

Research on Legal Issues of Container Demurrage

【作者】 顾恺超

【导师】 魏友宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 1984年以后,集装箱运输走上了稳定发展的道路,同时伴随着大量有关于集装箱的法律纠纷。其中集装箱超期使用费纠纷则是实践中极易发生的问题,但由于我国在法律层面上未对此进行规定,也缺乏相关的理论研究,导致在司法实践中出现做法不一的情形。故有必要对此问题进行深入的研究。本文结合了我国目前的航运实践与司法实践,对集装箱超期使用费纠纷的法律性质、适格当事人、数额的认定、诉讼时效及管辖权等主要问题进行了深入的分析。本文共分三个部分,导言、正文与结语。正文共分四章,包括集装箱超期使用费纠纷概述、集装箱超期使用费纠纷法律性质分析、集装箱超期使用费纠纷的适格主体、集装箱超期使用费纠纷的相关法律问题。导言介绍了集装箱超期使用费纠纷的现状,表明笔者研究此问题的目的所在。第一章初步介绍了集装箱超期使用费纠纷的基本情况,明确了集装箱超期使用费的概念与特征。特别对集装箱的整个流转过程做出了说明,并介绍了流转过程中涉及到的主要单据,以便后文的分析。第二章着力于分析集装箱超期使用费纠纷的法律性质。由于收取集装箱超期使用费一直以来被视为是一种行业惯例,故该费用的法律性质长期以来十分模糊。本文逐步对集装箱的法律性质、集装箱使用关系的法律性质与集装箱超期使用费的法律性质一一进行了分析。明确了集装箱使用费纠纷的法律关系是海上货物运输合同,集装箱超期使用费纠纷是海上货物运输合同项下的纠纷,是对于集装箱使用的特殊约定。本文特别对实践中普遍存在的货代公司与箱管公司签订集装箱使用协议的情况进行了法律分析。第三章本文主要分析集装箱超期使用费纠纷的适格主体问题,分别从原告主体资格与责任主体资格两个方面进行了分析。根据不同的情况给出了集装箱超期使用费纠纷中适格的当事人。第四章主要分析集装箱超期使用费纠纷下的几个法律问题,对集装箱超期使用费标准的效力、诉讼时效与管辖权进行了分析。结语是对本文内容的高度概括。

【Abstract】 Ever since the year 1984, container transportation has been on the road of steady progress, although large quantity of legal disputes arise along with, among which the most frequently confronted is the container demurrage dispute. Due to lack of legislative regulations and relevant research, discrepancy of judicial practice concerning container demurrage appears constantly. Thus, it is necessary to make a profound research on this problem.From a combined point of view of shipping and judicial practice, this thesis probes into several main legal issues concerning container demurrage disputes, as legal attributes, principal of right and duty, criteria of calculation, time limits of litigation and jurisdiction. The thesis consists of three parts, which are introduction main body and conclusion. The main body includes four chapters, respectively of which are an introduction of container demurrage, an analysis on legal attributes of container demurrage, the principals involved in, and certain legal issues relevant to disputes of container demurrage.The introduction gives a summary of the current situation of container demurrage, and states the aim of research on this topic.The first chapter introduces the general background of container demurrage, of which the concept and characteristics are defined. Especially manifests the whole process of the transition of container in international carriage of goods by sea, and makes introduction of the documents involved in the process aforesaid. The second chapter makes emphasis on analyzing the legal attributes of container demurrage, which are unclear during a long period of time since collecting container demurrage is generally accepted as an industry practice. In order to clarify, this chapter analyses the legal characteristics of containers, of relations involved in the usage of container, and of container demurrage itself step by step.Through in-depth analysis, it is concluded that the legal relation concerning container demurrage disputes is cocntractual relation of carriage of goods by sea, thus the dispute of container demurrage is a dispute under the contract of carriage of goods by sea. This chapter makes a typical analysis of the container usage agreement that commonly exists between cargo freight forwarders and container management companies in practice.The third chapter mainly explains the recognition of the principals in container demurrage disputes, respectively analyzing the qualification of the principal of the plaintiff and the subject of duty, clarifying the qualified principals according to different situations related to disputes arising from container demurrage.The forth chapter mainly discuss several legal issues regarding container demurrage disputes, and analyze the validity of the criteria of container demurrage collection, the time limits of litigation and jurisdiction concerned as well.The conclusion is a summary of the thesis, and provide several proposals on legislation regarding container demurrage.


