

Study on Applying Sewage Sludge to Petunia Hyhrida Vilm Planting

【作者】 陈文姬

【导师】 赖发英;

【作者基本信息】 江西农业大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用南昌市青山湖污水处理厂污泥作为基质,种植观赏性植物——矮牵牛探索性的从园林利用价值的角度出发,对于污泥的合理利用加以实践。研究在污泥添加量不同的情况下,矮牵牛的生长状况和矮牵牛对重金属富集的规律,以及污泥园林利用带来的环境影响。希望以此来实现降低处理城市污泥的成本,同时又能产生一定的经济效益的目的,为城市污泥利用的研究提供依据。本文在分析青山湖污水处理厂污泥基本性质的基础上,以污泥、木屑、煤渣的不同体积配比,设计了六个处理和一个对照样:污泥+木屑+煤渣(1:1:1)、(2:2:1)、(2:1:1)、(3:1:1)、(3:2)、(3:2);对照样:园林土壤。六个不同处理经堆肥后,进行盆栽试验,经过一定的生长周期,测定基质土壤中Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb、Cr含量以及矮牵牛生长状况指标。通过浸出试验和盆栽试验,探讨了不同污泥投加量对环境的影响及在园林利用中的可行性。取得的主要结论如下:(1)生污泥与木屑、煤渣混合堆肥后,不同基质土壤中的速效N、P、K及有机质含量与对照样园林土相比,都显著性增加了,表明污泥有利于提高基质土壤的肥力。且基质土壤中重金属的含量会随着污泥施加量的增加而增加,但都未超过《城镇污水处理厂污泥处置园林绿化用泥质》(CJ248-2007)标准限值。并且通过变异系数的分析,表明基质土壤诸多性状方面变异十分丰富,可以通过投加适当的污泥量使得这些性状获得不同程度的提高。通过相关性分析,可知,基质土壤诸多性状当中彼此之间存在着相互制约的关系,只有使其达到一定的平衡,才能使基质土壤的综合性能最佳。(2)通过对矮牵牛生长情况的监测表明,污泥堆肥施加量与矮牵牛生长之间存在剂量效应关系。在一个生长期内,矮牵牛在基质土壤3中生长发育最好。当矮牵牛在基质土壤4中种植时,其生长受到抑制。同时,对照组园林土壤中营养物质缺乏,矮牵牛长势不良。并通过相关性分析可知,矮牵牛生长与污泥中的速效N、速效P、速效K存在显著相关性。(3)重金属Zn和Cu在植物体内的富集比较有规律,随着污泥施加量的增加,矮牵牛体内的富集量也随之增大,且差异性显著。对于Cd、Pb和Cr,随着污泥施加量的增加,矮牵牛体内的富集量也随之增大,但当污泥施加量所占体积超过50%时,富集能力到达极限。通过对富集系数的计算,得出矮牵牛对Zn的富集效果最好,但矮牵牛对不同重金属Cu、Zn、Cr、Pb、Cd的富集能力差异不显著。(4)基质土壤种植完矮牵牛后,土壤中残留重金属含量随污泥施加量增加而增加,但均符合《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)中三级标准。通过残留率的求得,可知Pb、Cd和Cr的残留率明显高于Cu和Zn。且对照样园林土壤中的金属Pb、Cd和Cr残留率最高。除对照组外,随着基质土壤中城市污泥含量的增加,基质土壤中的金属Zn和Cu残留率逐渐下降。基质土壤中Pb、Cd和Cr的残留率不完全随添加量的变化而变化,但是当基质土壤中污泥量含量最大时,残留率最大。并通过相关性分析可知,Pb、Cu、Zn、Cr、Cd在基质土壤中残留量的相关性都较显著,这说明这几种元素存在着复合污染。(5)浸出实验的结果表明,基质土壤中浸出的重金属浓度随着基质土壤中城市污泥的添加量的增加而浓度也随之增加,但均都低于《危险废物鉴别标准——浸出毒性鉴别》(GB5085.3-1996)中的浸出毒性鉴别值,对环境造成影响较小。通过浸出率的求得,可知,在城市污泥园林利用中,重金属对环境造成污染的潜在性由大到小排列顺序为Cu>Zn>Pb>Cr>Cd。

【Abstract】 This article use the Qingshanhu Sewage treatment plant sludge as the matrix planter ornamental plant—Petunia hyhrida Vilm, exploring from gardens value angle embarking,practices regarding the sludge reasonable use. Research under the different sludge exerts the quantity, Petunia hyhrida Vilm’ growth situation and the rule of heavy metal concentrates,and sludge using in gardens bring environmental influence. The hope realizes by this reduces processes the urban sludge the cost,simultaneously can have certain economic efficiency goal,and provide gist for urban sludge use.This article on the basic of analyse the Qingshanhu Sewage treatment plant sludge’s basic character,use different volume proportion of sludge compose to wood chips,cinder, designed under six different processing and one comparison:sludge, sawdust, cinder (1:1: 1)、(2:2:1)、(2:1:1)、(3:1:1)、(3:2)、(3:2); the comparison:garden soil. Six different processing after composted, potted plant experimentation,by stated growth cycle, mensurate Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb、Cr content and Petunia hyhrida Vilm’s growth status index.Via lixiviate experimentation, and potted plant experimentation, discuss under different processing’s sludge employment quantity to environmental’s influence,and using in garden’s feasibility. The main experimental results and conclusions as follows:(1) Raw sewage sludge and wood chips, cinder, after composting, the different soil compared with garden soil,available N, P, K and organic matter content, all increased significantly, indicating that the sludge can improve fertility of the soil. And heavy metals in the soil will be imposed as the sludge increases, but none more than "municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge disposal landscape with mud" (CJ248-2007) standard limit. And through the analysis of coefficient of variation, that variation of soil is very rich in many traits, can through the addition of appropriate amount of sludge makes these traits with varying degrees of increase. Through the correlation analysis, we know that many traits in soil exists the relations of mutual restraint, in order to make the best comprehensive properties of the soil, no other than to reach a certain balance.(2) By monitoring the growth of Petunia hybrida showed that the amount of sewage sludge composting and petunia growth exist dose-response relationship. In a growth period, development of petunia in the soil 3 was the best. When petunia planted in the soil 4, its growth was inhibited. Meanwhile, the CK group, lack of nutrients, lead poor growing. And through the correlation analysis shows that petunia growth and available N, available P, available K in sludge were significantly correlated. (3) Heavy metals Zn and Cu accumulation in plants is relatively routine, with the the amount of sludge increased, the amount of enrichment in petunia body also increased, and the difference is significant. For Cd, Pb and Cr, with the amount of sludge increased, the amount of enrichment in petunia body also increased, but the amount of sludge applied the volume occupied by more than 50%, the enrichment capacity to the limit. Through count enrichment coefficient, petunia obtained Zn was best, but the petunias to different heavy metals Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Cd accumulation ability was not prominence.(4) After the soil plant petunia, the soil with the amount of sludge applied increased,heavy metals in the residue increased, but in line with "soil environmental quality standard" (GB15618-1995) in Grade III. Through the residual rate counted, we know that Pb, Cd and Cr was significantly higher than Cu and Zn. And the garden soil on the metal Pb, Cd and Cr’s residues rate was the highest. In addition to the comparison, with the content of municipal sewage sludge in soil increased, the soil in the residual rate of metal Zn and Cu decreased. Pb, Cd and Cr of the residual rate is not entirely content with the changes to add, but when the content of the soil in the largest quantity of sludge, the residual rate was the highest. And through the correlation analysis shows that, the correlation of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd residues in the soil is more prominence, indicating that there are several elements exist complex pollution.Leaching experiment results show that the leaching out heavy metal’s concentration increased, with the addition of sewage sludge increased, but all were below the leaching out toxicity standard of "Identification standard for hazardous wastes-Leaching Toxicity identification" (GB5085.3-1996), the environment little impacted. Obtained by leaching rate, we can see that the use of city sludge in gardens, descending order of heavy metal potential pollution on the environment,for the Cu>Zn>Pb>Cr>Cd.

  • 【分类号】X703;S681.6
  • 【下载频次】121

