

Research on the IPD Methodology and Market Segmentation Methodology in Elevator Product Development

【作者】 陈斌

【导师】 费鸿萍;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,跨国电梯企业纷纷进入中国市场,带动了中国电梯行业的发展,目前,随着房地产市场的开发,电梯需求也与日俱增。面对巨大的发展机遇,外资电梯品牌不断增加在华投资,进一步扩大规模,并改变在华策略以抢占市场。电梯市场在迅速增长的同时,市场竞争日益激烈。随着市场经济的快速发展和科学技术的不断进步,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈。各企业为了在竞争中获取优势地位,采取各种措施来提高自身的竞争优势。尤其在生产制造行业的企业,新产品的开发和上市是确保企业提高自身竞争优势的主要方式之一个制造型企业既想缩短产品开发时间、降低开发成本,又不希望降低产品质量。这就需要企业创新地运用新型的产品开发模式。本论文通过对中国电梯市场的研究以及通过对市场细分理论和集成产品开发理论的回顾,了解到集成产品开发模式是目前复杂产品开发的主要方式,而在新产品开发前,充分的市场细分研究能够得到翔实地客户需求和相对具体的产品特性。为运用集成产品开发模式成功开发新产品提供决策依据。同时对奥的斯电梯公司运用市场细分理论对中国电梯市场进行调研分析后,总结出高潜力细分市场的客户需求,成功的运用集成产品开发模式开发出一款适销对路的新产品案例的分析,为国内电梯企业新产品的开发过程的决策提供更科学的支持。

【Abstract】 Since 1980, the multi-national elevator enterprises’surging into Chinese market, has given rise to the development of elevator business in Chin. With the growing of real estate market, the demand for elevators is growing at the same time. Faced with this great opportunity, foreign elevator brands in China continue to increase their investment, enlarge their produce and adjust their strategies to enhance their market share. With market economy developing quickly and technology progressing, competition among elevator enterprises will be normalcy.This article describes the situation of the Chinese elevator industry and OTIS use the market segment method to analyze the potential market and use the IPD mode to develop new products. Chinese local elevator companies should establish high effective competition increase technology, reduce production cost, and implement effective marketing strategies. Chinese local elevator companies can get few experiences from OTIS case.

  • 【分类号】F274;F273.2;F426.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】226

