

【作者】 朱新华

【导师】 黄方林; 李林;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 支架模板支撑系统以其施工简便、整体性好等特点在现浇桥梁施工过程中得到广泛的应用。但是,在应用中由于对支架系统的受力状况控制不当,容易发生支架倒塌事故,造成人员伤亡,带来重大的经济损失。本文以沧德特大桥跨石黄高速公路连续梁施工支架为工程背景,建立了碗扣式支架模板支撑系统的有限元模型,对支架系统的强度、刚度和稳定性进行分析研究,并对相应的路面和地基进行了承载力检算。主要工作及研究成果如下:1.介绍了本课题的研究背景和意义,概括了支架的应用及发展过程,总结了碗扣式支架的性能特点。2.用ANSYS通用有限元软件对碗扣式支架系统建立空间有限元模型,对模型施加合理的边界条件,进行强度、刚度和稳定性研究分析。计算结果表明碗扣式支架、I22b工字钢分配梁、贝雷梁、2I40b工字钢横梁以及钢管柱在各种荷载作用下均满足要求。3.对顶部开有槽口的钢管柱进行局部分析,经计算单根钢管柱的长细比小于允许值,稳定性满足要求;原设计方案单根钢管柱最大Von Mises应力大于允许应力,强度不满足要求,对其进行局部加强,改进后局部分析强度满足要求。4.对支架系统相应条形基础、公路路面和地基的抗压强度进行计算分析,计算结果表明其均满足承载力要求。5.对施工过程中的桥梁支架提出每跨预压和加强钢管柱局部稳定性的建议,应用到工程实际中取得了良好的成效。

【Abstract】 The falsework system is widely used in the bridge construction with its simplicity and good performance as a whole. While the improper control of the strength status of falsework system in the application will induce the accidents of falsework collapse and the personnel casualty, which brings a large amount of economic loss. Taking the construction scaffold of continuous beam for the Cangde Bridge acrossing the ShiHuang expressway as the engineering background, the finite element model for support system of cuplock joint scaffold is established. The strength, stiffness and stability of the scaffold system are analysed and the load-bearing capacity of the corresponding pavement and foundation is calculated and checked.The chief achievements are as follows:1. Briefly introduce the research background and the significance of the project, generalize the application and the developing process of the scaffold, and summarize the performance characteristic of cuplock joint scaffold.2. General finite element software ANSYS is used to set up the space analysis model for the support system of cuplock joint scaffold, in which reasonable boundary conditions are considered, and strength, stiffness and stability of the scaffold system are analyzed. The results show that under various of loads, the cuplock joint scaffold, I22b I-steel distributive girder, bailey beam,2140b I-steel cross girder and steel-pipe column all satisfy requirements.3. The pipe column with gap is locally analyzed. The results show that slenderness ratio less than permissible value, that is, stability meets requirements. The maximal von Mises stress of single pipe column for original design more than permissible value, strength does not meet requirements. After making the improvement, strength meets the local analysis requirements.4. The load-bearing capacity of the corresponding strip foundation, highway pavement and foundation are calculated. The results show that all of them satisfy requirements.5. The proposal that in the process of construction the scaffold of each span is preloaded and the local stability of pipe column is strengthened, is given, and it has achieved good results in engineering practice.

【关键词】 支架有限元分析强度刚度稳定性
【Key words】 scaffoldfinite element analysisstrengthstiffnessstability
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

