全性。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of Internet application technologies and continuously deepened information construction of the enterprises, digital resources management, process improvement and knowledge sharing, building content management made a higher demand in enterprises, especially in the process of going from traditional media companies to Internet media companies, the construction of Internet-based content management is particularly important and urgent. The applications of professional website content management system platform can not only solve existing knowledge and content management issues, but also can standardize management and controls of resources, and promote enterprise development.From the practical point of view, the site content management system architecture and key technologies based on B/S are deeply studied and analysed with the application of web technology and related database technology, and that aims at the media features of the construction of enterprise information by deeply analyzing various major portals based on application requirements. In order to meet the "tens of millions" of online data management requirements and ensure the accessing speed requirements on the web for users, high-load problem which the system in response to a large number of concurrent requests that may be encountered is solved, then the system architecture design that make front applications separate from back management is advance, combined with template technology, static generation technology, front dynamic and static load on the data cache segregation. In terms of security, programs or system design flaws which led to all kinds of injection attacks is deeply researched, and attacks into the Web security is nowadays the largest security event statistics. From the perspective of system design and programming, safety testing procedures is used in two levels of access based on data from the data identify in the detailed analysis of the principles and various examples of injection attacks, In the system’s flexibility and scalability, the scalability of the system is designed study with XML-based Web site which is good for data communication with other webs and application systems. Through analysis and applications in key system technology, which make web content management system can easily cope with a large number of concurrent user requests for data without affecting the efficiency of the system background, and the open XML-based data structure can be very good with other heterogeneous databases data communication, which is conducive to system expansion, meanwhile a strict process of data acquisition and data recognition systems can ensure data integrity and security.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

