

On Fairness Evaluation for Road Traffic System

【作者】 吴茂林

【导师】 曹凯;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,交通问题也日益突出,并成为我国经济可持续发展的瓶颈问题之一。如何缓解道路交通问题也越来越引起人们的重视,其中,出行需求的增长与有限的道路资源之间的矛盾是交通领域中的主要矛盾,怎样获取解决这组矛盾的方法是解决道路交通问题的关键所在。在我国,交通系统问题的解决很大程度上取决于政府出台的政策和措施,而交通公平性和资源的有效配置无疑是政策制定的重要考虑因素。本文首先对道路交通系统进行了相关界定,引导出交通公平性的概念,由浅入深,对交通公平进行了相关划分,对交通系统中的相关因素进行逐次分析,并在此基础上提出了交通公平性评价的方法和相应的评价指标,建立了相应的交通公平评价体系。为体现公平的内涵,本文将交通公平性定义为各个社会成员在占有交通资源以及交通资源所带来的结果分担上所存在的公平关系,人们在进行交通活动的同时,不可避免的涉及到内部成本和外部性因素,其中内部成本基本上是由出行者自行承担的,交通系统的不公平问题主要是由外部性因素造成的。基于交通公平性的内涵,本文从占用道路交通资源、消耗能源和燃料、空气污染、交通事故、弱势群体问题等五个角度进行了分析,并提出了采用基尼系数和洛伦兹曲线的方法进行量化评价。然后以淄博市为例,以相关真实数据为基础,对淄博市的道路交通情况的公平性进行了实证分析,并分别对使用各种不同交通工具的人均道路面积公平性、单纯各居民人均道路面积的公平性进行了具体的量化计算,用精确的基尼系数和直观的洛伦兹曲线展现了不公平的程度。在评价分析的基础上,提出了帕累托最优的理念进行交通公平性改进,对交通公平性和出行效率的关系进行了辩证分析,并分别从小汽车的发展策略和公交车的发展策略出发,提出了提高公平性、优化出行效率的方法措施,为交通系统的优化提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 With the high-speed economic development of china, the traffic problem have become increasingly prominent, and become one of the bottleneck problem of economic sustainable development; how to solve the traffic problem have cause more attention. Among them, the main contradiction is the one between the travel demand growth and limited road resource, and the key point to solve the traffic problem is how to find ways to eliminate this contradiction. In our country, the salvation of traffic system problem depends largely on government policy and tactics, and the traffic fairness and effective allocation of resources are undoubtedly the main considerations in policy formulation. In this paper, firstly we show the relevant definition in road traffic system to lead to the concept of traffic equity, then we carry on the relevant division traffic equity processed from simple to more complex, we analyze the correlative factors and provide certain reference to optimization of transportation system, in this foundation, we propose the traffic fairness assessment method and the corresponding evaluation index, establish the traffic fair evaluation system. In order to manifest equity, this article will define traffic fairness on the fair relationship existing in occupies traffic resource and the result of traffic resources’sharing for each social member. At the same time, traffic activities inevitable involves internal costs and external factors, among which internal costs shall be basically borne by the bicycler, the unfairness of the traffic system is primarily caused by external factors.Based on the meaning of traffic fairness, This article gives the analysis from the five sides:occupation of transport resources, energy and fuel consumption, air pollution, traffic accidents and groups of weakness. And makes use of the Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve for quantitative evaluation. The article gives a case study for the Zibo city, empirically analyzes the traffic condition fairness according to it’s relevant data in Zibo city. Respectively specific quantitative evaluates the fairness of the road area per capita between people using of different vehicles and the pure residents. And shows the level of fairness by using accurate Gini coefficient and intuitive Lorenz curve. Based on the analysis in the evaluation,we present the concept of Pareto optimality to improve the fairness, give a dialectical analysis of the relationship between transport fairness and transport efficiency, respectively from the small cars development strategy and bus development strategy propose to improve equity, efficiency optimization methods and measures.


