

The Environmental Benefit Analysis of Classified Rural Waste Burned

【作者】 周颖

【导师】 赖发英;

【作者基本信息】 江西农业大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是一个农业大国,约有80%的人口居住在农村。随着生活水平的提高,农村生活垃圾的成分和产量不断增加,垃圾污染问题也越来越严重。为此,本文以兴国县高兴镇为例,通过对农村生活垃圾的产量和结构等调查,结合当地群众对垃圾处理的态度,运用层次分析法筛选出农村生活垃圾无害化处理的最佳方案。同时在高兴镇建立垃圾焚烧站,并且对其焚烧烟气进行环境影响评估。论文为农村生活垃圾无害化处理提供了新的方案,也为今后类似农村垃圾处理方式提供理论和实践依据。根据对村民的问卷调查,可知农村垃圾成分比城市垃圾简单,主要以厨余湿垃圾和干垃圾为主。厨余湿垃圾大部分都处理了,干垃圾基本不处理。随着生活水平的提高,村民环保意识越来越强。垃圾分类方面,村民绝大部分有分类处理的意识,但在行动方面做得不是很细致。为了了解兴国县农村生活垃圾产生状况,2009、2010年连续两年对兴国县高兴镇镇政府所在地高兴村和边远村庄老圩村的垃圾产量调查。根据调查结果,预计整个高兴镇人均每天产生湿垃圾33.09克·人/天,干垃圾23.695克·人/天,则每天产生垃圾量为56.785克·人/天,共计年产生湿垃圾621.2t/a,干垃圾444.8t/a,垃圾总量为1066t/a。为了进一步了解农村生活垃圾的组分和其相关物理性质,对垃圾进行组分、容重、含水率、灰分含量的测定。根据测定结果,农村生活垃圾物理成分主要为:有机植物、有机动物、纸类、塑料、灰土砖陶、纺织物、竹木和玻璃。含水率的平均值为72.226%;可燃物含量很高,平均含量为94.783%;根据计算结果,农村生活垃圾的低位发热值为2736.073 kJ/kg。干垃圾的低位发热值为5147.321kJ/kg。因此农村生活垃圾分类后,干垃圾的低位发热值完全可以达到垃圾焚烧的热值要求。结合兴国县的自然和社会因素情况、当地垃圾状况分析、研究区经济状况、当地环境质量状况以及研究区法律和政策等;四种垃圾处理方案的技术因素、环境影响、经济效益和社会;通过专家匿名打分法,运用层次分析法最终得出,垃圾分类焚烧法最终的权重值为0.2856,是最佳方案。根据评价等级划分,高兴镇垃圾焚烧炉大气环境影响评价等级为三级,直接以估算模式SCREEN3的计算结果作为预测分析依据。分析预测结果表明,垃圾未分类和分类后的焚烧烟气中各污染物的占标率小于1%,因此对周围大气环境质量影响都不大。将未分类和分类垃圾焚烧烟气进行比较:两种焚烧烟气的变化趋势基本一致。只是最大落地浓度对应的距离未分类垃圾比分类后垃圾要远,分别为315m和289m。垃圾分类后焚烧,不仅使垃圾低位发热值提高,更有利于焚烧,也降低了大气污染物的产生,减轻了垃圾焚烧对周围环境的影响。同时,分别计算其大气环境防护距离和卫生防护距离。卫生防护距离为50米,不需设置厂外大气环境防护距离,两者取其最大值,即垃圾焚烧炉的防护距离为50米。

【Abstract】 China is a big agricultural country, about 80% of the population live in rural areas. With the improvement of living standards, the rural living garbage composition and production increases, garbage pollution problem also more and more serious.Therefore, this paper make Gao xing Zhen of Xing Guo in Jiangxi province as an example. Paper on rural living garbage output and structure of masses, combining local investigation garbage attitude, using ahp rural living garbage disposal were the best scheme. At the same time glad that the town establish waste incineration station, and its environmental impact assessment incineration flue gas. Papers for rural living garbage processing provides a new program, but also for future waste disposal in rural areas provide a similar theoretical and practical basis.According to a survey of villagers, we can see that municipal waste is more complex than the rural waste, The component part of rural life garbage mainly is kitchen wet waste and dry waste. Most of kitchen wet waste was treatmented, but dry waste almost was not processed. With the improvement of living standards, the villagers’ environmental awareness is more and more strong. most villagers have consciousness of garbage classification, but waste classification was not so careful.In order to know the output of rural life garbage in Xingguo village, between 2009 and 2010,we investigate the output of rural life garbage at Gaoxing country where Xingguo village’s government seat.The other investigated country is Laoxu country which is far away from the village. According to the survey, we predict in Gaoxing country everyone produce wet waste 33.09 grams everydays and dry waste 23.695 gram everydays, so the output of garbage is 56.785 grams per capita everydays. Amount to onel year, Gaoxing country produced wet waste 621.2 t/a, dry waste 444.8 t/a, garbage total 1066t/a.In order to learn more about the rural life garbage composition and its relevant physical properties,we checkout the waste fractions, bulk density, moisture content, ash content. According to the dating results, rural life garbage physical composition mainly about: organic plant, organic animals, paper, plastic, plaster brick of pottery, textiles, wood and glass.The average moisture content is72.226%.The burnable content is high,it attain 94.783%. According to the calculated results, the low calorific value of rural life garbage is 2736.073 kJ/kg. The low calorific value of dry compost is 5147.321 kJ/kg.dry mixed waste can be achieved low calorific value calorific value of waste incineration requirements.Combined with the natural and social factors master in Xingguo village, local waste condition analysis, research area economic conditions, local environment quality conditions and distribution law and policy, etc; four kinds of garbage disposal scheme technical factors, environmental impact, economic benefit and social; through expert anonymous scoring method, AHP to work out, garbage incineration is the final weight of 0.2856, is the best option.According to monitor the project evaluation hierarchies, Gaoxing country waste incineration flue gas atmospheric environmental impact assessment rating for the level 3, directed by calculating results of estimating model as forecast analysis basis. Analysis and forecasting results show that the accounted for standard rate of each pollutant in the unclassified and classified waste incineration flue gas is lesser than 1%, therefore the impact on the surrounding air quality is not great.The unclassified and classified waste incineration flue gas were compared:the changing trend of burn gas basically the same. But the largest concentration of landing distance of unclassification garbage is far more than classification garbage, respectively 315m and 289m.For classification garbage,it not only enhance the low calorific value of garbage and is more advantageous to burn,but also reduce atmospheric pollutants, reducing waste incineration impact to surrounding environment.At the same time,we calculated the atmospheric environmental protective distance and health protection distance. Health protection distance of 50 meters, without setting the atmospheric environment outside the plant protection zone, whichever is maximum, that is, protection from the incinerator is 50 meters.


