

The Geological Characteristics, Ore-controlling Factors and Deposit Genesis of the W-Mo Polymetallic Deposit in the South of Huangshaping Mine, Hunan Province

【作者】 潘卓

【导师】 邵拥军; 龚述清;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 湖南黄沙坪矿区南部钨钼多金属矿床属于黄沙坪矿区301矿带的一部分,是该区重要的也是极具潜力的重要矿床之一。本文在对区域地质背景、矿区地质特征、成矿地质条件分析的基础上,开展了对该矿床成矿规律、矿床成因等方面的研究。论文主要包括以下内容:(1)本区与成矿有关的地层主要为石磴子组不纯碳酸盐岩和测水组砂页岩;出露构造主要为宝岭倒转背斜、近南北向断层F1、F2、F3以及近东西向断层F0;出露岩浆岩主要为石英斑岩、花斑岩、花岗斑岩及花岗岩;矿石类型主要为白钨矿辉钼矿磁铁矿萤石矿石、白钨矿辉钼矿萤石矿石等;矿石结构以粒状结构、交代结构、包含结构、填隙结构等为主,矿石构造以块状—团块状构造、条带状构造、浸染状构造、细脉状或网脉状构造等为主;围岩蚀变以萤石化、硅化、绿泥石化以及碳酸盐化为主。(2)矿区内岩体主要以浅部的石英斑岩和隐伏的花岗斑岩、花岗岩、花斑岩为主。矿区所有岩体SiO2平均含量为73.22%,Na2O+K2O平均含量为8.0,K2O/Na2O远大于1,显示出各岩体呈现出富钾的特征,里特曼组合指数在1.9~2.3之间,平均为2.1,表明本区岩体为钙碱性酸性岩。(3)探讨了地层、构造、岩浆岩与成矿的关系,认为地层以其有利的岩性、活泼的化学性质、优越的成矿空间以及隔挡屏蔽效应参与了成矿;接触带构造、断裂构造及层间破碎带构造是本区成矿的重要因素,控制了岩浆的侵位及其成矿岩体和矿体的形成和就位;燕山早期的花岗斑岩岩体与该矿床形成密切相关,是本区主要的成矿母岩。(4)根据矿物共生组合关系,认为黄沙坪矿区南部钨钼多金属矿床的成矿作用可分为两期四阶段,即矽卡岩期:早矽卡岩阶段(石榴子石、钙铁辉石、透辉石等);晚矽卡岩阶段(磁铁矿、白钨矿、透闪石、绿帘石等)。硫化物期:早硫化物阶段(黄铜矿、黄铁矿、石英、萤石等);晚硫化物阶段(方铅矿、闪锌矿、石英、方解石等)。(5)总结了该矿床的成矿规律,认为矿化蚀变水平分带从岩体到围岩为:钨、钼、锡、铋→铁钨钼(锡铋)矿→黄铜矿→(铜锡)锌(铅)矿→铅锌(银)矿→银铅锌矿;垂向分带为:浅部的充填交代型方铅矿—闪锌矿—硫铁矿→中上部的矽卡岩型(铁)闪锌矿—方铅矿—黄铜矿—硫铁矿—毒砂(伴生Ag、Sn)→中部的矽卡岩型磁铁矿—锡—萤石,矽卡岩型白钨矿、辉钼矿—磁铁矿→中深部的矽卡岩型白钨矿—辉钼矿—辉铋矿(6)在分析矿床成矿物质来源、控矿因素、成矿地质条件、成矿规律等的基础上,结合矿床地质特征,确立了矿床的综合成矿模式,并认为湖南黄沙坪矿区南部钨钼多金属矿床是与中酸性岩浆热液有关以接触交代作用为主形成的矽卡岩型钨钼多金属矿床。

【Abstract】 The W-Mo polymetallic deposit in the south of the Huangshaping mine of Hunan belongs to a part of ore band-301 of the Huangshaping mine. It is one of the important and potential deposits in this mine. According to the survey and research on the regional geological setting, the geological characteristics of the mine, mineralization geological condition, this paper mainly studies the deposit genesis and metallogenic law. The following are main contents:(1) The regional strata related to mineralization are mainly the Shidengzi group with impure carbonate and Ceshui group with sandstone and shale. The regional structures are the Baoling inverted anticline, near NS-direction faults of F1, F2, F3, and EW-direction fault of Fo. Igneous rocks exposed are mainly quartz porphyry, granitophyre, granite-porphyry and granite. Ore mineral assemblages are mainly composed of scheelite-molybdenite-magnetite-fluorite, and scheelite-molybdenite-fluorite. The ores have the granular, metasomatic, poikilitic, interstitial textures; and the massive-lump, banded, disseminated, thin veinlet or stockwork structures. Wall rock alteration types are composed of the fluoritization, silicification, chloritization, carbonation.(2) The igneous rocks mainly consist of hypabyssal quartz porphyry and concealed granitophyre, granite-porphyry and granite, which average SiO2 content is 73.22%, Na2O+K2O average of 8.0%, the ratio of K2O/Na2O much more than 1 (enriched with K2O), the Rittman index from 1.9 to 2.3(average of 2.1, belong to calc-alkaline-acidite magma).(3) The relationships were discussed between mineralization and strata-structure-igneous rock. The strata are helpful to the mineralization because of their favorite lithology, active chemical feather, good mineralization and storage space. The structures are the important control factors for the mineralization, which control the magma intrusion, rockbody and orebody formation and location. The Yanshanian early-phased granite porphyry should be strong related to the mineralization, and is the main resource rock of the mineral matter.(4) Abasing on the relationship of mineral paragenetic association, the mineralization of the W-Mo polymetallic deposit in the south of the Huangshaping mine can be divided into three stages and four phases.1) the skarn stage:early phase (garnet, hedenbergite, diopside etc); late phase (magnetite, scheelite, tremolite, epidote etc).2) Sulfide stage:early phase (chalcopyrite, pyrite, quartz, fluorite, etc); late phase (galena, sphalerite, quartz, calcite etc).(5) Metallogenic regularity were summarized, the results are that from intrusion to wall rock, the horizontal mineralization alteration banding are: W-Mo-Sn-Bi ore→Fe-W-Mo (Sn-Bi) ore→chalcopyrite→(Cu-Sn) Zn (Pb) ore→Pb-Zn (Ag)→Ag-Pb-Zn ore; vertical banding orders:in the shallow part the filling metasomatic galena-sphalerite-pyrite→in the upper-central part, skarn (Fe) sphalerite-galena-chalcopyrite-pyrite-arsenopyrite (associated Ag, Sn)→in the central part, skarn-type magnetite-tin-fluorite, skarn-type scheelite-molybdenite-magnetite→in the central-deep part, skarn-type scheelite-molybdenite-bismuthinite.(6) Based on the analysis of mineral source, ore-controlling factors, mineralization geological conditions, mineralization law and deposit’s geological characteristics, this paper has established a comprehensive mineralization models. This W-Mo polymetallic deposit belongs to the skarn-type deposit—ontact metasomatism related to midium acidite magma.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

