

Study on Canopy Structure、Photosynthesis Production and Nutrients Transfer Characteristics of Cotton in Apricot-cotton Intercropping System

【作者】 魏红国

【导师】 张巨松;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为探索新疆南疆果棉间套作模式下棉花的生长发育特性、光合生产、养分运移、产量及品质,于2010年3月至11月在新疆喀什市岳普湖县下巴扎乡7村5组分析研究了杏树与棉花间作对棉花生长发育、产量及品质等构成因素的影响,且对单作和间作条件下棉花的光合作用、冠层结构、植株地上部养分运移变化特点进行了比较详细的分析研究,旨为新疆粮棉果栽培提供理论依据。其主要试验结论如下:1.整个生育期间作棉比单作棉晚8 d;主茎日生长量间作棉为0.83 cm·d-1,单作棉为0.91 cm·d-1,打顶后,株高间作棉为58.01 cm,单作棉为64.51 cm;间作条件下,主茎节间伸长,始节高度上升,果枝长度中、下部间作棉大于单作棉,总果节数比单作棉低53.47%,结铃率比单作低6.99%;横向分布,间作棉内围铃占总铃数的58%,单作棉为67%,纵向分布,间作棉中部为31%,比单作棉低10%,中部结铃是棉花产量形成的重要因素;“三桃”比例间作棉为0.11:0.78:0.11,单作棉为0.26:0.67:0.07。2.与单作棉相比,间作棉LAI在盛花期前增长速度较快,间作棉在盛花期达到峰值,值为4.31,单作棉在盛铃期达到峰值,值为4.63;间作棉与单作棉的MTA随着生育期的推移在盛铃期达到最大,值为50°,使群体的DIFN增大,减小了光合有效面积,从而降低了其光能利用率;间作棉各部位的铃对位叶SPAD值均低于单作棉;在间作条件下,棉花的Pn与单作条件下的无明显差异、Ci高,GS大,从而Evap慢,致使Pn低,积累的干物质少,单铃重和产量随之降低。3.间作棉最大积累时刻(tm)N出现在出苗后77 d,比单作棉晚10 d,P2O5出现在79 d,比单作棉晚4 d,K2O出现在76 d,比单作棉晚15 d;间作棉最大积累速率N为3.02 kg·d-1,比单作棉低33.5%,P2O5为1.62kg·d-1,比单作棉低40.4%,K2O为2.06kg·d-1,比单作棉低58.6%;间作棉的养分积累持续期N为37 d,P2O5为33 d,K2O为63 d.4.间作条件下降低了棉花的衣分,期收获株数为18.34万株·hm-2,单株结铃数为3.6个,衣分38.6%,皮棉产量为1352.84 kg·hm-2,比单作棉低43.8%;在间作条件下,因光照时间少,温度低,使纤维合成慢,含量少,品质下降,总体间作棉的棉纤维品质低于单作棉。

【Abstract】 In order to study the growth and development characteristics of cotton,photosynthesis production,nutrients absorption and distribution,yield and quality under fruit-cotton intercropping growing model in south of Xinjiang,a experiment was conducted at Kashgar City Yuepuhuxian Bazaar Township,under Section 7, Village 5,form March to November 2010.This experiment had analysed the effect on growth and development of cotton,yield and yield components and fiber quality in apricot-cotton intercropping system,at the same time we also compared and analysed photosynthesis,canopy structure,the aboveground apart nutrients absorption and distribution,aimed at providing theoretical basis for grain/fruit-cotton cultivation in Xinjiang.The main experiment results as follows:1.The whole growing period of intercropping cotton was shorter than the solo cotton by 8 d;the main stem growth rste of intercropping was 0.83 cm·d-1,0.91 cm·d-1 for solo cotton, after head picking,the plant height of intercropping cotton was 58.01 cm,solo cotton was 64.51 cm; Under intercropping conditions,internode elongation,the high of first node rised,fruit branch length of the middle and lower of intercropping cotton were longer than solo cotton,the total number of fruit bites were lower than the solo cotton by 53.47%,boll ratio was lower than the solo cotton by 6.99%;In lateral distribution,the inner bolls of intercropping cotton was 58% of the total,67% for solo cotton,in the vertical distribution,the middle bolls of intercropping cotton was 31%,lower than the solo cotton by 10%;"three boll" ratio of intercropping cotton was 0.11:0.78:0.11,solo cotton was 0.26:0.67:0.07.2.Compared with solo cotton,LAI of intercropping cotton increased faster before full flowering stage,and reached the max value 4.31 at full flowering stage,but the LAI of solo cotton reached it’s max value 4.63 at full ball stage;The MTA of solo cotton and intercropping cotton increased with growth stage and reached the peak value 50.at full ball stage,which increased DIFN of cotton groups and decreased available area of photosynthesis so as to decreased the utilization efficiency of solar energy;the SPAD values of leaf that opposite the ball were lower than that of the solo cotton from bud stage to full ball stage;Under apricot-cotton intercropping conditions,the Pn of cotton had no significant difference between intercropping cotton and solo cotton,the Ci of intercropping cotton were higher,the GS were bigger,so as to slowed down Evaporation and decreased Pn and the individual ball weight and yield went hand in hand with the dry matter accumulation decreased.3.The nutrient N accumulation rates of intercropping cotton were fastest at 77 days after sprout,10 days later than solo cotton,The nutrient P2O5,accumulation rates were fastest at 79 days after sprout,4 days later than solo cotton,The nutrient K2O accumulation rates were fastest at 76 days after sprout,half a month later than solo cotton;The fastest nutrient N accumulation rate of intercropping cotton was 3.02kg·d-1,33.5% lower than that of the solo cotton,the fastest nutrient P2O5 accumulation rate of intercropping cotton was 1.62kg·d-1,40.4% lower than that of the solo cotton,the fastest nutrient K2Oaccumulation rate of intercropping cotton was2.06 kg·d-1,58.6% lower than that of the solo cotton;The nutrients N、P2O5、K2O fast accumulation of intercropping cotton individual lasted 37、33、63 days.4.Lint percentage had decreased under intercropping condition,the expected harvest plant number was 183400 plant·hm-2,balls per plant was 3.6,lint percentage 38.6%,lint yield 1352.84 kg·hm-2,which was lower than the solo cotton by 43.8%;Under intercropping condition,with the less sunlight,lower temperature,higher humidity,which slowed down the fiber combination and decreased the fiber quality.


