

【作者】 侯伟林

【导师】 刘宝举;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 土木工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 CRTSⅠ型单元板式无砟轨道是我国铁路客运专线(高速铁路)采用的主要轨道结构形式之一,其中的水泥乳化沥青砂浆垫层是该板式无砟轨道的关键材料,具有支撑、调整和缓冲协调的作用,其性能直接影响板式轨道结构耐久性和列车运行安全。因此,水泥乳化沥青砂浆的性能与质量是板式无砟轨道结构应用成败的关键,而乳化沥青的稳定性与质量又是确保板式无砟轨道结构中水泥乳化沥青砂浆充填层施工质量与使用性能的关键。因此研究SBS改性乳化沥青稳定性的主要影响因素是相当必要的。本文主要研究了乳化体系、贮运条件、生产工艺对SBS改性乳化沥青储存稳定性的影响。试验结果表明:(1)乳化剂的种类与掺量、稳定剂的种类与掺量,增稠剂的掺量、复合乳化剂、改性沥青种类以及皂液pH值等对SBS改性乳化沥青的储存稳定性有很大影响;(2)存放时间越长,乳化沥青的稳定性越差;存放时间相同,储存温度不同的情况下,储存温度越高,乳化沥青的稳定性越差;在同样的储存时间下,在实验室存放的样品的稳定性要比在交通车上存放的好;铝制容器存放的样品与塑料制容器存放的样品稳定性差别不大,但铁制容器存放的样品稳定性差;(3)胶体磨转速越大,SBS改性乳化沥青乳液中的沥青颗粒粒径越小,粒径分布也越均匀,生产出的乳化沥青储存稳定性越好;生产时改性沥青温度越高,得到的SBS改性乳化沥青的储存稳定性越好;SBS改性乳化沥青的储存稳定性随着皂液温度的升高,呈现先降低后升高的趋势;增稠剂、稳定剂等外加剂在内掺时对SBS改性乳化沥青的稳定性影响较好。

【Abstract】 China railway track system I (CRTS I) is one of the main type of the slab ballastless track structure in Chinese High-speed Railway. Cement and emulsified asphalt mortar cushion which provide functions on supporting, levelling, adsorbing and reducing vibrations is the key material of CRTS I. The performance of cement and emulsified asphalt mortar cushion will directly affect the durability of track structure and the security of trains. Therefore, the performance and quality of cement and emulsified asphalt mortar is the key to success or failure of the slab ballastless track structure application, and the quality and stability of emulsified asphalt is the key to the construction quality and performance of cement and emulsified asphalt mortar. So, it is quite necessary to study the main factors affecting the stability.This paper studies the effect of emulsion system, storage and transportation conditions, the production process on the stability of SBS modified asphalt emulsion.Results show that:(1) the type and content of emulsifier, stabilizer type and content, thickener content, compound emulsifier, modified bitumen and pH value of the soap have a great impact on the storage stability of the SBS modified asphalt emulsion;(2) The stability of emulsified asphalt becomes worse with the extension of storage time; When the samples are stored under different circumstances, but the storage time is fixed, the higher the storage temperature, the worse the stability of emulsified asphalt is; under the same storage time, the stability of samples stored in the car are worse than those stored in the laboratory; There is no difference between the stability of samples stored in aluminum containers and those stored in plastic containers, but stability of the sample which stored in iron containers are worse than those stored in aluminum containers and plastic containers.(3) When the colloid mill worked at a high speed, the particle size of SBS modified asphalt is smaller, and its distribution is more uniform, the stability of asphalt emulsion is better; A higher asphalt temperature is good to get a stable SBS modified asphalt emulsion; stability of SBS modified asphalt emulsion storage with the soap temperature, showing a trend first increse and then decreased; It is good to the stability of SBS modified asphalt emulsion to added thickener, stabilizer to the soap before producting.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

