

Analysis of Cotton Production Cost-benefit in Xinjiang

【作者】 艾力克木·克热木

【导师】 康玛尔丁;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是棉花生产和消费大国,棉花作为军需民用的工业材料和经济作物,对国民经济发展具有重要作用。建国以来,在国家的大力支持下,经过多年的不懈努力,特别是自治区党委确定“一黑一白”为重点的优势资源转换战略以来,新疆棉花生产发展迅速,建成了全国最大的商品棉基地。新疆作为我国最大的棉区,全疆86个县(市)中有63个县(市)常年植棉。新疆棉花种植面积由1949年的33.41千公顷增长到2009年的1409.31千公顷,产量由0.51万吨增长到252.4万吨,在全国15个棉花生产省区中列第一位。作为中国最重要棉花生产基地,新疆棉花生产较新疆小麦、玉米、甜菜等粮—经作物有无优势?在成本构成上与国内外主要棉花产地相比存在哪些优势和问题?影响新疆棉花生产成本的主要因素和棉花种植困境有哪些?对这些问题进行系统性研究,对于降低和控制新疆棉花生产成本、增加农民收入、建设优质棉花生产基地、提高农业生产效益,具有重要意义。本文综合运用农业经济学、区域经济学以及会计学及相关知识,遵循历史与逻辑相统一的原则,采取宏观分析与微观分析相结合、实证研究与规范研究相结合、定量分析与定性分析相结合以及比较分析等多种方法,综合分析新疆棉花生产成本与效益的形成及其变化规律,探明影响新疆棉花生产成本的关键因素,并就进一步降低新疆棉花生产经营成本提出相应的建议。本文共分为六章。第一章引言,阐述本研究立题的目的与意义,综述国内外研究状况,介绍本文的基本思路、研究方法与论文结构框架等问题。第二章,选择棉花生产成本收益的核算体系。区分了几种成本概念,以及我国传统和现在用的农产品生产成本收益核算两种农产品生产成本核算体系的区别及其优点:第三章至第四章是本文的核心部分,在对新疆棉花生产成本及其构成进行详细剖析的基础上,重点采用比较分析法,对新疆棉花生产成本收益水平与同区域其他粮—经作物生产成本收益水平、与国内外其他主要棉花地棉花生产成本收益水平进行了详细对比分析。第五章,重点分析影响新疆棉花生产成本收益的影响因素和棉花生产困境。最后,第六章全文小结,并根据比较分析结果提出了降低新疆棉花生产成本、提高生产经营效益的几点对策。

【Abstract】 China is a biggest country of production and consumption of cotton in the world, cotton has an important role in national economic development. As China’s the largest cotton production area,63 counties (cities) in 86 counties (cities) in Xinjiang producing cotton annually. Cotton planting area in Xinjiang has increased from 33.41 thousand hectares in 1949 to1409.31 thousand hectares in 2009, production has increased from 5,100 tons to 2.524 million tons, Among the 15 cotton production provinces in China, Xinjiang takes the first place. Since years of unremitting efforts, particularly after the regional party committee determined the policy that "a black and a white" as the focus of the advantageous resources conversion strategy, and with the Strong support of the government to build the country’s largest commodity cotton base, cotton production had rapidly developed in Xinjiang.As the most important cotton production base in China, what are the advantages of Xinjiang cotton production than wheat, corn, sugar beets and other food and economic crops? Composition in terms of Cost at home and abroad compared to the main cotton production? What are the main factors which affected cotton production costs of Xinjiang? System to study these issues, for control of cotton production costs of Xinjiang to build high-quality cotton production base, improve agricultural production efficiency, of great significance.In this paper the use of agricultural economics,regional economics and accounting principles following the logic of history and principles of unity,to make the micro and macro analysis empirical research and normative research combining quantitative analysis as well as a number of ways, such as comparative analysis a comprehensive analysis of costs and benefits of cotton production of Xinjiang, and find key impact factor of cost of cotton production of Xinjiang, and to further reduce the cost of cotton production of Xinjiang and management recommendations.This paper was divided into six chapters. Introduction chapter, legislation of this study was to clarify the purpose and significance of this title, A summary of Research at home and abroad to introduce the thesis of the basic ideas, Research methods and basic issues. ChapterⅡ, Select the cost-benefit accounting system of cotton production. Studies on the Distinction between economic costs and the accounting costs,as well as the traditional cost-benefit accounting of agricultural production and existing cost-benefit accounting of agricultural production of the two agricultural production and the difference between cost accounting and it’s advantages in China; ChapterⅢto ChapterⅣis the core part of this article, the cost of cotton production and its components to carry out a detailed analysis on the basis of comparative analysis focused on the Xinjiang cotton production costs and income levels and with other regional cost-benefit food and Economic crop production levels, with other major cotton production and the level of cost-benefit of cotton production level of costs and benefits of comparative analysis in detail. ChapterⅤ, focusing on analysis of the impact of Xinjiang cotton production cost-benefit factor. Finally, the full text of the summary of ChapterⅥ, and in accordance with the results of a comparative analysis of cotton production to reduce costs and improve efficiency of production and operation of a few countermeasures.

【关键词】 棉花新疆生产成本收益
【Key words】 CottonXinjiangProduction CostsBenefit
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F326.12
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】708

