

Study on Light Distributing Characteristics Inside Apricot-wheat & Apricot-cotton Intercropping Systems

【作者】 包宛鑫

【导师】 潘存德;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 生态学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 采用加拿大Regent Instruments公司生产的WinSCANOPY冠层分析仪和英国Delta公司生产的SunScan冠层分析系统,在对杏与粮棉间作系统内的光分布特征、光分布时空窗变化和影响光分布因素观测的基础上,系统分析了光分布的日变化和时节变化规律,间作系统间作物光响应曲线和间作系统时空窗大小的关系及间作走向、树高、冠幅、树形等对光分布的影响。揭示了杏与粮棉在间作系统中光的竞争关系。得到以下主要研究结果:受杏树行遮阴的影响,杏与粮棉间作系统光合有效辐射(PAR)具有明显的时空变化特征。间作系统中间最高,从中间向两边逐渐递减;间作系统东侧比西侧先到达光合有效辐射最高值。5-8月,光合有效辐射时节变化呈由低到高再降低的趋势。在间作系统透光性上,不同株行距叶面积指数(LAI)均表现为随杏物候期(花期到果实成熟期)的推移呈上升的趋势,到果实成熟期后略有下降。天空开度(DIFN)随物候期逐渐减小,到果实成熟期后略有上升。自然开心形、Y字形和疏散分层形三种树形从展叶期到收获期的叶面积指数变化趋势为逐渐增大到果实成熟期后逐渐减小,天空开度逐渐减小到果实成熟期后逐渐增大。随着光合有效辐射的增强,冬小麦光合速率逐渐增大,到1000-1200μmol·m-2·s-1时达到光饱和点,棉花在1400μmol·m-2·s-1左右,高于冬小麦。随着杏树株行距的减小,树高的增加和冠幅的扩张,杏与粮棉间作系统间作物“光合有效辐射时空窗”逐渐减小直至消失。株行距1.5m×4m,树高5.1m、冠幅3.0m和株行距2m×4m,树高5.4m、冠幅3.4m的间作系统内没有出现棉花光合有效辐射时空窗。说明这两种株行距的光照条件不能充分发挥间作物的光合碳同化能力,无法满足棉花对光的需求。通过对影响杏与粮棉间作系统内光分布因素的分析,各指标的变化决定杏与粮棉间作系统内光分布情况。随着树高的增加,冠幅的扩大,透光率减小,杏树遮阴严重;株行距越大,透光性越好;由于太阳自西向东移动造成东西走向间作的受光远小于南北向。自然开心形、Y字形和疏散分层形三种树形在株行距、树高相同的情况下,平均冠幅越大,枝开张角度越大。其中枝开张角度疏散分层形最小,Y字形其次,自然开心形最大。透光性由大到小依次是自然开心形、Y字形和疏散分层形。

【Abstract】 In this experiment, in order to analyze the apricot-wheat & apricot-cotton Intercropping Systems light environment, space-time windows change and the factors that effect light environment, WinSCANOPY For Canopy Analysis made in Regent Instruments company(CANADA), SunScan For Canopy Analysis made in Delta company(UK) were adopted to analyse the rules in daily and seasonal variation of light environment, relationships between intercropping system crop light response curve and intercropping system space-time window size and the influence of intercropping trend, the height of the tree, crown width, the shape of the tree. It had revealed the competition relation of light in apricot-wheat & apricot-cotton Intercropping Systems. Get the following main research results:The influence of shade almond trees line by intercropping system, apricot and cotton photosynthetic available radiation(PAR) has obvious the spatial and temporal variation characteristics. Among the highest, from intercropping systems to both sides gradually diminishing among; East west intercropping system than photosynthetic available radiation to reach peak. From May to August, the PAR seasonal changes in a lower from low to high trend. Transmittance in the intercropping system, different spacing of leaf area index (LAI) are expressed as with the apricot phenology (flowering to fruit maturity) goes upward trend, to fruit maturity, decreased slightly. Sky opening (DIFN) decreased with phenology, to fruit maturity, increased slightly. Natural fun-shaped, Y-shaped, and the evacuation of three hierarchical tree-shaped leaf stage to harvest from the development of the leaf area index of the trend of change gradually increases to fruit maturity, decreases, decreases the sky opening to fruit ripening Period increased.Along with the increase of the PAR winter wheat photosynthetic rate increase gradually, to 1000-1200μmol·m-2·s-1 reached light saturation point, and cotton in 1400μmol·m-2·s-1, higher than winter wheat. With the decrease of the apricot planting spacing, tree height increase and crown width expansion, apricot-wheat & apricot-cotton intercrops of intercropping systems "PAR space-time Windows" reduce gradually until vanishing. Planting spacing 1.5mx4m, tree height 5.1 m, crown width 3.0 m, and planting spacing2mx4m, tree high 5.4 m, crown widths 3.4 m doesn’t appear PAR space-time Windows in cotton. Shows that lighting conditions of their cannot give full play to the photosynthetic carbon assimilation capacity to meet the light demand of cotton.The effect of apricot and cotton in intercropping system, the analysis of the factors that light distribution of each index changes with cotton decision in intercropping system apricot distribution of light. Along with increase of the tree height, expansion of canopy widths, decreases of transmittance, and apricot shading is serious; the larger planting spacing, the stronger PAR; As the sun moves from west to east east-west direction of caused by light intercropping is far less than that of north and south; In planting spacing and tree height under the condition of the same, three tree forms the greater canopy width, the larger spreading angle. The biggest of all is the open centre model, then the Y shape, and the smallest is the evacuation layered form, transmittance in descending order the max is open centre model, the second is Y shape, the minimum is evacuation layered form.

  • 【分类号】S662.2;S344;S181
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】154
  • 攻读期成果

