

Research in the Control Strategy Evaluation of the Whole Process Cost Management of the Highway Construction Project

【作者】 刘艳

【导师】 刘亚铮;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 造价管理研究的主要内容是造价的合理确定和有效控制,公路建设是一个复杂的、涉及多部门的、野外作业过程,这些为建设管理工作带了很大的不确定性,为造价控制管理工作带来很大的难度,其中最突出和普遍的就是“三超”问题,即概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算,导致工程造价失控。为了解决造价管理中的这一问题,本文提出了公路建设项目全过程造价控制方案评价方法。首先进行全过程造价管理文献研究,分析了全过程造价管理的理论性、科学性、实用性及其相应方法论研究的不足;及对价值工程应用于工程实践方面的研究,提出将全过程造价管理与价值工程相结合,通过方案优选实现公路工程建设项目的造价控制的思想;其次对公路工程建设项目造价管理理论进行分析,确定工程造价管理控制的重点,构建公路工程全过程造价管理方案评价模型。应用价值工程、模糊层次分析法对各阶段造价管理方案进行分析研究,确定工程建设的最优方案。同时为保证全过程造价管理的顺利实施,提出相应的保障措施。最后进行案例分析,通过组建价值工程分析小组,对投资决策方案进行功能分析,确定投资决策方案的主要影响因素,由专家对这些因素进行两两比较确定判断矩阵;针对方案影响因素设计问卷调查,确定影响因素的隶属度值,对拟建方案进行综合评定,选取价值最大的方案首先投资。实证分析证实了全过程造价控制管理方案评价模型在工程造价管理中的主动控制性与实用性,可以对工程造价进行有效的控制。

【Abstract】 The core of construction cost management is to make construction cost reasonable and control the cost effectively. Road construction is a complex project, involving multi-sectoral participation, the process of field work and so on. This make the cost management very difficult, one of the most prominent and popular is the "three excesses", including budget estimates over estimates, budget over budget estimates, actual budget over budget, project cost is always out of control. To resolve this problem, research in the control strategy evaluation of the whole process cost management is proposed.First of all, this thesis systematically analyses the basic theory of the whole process cost management and value engineering, then makes an systematic introduction of both domestic and foreign situation in this field. Based on the whole process cost management and value engineering, the analysis focus in various stages are identified. It also builds up an evaluation model which is suitable for the evaluation of different programs by using the approach of value engineering and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the whole process cost management, this thesis designs the corresponding measures.Finally, case study. First, establish a value engineering analysis group, perform functional analysis, identify the main factors and its membership. Then make comprehensive evaluation to the different program. Through the demonstration study, the active control and practicability of the evaluation model are proved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F542;F284;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】242
  • 攻读期成果

