

A Review on the Incoterms 2010

【作者】 程方

【导师】 袁发强;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为了能够充分反映国际贸易的发展、适应新的交易需求,国际商会决定对现行的《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》(以下简称《通则2000》)进行修改。修改工作于2007年开始,经过长达近三年的时间,向一百三十多个国家商会及各界的专业代表收集建议和意见,在2010年落下帷幕《,国际贸易术语解释通则2010》(以下简称《通则2010》)已经正式公布并生效。新版本无论在语言上、结构上还是内容上都发生了巨大的变化,对贸易活动的指导性更强,使用起来也更加具有可操作性。本文以《国际贸易术语解释通则》(以下简称《通则》)本身的法律属性为切入点,对其历次修订的原因、变化进行整理总结,以此来论证国际商会修订《通则》所遵循的原则。然后以近十年来国际贸易领域发生的巨大变化为背景,详细介绍了新版《通则》,即《通则2010》的具体修订内容,并对其加以评析。最后,透过《通则》的发展,深入探讨其对国际贸易法统一化的推动作用。正文共分四章:第一章分析总结《通则》的修订原则。首先对《通则》的基本法律属性,即:性质、调整范围,进行论述分析,法律属性是国际商会多次修订《通则》却从未改变过的立足点。然后再结合历次修订的内容,论证《通则》修订的基本原则,及这些原则在国际商会制定《通则2010》中的具体作用。第二章主要介绍国际商会决定修订《通则2000》的背景,包括法律背景和实务背景。其中法律背景有:“船舷原则”的弊病越来越明显、码头装卸作业费调整规范的缺失、新的保险条款的生效。实务背景则主要是国际贸易领域的新发展。第三章在与《通则2000》对比的基础上,对《通则2010》最新修订内容的描述和评价。分为结构上的变化和内容上的变化,以及这些变化对买卖活动和买卖双方权利义务的影响。第四章则对《通则2010》的适用前景进行展望,探讨了《通则2010》在贸易术语领域内以及跨领域规则之间起到的统一化推动作用、给我国贸易活动带来的影响和各国商人在未来贸易活动中适用《通则2010》的分析。

【Abstract】 The International Chamber of Commerce decided to amend the current International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2000 (INCOTERMS 2000) to reflect the developments in international trade and to meet the new transaction demands. The work of amendment began from 2007 and INCOTERMS 2010 was published three years later after consulting the experts in several industries and the Chambers in more than 130 countries. The new version of INCOTERMS changed in the field of linguistic, structural arrangements and the contents as well with a stronger guidance and feasibility in the international trade activities.The paper is started with the legal nature of INCOTERMS and demonstrated the principals carried out by the ICC in amending INCOTERMS by analyzing the reasons and the changes of the previous amendments. Afterwards, under the background of the development in international trade in the last decade, the paper introduced and analyzed the amending parts of the new INCOTERMS in details. Finally, the paper explored the positive impact on the harmonization of international trade law brought by the developments of INCORTERMS.The paper was divided into four Chapters.Chapter one: Making the overview about INCOTERMS 2010. The paper started from the basic legal nature of INCOTERMS, including its nature, objects, which was the foothold of ICC in all the amendments to INCOTERMS. Following that, the paper demonstrated the principles of the amendments though the amending contents in the previous amendments and the important roles of the principles when the ICC amending the INCOTERMS.Chapter two: Introducing the background through the distortion of“the ship’s rail principle”, the shortage of provisions on“Terminal Handling Charges (THC)”and the validity of new insurance clauses from legal perspective and the new development in international trade from practical perspective respectively.Chapter three: Describing and analyzing on the structural and substantial changes for the new amended contents of INCOTERMS 2010 and the impacts on the trade activities and the rights and obligations of two parties therein on the basis of comparison with INCOTERMS 2000Chapter four: Making the prospect of the appliance of INCOTERMS 2010 by discussing the role INCOTERMS played in the harmonization process of the international trade law, the influence that INCOTERMS 2010 brings to China and the effect of the INCOTERMS 2010 in international trade activities in future.

  • 【分类号】D996.1;F740
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2050
  • 攻读期成果

