

Planning of Stone Forest Scenic of Wujiang River Karst National Geopark in Guizhou Sinan

【作者】 张宏超

【导师】 曾克峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着旅游业的发展,旅游者已经不满足名山大川的观光旅游,人们的旅游需求日益多样化,开发新的旅游资源以保证旅游业的可持续发展已成为人们热切关注的问题,地公园应运而生。地质遗迹资源是地球在漫长的演化过程中留下的珍贵的不可再生资源,具有很高的科学、科普价值。如何正确的做好地质公园的建设规划工作已成为景区管理者和游客普遍关注的问题。建立国家地质公园一方面可以有效地保护地质遗迹资源,另一方面可以将其作为旅游景观进行开发,不仅体现了其科研、科普价值,而且具有很高的经济开发价值,可以促进当地的经济增长。但是地质公园在规划的过程中存在很多问题,有的在规划过程中过分体现其科学价值,造成地质遗迹资源开发过度,忽视了地质遗迹保护;有的在规划过程中追求经济价值,注入了过多的景观以及产品开发,忽视了地质遗迹保护,未能体现地质公园本质特征,存在的这些问题都会影响地质公园的可持续发展。如何处理好保护与开发的关系,体现“在保护中开发,在开发中保护”的原则,是地质公园规划过程中最值得注意的问题。为了避免其在规划过程中出现上述问题,本文针对性的提出了一套石林景区规划体系,用可持续发展的理念指导地质公园的规划,在保护好地质遗迹资源的基础上,对全民进行地学知识的普及,同时促进思南经济的发展,对于指导贵州思南乌江喀斯特国家地质公园其他景区的规划也具有重要的意义。本文运用的研究方法主要包括:运用定性与定量分析(AHP分析法)相结合的方法对石林景区地质遗迹资源进行了合理的评价;运用环境容量静态模型对石林景区环境容量进行了详细的测算;运用Logistic模型对石林景区旅游客源市场进行了预测与分析。本文依据地质公园规划的原则,选取贵州思南乌江喀斯特国家地质公园石林景区为研究对象,在对石林景区地质遗迹资源做了详细、系统的调查评价的基础上,提出了石林景区规划体系,并针对其自身的特点和存在的问题,提出了石林景区可持续发展对策。全文共分为五章,其主要的研究内容如下:第一章为绪论,简单的介绍了选题的背景、研究意义、研究思路、方法和技术路线。对本文的总体框架有了基本的了解。第二章为地质公园概况及相关研究。主要介绍了地质公园的相关概念、国内外研究现状,以及地质公园规划的学科基础、原则、存在的差异。第三章为石林景区规划体系研究。具体内容包括研究区概况、地质遗迹资源的调查及评价、功能分区规划、道路交通和游赏线路规划、科普服务设施规划、环境容量测算、客源市场预测与分析、地质遗迹保护规划、旅游产品规划。第四章为石林景区可持续发展对策。主要从地质遗迹保护、景区管理工作、景区营销策略三个方面提出可持续发展对策。第五章为结束语。根据前几章的分析结果以及石林景区存在的问题,对本文的研究结果进行了总结。依据地质公园规划的原则、宗旨等提出了石林景区开发规划体系。规划体系主要包括:研究区概况、地质遗迹资源评价、功能分区规划、道路交通规划、科普服务设施规划、环境容量测算、客源市场预测与分析、地质遗迹保护规划、旅游产品规划。通过对石林景区的旅游资源进行全面、系统的调查和分析,运用定量、定性相结合的评价方法对石林景区地质遗迹资源进行了合理的评价,评价结果表明石林景区地质遗迹资源具有很高的科学、科普、美学、经济开发价值,属于全国性地质遗迹资源,符合贵州乌江喀斯特国家地质公园目前的状态。通过对石林景区空间环境容量、生态环境容量、经济环境容量、心理环境容量进行合理的测算,得出石林景区环境容量旺季日容人量为7298人,淡季为3649人,年环境容量为182.45万人,这一测算结果符合石林景区目前规划建设的现状。运用Logistic模型,在不超出环境容量的基础上对石林景区的旅游客源数和发展趋势进行了预测,将石林景区游客数量增长划分为起步增长阶段、快速增长阶段、缓慢增长阶段、接近环境容量阶段,对开发过程中的基础、服务、交通设施的建设以及游客管理方案的确定具有很重要的意义。针对石林景区自身的特点、开发现状、存在的问题,从地质遗迹保护、景区管理、景区营销三个方面提出了石林景区可持续发展对策。石林景区在远期开发建设阶段还是有很大的发展潜力,具备了可持续发展的条件。

【Abstract】 With the development of tourism, sceneries tourism has failed to meet tourist, people’s travel needs are more and more diversified, development of new tourism resources to ensure sustainable development of tourism has become issues of great concern, geological park is produced in this background. Geological heritage resources are the precious non-renewable resources earth left in its long evolution, which have high scientific and scientific value. How to do the right geological park construction planning have become the issues of common concern of tourist scenic spot management and tourist.Establishment of a national geological park on the one hand can effectively protect the geological heritage resources, on the other hand can be developed as tourist attractions, not only with research, science value but also with high value economic development and it can promote local economic growth. But there are many problems in the planning process of the geological park, some of them over-expression of its scientific value in the planning process, resulting in over-development of geological heritage resources, destruction of the geological heritage resources; some of them the pursuit of economic value, adding too much of the landscape and product development in the planning process, ignoring the geological heritage protection, failed to reflect the essential characteristics of geological park, the existence of these problems will affect the sustainable development of Geoparks. How to deal with the relationship between protection and development, reflected "in the protection of the development, in the development of protection" principle, is the most worthy of attention in the planning process of a geological park. In order to avoid the above problems occur in the planning process, this paper proposed a set of targeted planning system of Stone Forest Scenic Spot, guided geological park planning with the guidance of the concept of sustainable development, based on the protection of geological heritage resources, universal to knowledge for all, while promoting economic development Sinan, for the guidance of the Wujiang River in Guizhou Karst National Geopark Sinan other area of planning is also of great significance.In this paper, the research methods include:using qualitative and quantitative(AHP) analysis methods to assess the geological heritage resources of Stone Forest Scenic Spot; using the static model of the application of environmental capacity, by analyzing the space environment, economic environment, ecological environment, residents of psychological endurance capacity, measured the environmental capacity of Stone Forest Scenic Spot; using the Logistic model to predict and analyze the tourism market of the Stone Forest Scenic Spot Forecast.This article is based on the principle of geological park planning, select Stone forest scenic of Wujiang River Karst National Geopark in Guizhou Sinan as the research object, detailed and systematic investigation and assessment of the geological heritage resources in Stone forest scenic, and on this basis, Planning system proposed in Stone forest scenic, and for its own characteristics and problems, proposed Stone forest on the sustainable development.This article mainly includes the following:The first chapter foreword, brief introduction is made to the topics of the background, significance, research ideas, methods and technical line. The overall framework of this article has been understood.The second part introduces the Geopark overview and related research. It mainly introduces the concepts of geological park, status of abroad and domestic research, and the basic subject of geological park planning, planning principles of geological park, the existing differences.The third part introduces planning system of Stone forest scenic. It includes the overview of the study area, geological heritage resource assessment, function planning, road transport and travel rewards route planning, popular service facilities infrastructure planning, environmental capacity estimates, forecasts and analysis of source markets, geological heritage conservation planning, travel product planning.The fourth part introduces countermeasures of sustainable development in Stone forest scenic. This paper proposes measures for sustainable development from the three aspects which include the protection of geological heritage, scenic area management, and scenic spot development.The fifth part introduces conclusion. According to the analysis of previous chapters and the problems of the Stone Forest Scenic Spot, the results of this study are summarized.This Paper puts forward the planning system of Stone Forest Scenic Spot development according to the geological park planning principles, objectives. The planning system include:the overview of the study area, geological heritage resource assessment, function planning, road transport and travel rewards route planning, popular service facilities infrastructure planning, environmental capacity estimates, forecasts and analysis of source markets, geological heritage conservation planning, travel product planning.By comprehensive and systematic investigation and analysis of the tourism resources of Stone Forest Scenic Spot, this paper evaluate the geological heritage resources of Stone Forest Scenic Spot by qualitative and quantitative evaluation method combining, evaluation showed that the Stone Forest Scenic Spot geological heritage resources with high scientific, science, aesthetics, economic development value, it is a national geological heritage resources, and it meets the current state of Wujiang river karst national geopark in Guizhou Sinan.By reasonable estimating the capacity of the space environment, ecological environment, capacity, capacity of the economic environment, psychological environment capacity of the Stone Forest Scenic Spot, the results obtained the amount of environmental capacity for the 7298 in the busy season, the 3649 in the off-season, and the annual carrying capacity is 182.45 million, the measurement results meet the current status of planning and construction of the Stone Forest Scenic Spot.By using of the Logistic model, this paper forecasts tourist numbers and trends of the Stone Forest Scenic Spot not exceed the basis of environmental capacity, Growth in the number of visitors to Stone Forest Scenic Area is divided into initial growth stage, the rapid growth phase, slow growth phase, close to the environmental capacity stage, It is important to the construction of the infrastructure, services, transportation facilities and the implementation of visitor management scheme in the development process.For its own characteristics, development status, existing problems of the Stone Forest Scenic Spot, this paper proposed strategies of sustainable development for the Stone Forest Scenic Spot from the geological heritage protection, scenic spot management, and sales strategy. The Stone Forest Scenic Spot has great potential for development in the long term development and construction phase, has the conditions for sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】TU986;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】392
  • 攻读期成果

