

Study on PID Control Strategy of Offshore Wind Power Grid Connection Base on VSC-HVDC

【作者】 胡红兵

【导师】 杨伟; 李惠宇;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电气工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于风力发电的间歇性,以及风电场规模的不断扩大,海上风电场的并网对电网电能质量会产生影响,因此必须引起足够重视。随着海上风电场容量不断扩大和传输距离较长,采用交流并网的方式将会受到稳定性(功角、频率稳定)制约,因此需要复杂的补偿系统和综合技术以保持与所连接系统之间的同步;而采用基于电压源换流器(VSC)技术的轻型高压直流输电(HVDC)的并网方式不存在稳定性问题。电压源换流器型直流输电是一种以可控关断器件(如IGBT等)和脉宽调制技术为基础的新型直流输电技术。基于电压源换流器的高压直流输电(VSC-HVDC)在电力系统中具有广阔的应用前景,论文对基于VSC-HVDC对海上风电场并网中的控制策略进行了研究,主要内容包括:比较分析几种海上风电场并网技术,着重对VSC-HVDC技术进行原理分析;在此基础上,建立VSC-HVDC系统的数学模型,并进行解耦分析;根据VSC-HVDC数学模型以及PID控制技术原理完成控制系统的设计;基于VSC-HVDC的数学建模及PID控制系统的设计,在Matlab/Simulink中建立VSC-HVDC的仿真模型,完成调试,优化PID参数,并对仿真结果进行分析。通过仿真结果表明了:基于dq0坐标下的三相VSC的数学模型所设计的控制系统,能够快速的使系统进入稳定的工作状态,在系统的运行状态发生改变时,系统能够快速的跟随设定值,使系统过渡到新的工作状态,仿真实验验证了本文所设计的控制系统的有效性。

【Abstract】 As the wind resource of random and the scale of the offshore wind farms expanding larger, the impact of the offshore wind turbines connecting into the net on power quality must be paid sufficient attention. But with the development of AC power system, its inherent shortcomings gradually appear. Because of the communication cables on the transmission capacity constraints, large-scale offshore wind farm whose rated capacity is hundreds of megawatts. So it can be considered to base on the voltage source converter (VSC) technology, HVDC Light (HVDC) transmission mode.Voltage source converter based HVDC transmission is the technology based new DC transmission technology, which is a form of controlled shutdown devices (such as IGBT, etc.) and pulse width modulation. Voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) power system is in the broad application prospects, so the control of wind farm based on VSC-HVDC was studied in this paper, the main contents include: compare the several offshore wind power technology with emphasis on the principle of VSC-HVDC technology analysis, establish the mathematical VSC-HVDC model and do the decoupling analysis, design of the control system base on the mathematical model and the principle of PID control strategy, and set up the simulation model of this system in Matlab/Simulink, do the work of commissioning, and the optimization of PID parameters, then analysis the final waveform diagram. The simulation result show:the VSC-HVDC system quickly into a stable condition under our design control system, when the condition is changed, the system more quickly follow the set value into a new condition. The simulation results verify the effective of the control system.

【关键词】 风电并网VSC-HVDCPID控制PWM控制
【Key words】 wind powerVSC-HVDCPID controlPWM
  • 【分类号】TM614
  • 【下载频次】291

