

The Present State of High Education’s Work-study Programs and Its Innovation Research

【作者】 朱晓东

【导师】 刘步英;

【作者基本信息】 江西农业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 勤工助学是高校学生资助体系的重要组成部分,是高校实施素质教育、培养高素质复合型人才的重要途径,也是大学生解决生活困难问题和精神困乏问题的重要保障。从高校勤工助学的现状分析,高校勤工助学存在管理体制不够完善、国家勤工助学政策落实不力、育人功能不够突出、助学岗位供给不足、学生权益缺乏制度保障、学生对勤工助学认识存在偏差等问题,在一定程度上制约了高校勤工助学的发展,也影响了高校勤工助学的工作质量。在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》启动实施和高等教育内涵建设稳步推进的背景下,系统总结高校勤工助学的成功经验,探求高校勤工助学的内在规律,探索高校勤工助学的工作思路,构建结构合理、功能齐全的高校勤工助学体系,具有重要的现实指导意义。本论文在查阅、综合分析国内外研究资料的基础上,结合笔者从事高校学生教育与管理的实践,对高校勤工助学的相关概念、发展历程、内在规律以及当前高校勤工助学存在的主要问题进行了分析研究,并按照科学发展观的要求,提出了高校勤工助学改革发展思路。本文主要由六章组成:第一章,本课题研究的主要内容、目的意义、重点难点、研究思路和创新之处;第二章,勤工助学、勤工助学体系、勤工助学政策依据等相关概念;第三章,高校勤工助学的发展历程,高校勤工助学发展的内在规律和基本特点;第四章,当前高校勤工助学基本状况和存在的主要问题;第五章,提出了由“管理体系、运行体系、服务体系、保障体系”等四个子体系构成的高校勤工助学改革发展思路;第六章,概述了研究的结论和主要观点,提出了今后进一步拓展研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Work-study financial aid system for college students is an important part of the students’ funding systems for colleges and universities. It is not only the way for the implementation of quality education, the training of high quality comprehensive personnel; but also an essential guarantee to solve difficult problems of life and spirit weary for college students. From the analysis of the present work-study financial aid system in universities, a lot of problems arise, namely, the imperfection of the management system; the weak implementation of the state’s funding policies; the poor educational function; the short supply of the work-study posts; the lack of institutional protection of the interests of students; and some students’biased recognition of the aid system etc. To a certain extend, they have restricted the development of the college work-study programs and endangered the work validity of this area. On the background of the start-up of the "national long-term development compendium for education reform and progress" and the steady advance of systematic construction of higher education, summarizing the successful experience of college work-study programs; exploring the inherent laws of them;probing the work methods of college work-study systematically will have important practical significances in building a reasonable structured, full-featured system for college work-study programs.This thesis, based on comprehensive analysis of the research data both inland and outland, combined with my personal experience in education and management of higher education, analyses the related concepts, development history, internal rules and the current major problems in the work-study financial aid system. And in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, I propose my point of view on the reform and development of university work-study programs.This thesis is made up of six chapters. The first chapter:the main contents of this research:the purpose and its’significance; the key points and difficult aspects of the research; my investigating methods and innovations. The second chapter:the related concepts concerning the work-study financial aid program, its system and the policy basis. The third chapter:the development, inherent laws, basic features of the college work-study programs. The fourth chapter:the current basic state and the main problems of college work-study programs. The fifth chapter:I put forward to the innovation and development idea of the college work-study programs based on the following four subsystems:management system, operation system, service system, guarantee system. The sixth chapter outlined the main points of the research and proposed future research directions for further development.


