

Research on the Establishment of Civil Issue Collection Procedure in China

【作者】 程毓

【导师】 牟逍媛;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 民事争点整理程序是指在审前准备程序阶段,当事人在法官的协助下,就本案事实、证据和法律适用方面的争议焦点进行整理和确定,并以此作为庭审核心的诉讼活动。庭审效率较低是现阶段我国法院普遍存在的问题,也是制约诉讼效率提升的重要原因,根据我国现行的立法规定和司法实践情况,我国现阶段审前准备程序以程序性准备为主,主要是告知当事人诉讼权利和义务,告知合议庭组成人员,确定开庭时间等事项,对于实体方面,为了避免法官形成先入为主的意见,保证裁判的公正性,审前准备程序对案件的实体性准备不做要求,持消极态度,使得现阶段法庭庭审往往无法一次审结案件,需要多次开庭,对庭审质量和诉讼效率造成较大的消极效果。民事争点整理程序通过事先明确诉讼双方的争执焦点,确定庭审范围,当事人可以针对前述争点做有针对性的诉讼准备,使得纠纷尽可能通过一次审理得到解决,进而提高庭审质量和诉讼效率。本文从民事争点整理的概念、和法理基础着手,对其基本知识做了简要的剖析和介绍,同时参考和借鉴了域外成熟的争点整理程序,结合我国的具体国情,提出在我国建立民事争点整理程序的基本构想。文章除引言外,共分5章。第一章主要介绍争点整理程序的概念、功能和价值等,并通过与相关概念,如诉讼标的、证据交换等进行辨析加深对争点整理的认识;第二章介绍了争点整理程序的法理基础,文章认为,集中审理主义、保障当事人诉讼主体地位以及诚信诉讼是民事争点整理程序的三大法理基石;第三章为域外考察,通过介绍其他国家关于争点整理程序的规定和做法,寻找出一些共同点和不同点,方便借鉴;第四章为民事争点整理程序在我国所处的现状的简单介绍,得出我国上没有民事争点整理的概念,仅证据交换具有初步的争点整理的影子;第五章是关于我国构建民事争点整理程序的设想,在这一章,笔者在民事争点整理程序的基础理论的基础上,结合我国现在的实际和国外的经验,提出我国应当建立民事争点整理程序,并就如何建立形成自己的见解。

【Abstract】 The issue collection procedure means that in pre-trial, with the assistance of the judge, the parties collect and confirm the issues on the facts, evidence and application of laws. And it is considered as the core of the trial. Low efficiency of the trial is a common problem in our country,and is an important constraint to enhance the efficiency of action. According to the provisions of existing legislation and judicial practice, the situation at the present stage of pre-trial is mainly focused on procedural-preparation, mainly inform the parties of litigation rights and obligations, to inform parties of members of the court, to determine the time of the court. With the respect of entity, in order to avoid the formation of pre-conceived views of judges and to ensure the impartiality of judges, trial preparation process of the preparation of the case is not required, and taking the negative attitude, which makes it impossible for the court to concluded the trial of cases by only one trial, multiple sessions are needed, the quality and effectiveness of the proceedings of the trial must suffer a greater negative effect.Procedure of civil issue collection can help to confirm the focus of the disputes and the scope of the trial before the trial, the parties can make sufficient preparation for the trial, which will help to improve the quality and efficiency of the trial. This article describe the concept of civil issue procedure, and the legal basis , the basic knowledge to do a brief analysis and description, and reference for the extra territorial mature strive for the procedure, combined with China’s specific situation, propose the basic idea of building the procedure of issue collection.The article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter introduces the concept,function and value of the procedure of controversy collection, and with the analyze with related concepts, such as the subject matter of litigation, evidence exchange, etc, to deepen understanding of disputes collection.The second chapter describes the legal basis of disputes collection. The CPS doctrine, protect the rights parties have as the subject of proceeding and the principle of action integrity are considered as the three basisThe third chapter is focused on the foreign systems. By introducing systems in other countries, we can find some common ground and differences which is easy to be learned.The forth chapter points for the civil issue in which the finishing process of the status quo in the brief, there is no civil issues collection in our pre-trial, only the exchange of evidence contains the shadow of issue collection.The fifth chapter is focused on the envisage of building the procedure of civil issue collection. In this section, the author in the civil collection based on the theory, combined with our current practice and foreign experience, make our country should establish a civil issue collection procedure, the author also give some suggestions on how to create and form our own procedure of issue collection.

【关键词】 民事争点整理诉讼协同
【Key words】 civil issue collectioncollaborative action

