

The Research on Construction of College Counselors’ Mental Health Education Ability and the Corresponding Training System

【作者】 李玲玲

【导师】 刘陈陵;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对大学生进行心理健康教育已成为新时期高校辅导员学生工作的一项重要内容。辅导员的这一新的工作职责不仅是当前加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的客观要求,同时也是顺应素质教育,促进大学生全面发展的时代要求。心理健康教育是一项专业性要求较高的综合性的教育活动。一方面高校辅导员拥有对学生进行心理健康教育的资源优势条件,另一方面辅导员又缺乏对大学生进行心理健康教育的专业化背景。因此,加强对辅导员的心理健康教育培训成为增强辅导员心理健康教育专业化的一个重要途径。而当前针对辅导员的心理健康教育培训内容和形式的研究却比较缺乏,这就导致了培训的理论指导不足,培训的针对性不强。本文对于高校辅导员心理健康教育能力构成的研究以及培训体系的建构恰恰是为辅导员的培训提供理论依据。结合国外对半专业助人者的研究,国内关于心理健康教育能力的研究,辅导员心理健康教育的实践经验,半开放式问卷以及小组座谈。本文构建出高校辅导员心理健康教育能力的意识、知识和技能的结构,它既包含了能力一般结构中的知识和技能维度,还涵盖了对心理健康教育整体的理解。在此基础上编制高校辅导员心理健康教育能力问卷,通过统计分析及修订,最终形成包含23道题的《高校辅导员心理健康教育能力调查问卷》。自编问卷初步具备统计学要求的水平,运用这一问卷分析武汉高校辅导员心理健康健康能力的特点,并在此基础上构建辅导员心理健康教育培训的体系。研究得到的结论如下:(1)高校辅导员心理健康教育能力由五个因子构成:预防技能、干预技能、沟通技能、合作技能和角色意识。二阶因子可进一步将五个因子归为心理健康教育意识和心理健康教育技能两个维度。其中,技能维度又包括预防技能、干预技能、沟通技能和合作技能。意识主要指角色意识。(2)辅导员心理健康教育能力与学历和专业背景无关,性别、年龄、工作时间和接受培训情况则明显影响干预技能,而且辅导员工作经验相对辅导员的年龄,更明显的反应出了在干预技能上的优势,干预技能经过培训可以较快的得到提升。(3)辅导员心理健康教育培训的出发点是辅导员半专业助人者的定位,在此基础上建构的培训体系包括培训的模式、培训的原则、培训者和学员的选择、培训方案的制定及培训的评价与督导五个方面:1)培训的模式是立足于问题解决的校本培训模式,它是以辅导员在实际的心理健康教育中遇到的问题为出发点和立足点。2)培训的原则表现为系统性、层次性、连续性和“人本化”,它们是保证培训的科学性,增强培训实效性的方针指南。3)培训者的选择要体现突出理论、实践、教学利科研相长的专家型人员,学员的选择要通过实际的操作反应选择那些表现出助人潜能的辅导员。4)培训方案的制定包括培训目的、培训内容、培训的形式与方法、培训的设计四个方面的内容。培训目的是促使辅导员掌握如何在心理健康教育中发挥个案管理者的作用,培训内容应根据当前辅导员工作的实际需求体现出层次性。初级阶段的内容以危机干预能力为主,中级阶段的内容以预防性能力为主,高级阶段的内容则应致力于专业理论的学习和深层次的自我探索等。5)培训的评价应以自评、他评和专家评相结合,过程性评价和结果性评价相结合。按形式来划分,督导包括个体督导、团体督导和朋辈督导,按照督导的内容来分,督导可分为案例督导、技能督导和协同会诊,督导的开展以保障辅导员心理健康教育的专业性。根据结论,提出相应的建议:(1)辅导员的心理健康教育培训的层次性预示着辅导员心理健康职业化队伍建设的可能:一方面辅导员可以成长为专业的心理健康教育者,另一方面辅导员可以朝着心理健康学校社会工作者的趋势发展。(2)加强心理健康教育与思想政治教育融合的研究,在理论和实践上要不断探索两者相结合的途径、方式和方法,充分发挥两者的优势。(3)高校应重视辅导员对大学生进行心理健康教育的校本研究,以校本研究来指导校本培训,校本培训的方案制定需要前期的大量调查工作和校内外专家的引领。(4)辅导员对大学生开展心理健康教育应在专业人员的督导下进行,保障所提供服务的科学性。

【Abstract】 In the new period,implementing mental health education to college students has become an important content of student work for university counselors. The new duty can not only strengthen and improve ideological and political education of college students, but can also adapt the objective demand of the Times in requirement of quality education, promote the all-round development of university students. Psychological health education is a higher professional and comprehensive education activities. On the one hand,college instructors have resource advantages in mental health education to students, on the other hand, they lack professional background in mental health education to college students. Therefore, strengthening the training in mental health education becomes an important way to enhancement the professional psychological health education. Currently,the research on content and form of education of psychological health is deficiency, which leads to the theoretical guidance of training is insufficient.and the pertinence of training is not strong. In this paper.the research on psychological health education competence for college instructors and the construction of the training system can just provide theoretical basis for the training of instructors.Combined with the research of para-professinal abroad,the research on ability of mental health education, practical experience of counselors, half open questionnaire and group discussion. This paper constructed the ability of the concept,the structure of knowledge and skill of mental health education of college instructors,which contains knowledge and skills in general structure of ability and covers the overall understanding dimension of the psychological health education.On this basis we compiled the questionnaire of psychological health education for college instructor, according to statistics analysis and revisment, we finally form the《Psychological health education ability questionnaire of college instructor》which containing 41 items. The self-made questionnaire reaches statistics required level, then the questionnaire is used to analysis mental health health capacity situation of college instructors in wuhan, and constructs the training system for instructors on psychological health education. The conclusion of the research is as follows: (1)The ability of psychological health education of college instructors is constituted of rationale and skills,and skills include general skills,specisl skills,relation-building and use of resources.(2) There is significant differences in gender on special skills of ability of psychological health education of college instructors college instructors,and there is no significant difference on other factors;There is significant differences on special skills between group A1 and A2,and there is no significant differences among other groups on other factors;Thers is significant differences on special skills between working less than one year and working more than one year and less than three years; The same significant difference also exists between working less than one year and working more than three years. We don’t find significant differences between working more than one year and less than three years and working more than three years;There is significant differences on if colleage instructors are given psychological health education training.The conclusion suggests that psychological health education may be conductive to the improvement of ability of psychological health education.(3) The construction of training system on psychological health education of colleage instructors can take up from theorical basis,selection of trainers and trainees,plans-making and evaluation and supervision of training.1) The theorical basis include the mode based teacher education and principles of training.The mode of training is established on problem solving.The priciples of training include systematic,hierarchical.continuity and humanistic.2) The selection of trainers should put emphsis on professionals who are specialized on theory,practice.teaching and acientific research.The selection of trainees should be ones who performance potential helping abilities according to practice respondence.3) The design of training plans include training goals,training contents,training forms and approach and training design.The training content is up to the practical requirments and reflects hierarchical.The primary content mainly conclude ability of crisis intervene,the intermediate stage mainly conclude preventing ability,and the final stage is focused on professional theory study and further self-discovery and so on.4) The self-evaluation,other-evaluation and trainers-evaluation,process evaluation and result assessment are applied in training evaluation.The supervision of training can carry out in the forms of individual supervision,group supervision and peer supervision,so that the ability of psychological health education can be more scientific and formal.Based on the conclusions, the corresponding Suggestions are as following:(1) The hierarchical of mental health education training of instructors suggests the possibility of mental health professional development. The future of professional counselor can foreshadowed in the trend of the psychological health school social workers.(2) Improve the fusion research between mental health education and ideological and political education, explore the ways and method way combination the two subjects in theoricaly and practicaly, give full play to the advantage of them.(3) College should attach importance to school-based research of mental health education to college students’of counselor,to guide the school-based training. School-based training scheme need amount of early investigation and leading participate of experts.(4) The mental health education for college students of instructor should be carried out under the supervision of professionals, guarantee the scientific of the services provided.


