

Study on Wood Performance Impact of 3 Kinds Herbal Compound Agent

【作者】 吕爱东

【导师】 安珍; 王雅梅;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以连翘、黄连、蛇床子、苦参四味中草药的复方作为防腐试剂,通过生物抑菌圈实验,选择出对木材白腐菌--彩绒革盖菌(Coriolus Versicolor)和褐腐菌---密粘褶菌(Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers.) Murrill)抑菌效果最好的三种中草药复方,讨论其作为木材防腐剂的各项使用性能。本文的主要研究结果如下:(1)中草药复方制剂的选取:通过带毒培养基抑菌圈方法研究不同的复方制剂对木材白腐菌(彩绒革盖菌--Coriolus Versicolor)和褐腐菌(密粘褶菌---Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers.) Murrill)的抑菌效果,其中抑菌性能最好三剂复方分别为:白腐菌选择连翘和蛇床子,蛇床子和苦参,连翘、蛇床子和苦参复方,褐腐菌选择连翘和蛇床子,连翘和苦参,连翘、蛇床子和苦参的复方。(2)中草药复方制剂对木腐菌生长形态的影响:利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察中草药复方处理后两种木材腐朽菌菌丝生长形态的变化,发现两种木腐菌的菌丝均生长缓慢稀疏、扭曲成结、干瘪无弹性,菌丝短细而且畸形扭曲生长。(3)中草药复方制剂的室内耐腐性能及抗流失性能:选择杨木和樟子松为试验材料进行了三剂中药复方的室内耐腐性能研究,结果表明:中药复方对杨木和樟子松的耐腐等级都达到了Ⅰ级,失重率结果表明蛇床子和苦参的中药复方对白腐菌的抑菌效果最好,连翘、蛇床子、苦参的复方次之,连翘和蛇床子的复方最差。连翘和蛇床子复方对褐腐菌的抑菌效果最好,连翘和苦参的复方次之,连翘、蛇床子和苦参复方最差。选择樟子松为实验材料进行了三剂中药复方抗流失性能的研究,结果表明:连翘与蛇床子的复方和连翘与苦参的复方的抗流失性能是最好,连翘与苦参的复方次之,连翘和蛇床子复方的抗流失性能使最差。(4)中草药复方制剂对木材物理力学性能的影响:采用杨木和樟子松木材为试验材料,比较中草药复方制剂处理前后木材的MOE、MOR、木材的尺寸稳定性及表面接触角的变化,试验结果表明:经三种中药复方处理的杨木和樟子松的MOE值比未经处理的略有下降, MOR值比素材的有一定提高。经3种中药处理2种木材的的接触角比未经处理的略有上升,3种药剂变化基本相同但幅度非常小。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, we used Forsythia, Coptis, Cnidium, Sophora four compound herbs as preservative reagents,through inhibition zone by biological experiments in order to choose the best inhibition compound herbs to inhibit Coriolus Versicolor and Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers.) Murrill. Then we discussed the performance of the wood preservatives.The main results of the research are as follows:(1) Selection of Chinese compound herbal preservative. Through infected culture method, we research different compound preservatives to inhibit Coriolus Versicolor and Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers.) Murrill. Among of them, there are there best quality reagents. For the white-rot fungus, they are Forsythia and Cnidium, Cnidium and Sophora, Forsythia Compound Sophora and Cnidium. While for the brown rot bacteria, they are Forsythia and Cnidium, Forsythia and Sophora, Forsythia compound Cnidium and Sophora.(2) The influence of the morphology on wood-rotting fungi treated by Chinese herbal medicine. We used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to observe the morphology of mycelium, and found that two wood-rotting fungi hyphae showed slow-growing, sparse, twisted into knots, dry inelastic, and deformity distorted growth.(3) Indoor corrosion resistance and anti-loss performance of the herbal compound preservatives. Selected Poplar and Pinus sylvestris as materials, the results show that: both decay have reached the level of gradeⅠ. From the weightlessness rate, to the white-rot fungus, the best antibacterial is Sophora and Cnidium compound herbal, the better is Forsythia Compound Sophora and Cnidium compound herbal, and then is Forsythia and Cnidium compound herbal. While to the brown rot bacteria, the best antibacterial is Forsythia and Cnidium compound herbal, the better is Forsythia and Sophora compound herbal, and then is Forsythia Compound Sophora and Cnidium compound herbal.Selected Pinus sylvestris as the experimental materials, we research the anti-loss performance. From the test, we found that Forsythia compound Cnidium and Forsythia compound Sophora have the best anti-loss performance; Forsythia compound Sophora have better anti-loss performance; then the last is Forsythia compound Cnidium. (4) The influence of physical and mechanical properties on treated wood. Selected Poplar and Pinus sylvestris as materials compare some physical and mechanical properties before and after processing. Such as MOE and MOR, dimension stability and surface contact Angle. The results show that: the MOE value showed a declined trend after treated, while MOR showed an increase trend; the contact Angle increased slightly than untreated materials, and change of three kinds agents very small.


