

【作者】 桑怡萍

【导师】 郭秀云;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,我国各级政府普遍重视并采取多种措施加强社会管理,取得明显成效。当前,我国正处于重要的战略机遇期,同时也是社会转型经济转轨的重要时期,人民内部矛盾凸显、刑事犯罪高发、对敌斗争较复杂,社会管理基础依然薄弱、管理手段和管理方式依然落后,社会管理机制依然不够健全、运行不够顺畅。党的十七大报告提出,要加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,完善社会管理,努力形成社会和谐人人有责、和谐社会人人共享的生动局面。创新决定平安度,创新决定竞争力。只有与时俱进,探索建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的社会管理体系,才能实现经济社会的协调、科学发展,满足人民群众的新期待、新要求。改革开放以来,中国社会不断经历着全面而深刻的变革,作为社会管理的重要职能部门,多年来,公安机关综合运用多种手段,加强社会管理工作,为打造平安和谐社会做出了巨大贡献。由于多种主客观因素的制约,公安机关在执法理念、管控能力、管理方式等方面还存在一定程度的不适应。社会管理创新是公安机关适应新形势、迎接新挑战的迫切要求。公安机关社会管理创新,就是仅仅围绕构建和谐社会的战略要求,注重从硬实力积累提升到软实力培育,牢固树立法治、服务、责任、效率等意识,建立完善多元化的社会治理、有效管控治安难点、矛盾纠纷调处化解及危机应急管理机制,从加强队伍建设、完善警务机制、坚持科技强警、密切警民关系等环节,切实推进公安科学发展,促进社会和谐稳定。本文在充分调研的基础上,以上海市公安局闵行分局牵头试行的“管理力量大整合、社会服务大集中、信息采集大平台、矛盾隐患大排查、社会治安大联防、行政执法大联动”的城市综合管理和应急联动机制为例,从公安机关社会管理创新的概念、内涵着手进行研究,客观分析当前社会管理存在的问题,剖析原因,继而提出相关对策,对公安工作服务社会管理具有较为普遍的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Chinese governments at all levels took various measures to strengthen public administration and achieved significant results in recent years. At present, China is undergoing its crucial stage and it is transition period of economies and social, with strategic opportunities and a time that meets the conflict among Chinese people, high rate of crimes and the complicated fight against enemies. There are many problems throughout the country, such as the weak social management foundation, backward management means, the imperfect social management system and its operations, etc.The report of the seventeenth National People’s Congress pointed out that we should work hard to create an active atmosphere of everyone responsible for and a part of a harmonious society by accelerating the social construction and management oriented with people’s livelihood. Innovation, in this case, means social security and competitive power. It is only by keeping up with the times, exploring and constructing a social management system adapted to the socialistic market economy system that can we realize a balanced and scientific development between economy and society to further meet the expectations and demands of Chinese people.Ever since the reform and opening-up policy, the Chinese society is constantly undergoing all-around and profound changes. As an important functional department, the public security organ has made enormous contributions to a safe and harmonious society by applying multiple means and intensifying social management work. For the restriction of both subjective and objective elements, the public security organs still is not so adapting itself to the idea of law enforcement, controlling competence, and management means, etc. The innovation of social management is therefore an urgent need for the adoptions to new situations and challenges. To be more specific, the innovative social management of public security organ means the following parts:focusing on the strategic needs of constructing a harmonious society, attaching importance to the elevation from the accumulation of hard power to soft power, building up the consciousness including law, service, responsibility and efficiency, creating a diversified social management, effective administration of certain difficult public security issues, settlement of conflicts and disputes as well as crisis management system. From strengthening team construction, improving the police system, sticking to science and technology at work, and intimately linking police and citizens, we will gradually promote the scientific development of public security organ and the steady and harmonious environment in the society.Taking the particular city integrated management and crisis system, which consists of integration of management power, concentration of social service, a platform of information collection, sourcing of conflicts, union of social public order and connective work of administrative law enforcement) by Min hang Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau as an example, the thesis aims to study form the concept and essence of innovative social management, analyze the problems and bottlenecks we are facing and then put forward certain measures that could possibly have positive impact on social management work of public security organs.

【关键词】 社会管理公安机关创新
【Key words】 Social managementPublic security bureauInnovation

