

【作者】 田伟

【导师】 傅鹤林; 伍毅敏;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 土木工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水下隧道施工时,安全尤为重要。其中超前帷幕注浆和无工作室大管棚超前支护是有效的围岩加固手段,与此形成鲜明对比的是帷幕注浆和无工作室超前管棚研究的滞后,其究成果有限。因而对隧道开挖面帷幕注浆和管棚施工缺乏科学、合理、有效的指导,对注浆及加固效果,另外还造成人力、物力的重大浪费。针对隧道帷幕注浆和无工作室管棚支护技术,还有大量的工作需要研究,不少的问题亟待解决。为此本文结合长沙市科技计划项目(K0902027-11),以长沙湘江大道浏阳河隧道为依托,详细分析了帷幕注浆施工技术的理论和在浏阳河隧道中的具体实践,主要内容包括:1、研究了地表垂直注浆与水平帷幕注浆相结合的注浆方式,并提出了相应的注浆方案、参数、工艺、机械设备配套模式及注浆效果检验和评价方法。2、研究了钻孔注浆一体化注浆技术,保证了注浆效果,为类似地层的注浆堵水加固提供了新的处理方法和技术。3、研究了在掌子面施作“玻璃纤维锚杆”对掌子面进行稳定加固、控制超前核心土变形的稳定掌子面新技术。4、提出了无工作室大管棚快速施工技术,进行了管棚快速施工的机械设备配套研究、管棚施工工艺研究,并在现场进行了试验和应用,避免了扩挖管棚洞室带来的安全隐患,提高了大管棚施工质量,降低了工程成本,加快了施工进度。

【Abstract】 The security in underwater tunnel construction is particularly important, advanced curtain grouting and large-pipe-shed advanced support without studio are effective means of rock reinforcement along with the sharp contrast to the lag of these researches, however, the principles in the theory are quite limited. The lack of scientific, rational and effective guidance correspond to tunnel excavating, curtain grouting and effects the quality of grouting and engineering, furthermore, a larger wasting of human and material resources. To these problems, there are still a great deal of works and many problems need to be started and solved.Basing on Changsha Xiangjiang Road Liuyang River tunnel, This dissertation reseaches Curtain Grouting technology theory and concrete practice,the main contents include:1、The grouting methods are reseached and the corresponding grouting program, parameters, process, mechanical equipment,grouting tests and evaluation are mentioned.2、The technology of the integration of drilling and grouting is studied to ensure the grouting quality and provides new processing methods and techniques for the similar strata’s reinforcement.3、The new technology that "fiberglass bolt" is facilitied to ensure stability of tunnel face is researched.4、The technology of large-pipe-shed advanced support without studio is proposed, Machinery and equipment of large-pipe-shed and construction technology are researched and they are tested and applied in the field. These measures are reseached to avoid security risks, to improve the quality of large-pipe-shed construction, to reduce construction costs and to speed up the construction progress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

