

Wetland Park Construction Based on the Ecological Restoration in Jiangxi Province

【作者】 张倬

【导师】 牛德奎; 郭晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 江西农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 湿地是地球表层最独特的生态系统和过渡性景观,是地球表层系统最重要的“物种基因库”,它与森林、海洋一起并列为全球三大生态系统。作为这样一种特殊自然综合体,具有其它公园绿地无法比拟的生态功能和景观功能。由于湿地公园的规划建设是针对自然生态环境而进行的,因而也是十分敏感的问题。目前,在规划建设领域还缺乏对湿地公园建设的系统性研究,本文将湿地公园的建设与生态学理论紧密结合,从江西省内各级各类湿地公园入手,探讨建设湿地公园的切实可行的方法。基于生态恢复理念,在以下方面开展了研究工作:1.运用资料分析法,以湿地公园作为研究对象,探索湿地公园规划营建的发展方向。2.以生态学为指导从自然景观资源保护和生态环境保护的角度,结合江西省湿地资源的现状,运用数据分析法,较为全面地论述江西省现有国家湿地公园和省级湿地公园在规划建设中出现的自然、历史以及经济因素等限制园区发展的各相关因子。3.结合江西国家级和省级湿地公园规划建设的实际项目,依据文献及数据,定性、定量的分析论述了江西省湿地公园的规划建设问题,即:湿地类型单一、功能划分不均、湿地植物现状堪忧等。4.结合案例及江西省内湿地公园的共性和个性问题对湿地公园生态恢复提出了规划建设的新理念和政策建议:①合理选择江西省湿地区位布局,明确划分范围;②从江西省湿地基底、水质、土壤三方面着手进行科学合理的水利工程建设,保障园区及其周边区域的可持续健康发展;③合理配置江西省国家及省级湿地园区内的湿生、水生植物资源,建立稳定、高效、生物多样性丰富的立体生态系统;④遵循景观空间要素的构成规律,对江西省湿地景观要素进行合理的布局与安排,构建富有特色的国家级湿地公园和省级湿地公园景观格局生态系统;⑤运用游憩理论、环境经济学理论、环境承载力等相关理论估算江西省湿地景区环境容量,指导江西省国家级湿地公园和省级湿地公园的生态旅游开发。

【Abstract】 Wetland is the unique ecosystem and transitional landscape,the most important "Species Gene Reserve" in the earth surface.It is classified as three global ecosystem with forest and oceans.As such a special natural synthesis,it has the incomparable ecological function and landscape function with the rest of green space.The wetland park construction is aimed at the natural ecological environment,so it is the sensitive issue.At present we are lack of systematic research in this field.Then this paper will try to explore the feasible way of wetland park combining ecology theory and the projects of wetland parks in Jiangxi province.The research work concerns the following aspects based on the ecological restoration:1.Using data analysis,the paper chooses wetland park as its object of research,exploring the developmental direction of wetland park construction.2.guided by ecology, the paper thoroughly points out the problems of national wetland park’s construction in Jiangxi province based on the protection of natural landscape and ecological resource.3.Combined with the actual project planning and construction, literature and data about provincial wetland park, it points out the characteristics of the construction based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis.4.The paper puts forward the new idea and construction planning policy suggestions:①Reasonable choice of location, clearly differentiate limits;②The wetland park engages the water conservancy project from the basement,hydrology,soil in order to ensure sustainable development;③Rational configuration of plant resources;④Reasonable arrangement of landscape elements;⑤Using the relevant theories,the paper Estimates scenic environment capacity in order to guide eco-tourism development of the national wetland park.


