

Contrast and Analysis on Transpiration Water Consumption between Plantation Community and Desert Shrub Community in Arid Region

【作者】 梁凤超

【导师】 师庆东;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 生态学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文为了比较分析干旱区人工林建设前后优势树种蒸腾耗水的变化,于2009年8月至2010年10月,利用热扩散技术(Prober12TDP)和热量平衡技术(Flow4)分别对克拉玛依人工林俄罗斯杨、新疆杨和人工林外围荒漠灌木梭梭、柽柳的树干液流进行了观测,同时还观测了太阳辐射、光合有效辐射、空气温度、空气湿度、土壤温度、土壤湿度、风速等环境因子,比较分析了人工林乔木和荒漠灌木液流变化特征,液流同环境因子的关系,在植被调查的基础上对乔木林、灌木林林分蒸腾耗水进行推算。研究结果表明:(1)人工乔木和荒漠灌丛日液流通量均呈现单峰值变化,峰值时出现小幅波动,并随径级的增大波动幅度增大;人工乔木液流通量日动态曲线平滑,荒漠灌木液流通量日动态曲线曲折。(2)太阳辐射、光合有效辐射、风速、空气湿度对人工乔木和荒漠灌木液流起都到主要影响作用。影响梭梭和柽柳液流的主导影响因子为光合有效辐射,其次为风速;影响俄罗斯杨和新疆杨液流主导因子为空气温度,其次为光合有效辐射。多个环境因子、单个主导环境因子均可以用来拟合液流通量,多个环境因子的拟合效果优于主导环境因子,但主导环境因子的拟合方程较为简单,使用方便。(3)在降雨天气下的人工乔木和荒漠灌丛日液流通量均比晴天有所降低,白天降雨时液流通量降低,降低的幅度较小;晚上有降雨时刻液流通量增大,增大的幅度较大。在夜晚降雨时乔木在降雨前后出现液流通量增大的现象,其它情况均减小;在夜晚降水前和白天降水后的当天晚上荒漠灌木会出现液流增大的现象,其它情况均减小。在雨天,柽柳液流较梭梭液流变化剧烈。(4)人工林乔木和荒漠灌木液流速率同胸径或枝直径的关系可以用不同的函数进行拟合。俄罗斯杨胸径同液流速率的关系可用对数函数来拟合,新疆杨的可用一元线性函数来拟合;梭梭枝液流速率同枝直径可以使用指数函数进行拟合,柽柳的可用幂函数拟合。(5)当胸径小于14.46cm时,俄罗斯杨的蒸腾耗水能力大于新疆杨,反之则蒸腾耗水能力小于新疆杨。克拉玛依碳减排基地杨树以胸径小于10cm的树木为主,就目前林木生长状况,新疆杨较俄罗斯杨更为节水。(6)通过胸径-边材面积可作为转化纯量来推算人工林林分蒸腾耗水量。经计算克拉玛依人工碳汇林日蒸腾耗水量为30.84t/hm~2d。枝基径-冠幅做为转换纯量,可以推算荒漠灌木林分蒸腾耗水量。梭梭液流速率同枝直径可用指数函数进行拟合,丛蒸腾耗水量同冠幅可用幂函数进行拟合;经计算克拉玛依造林碳汇基地蒸腾耗水量的背景值为1.62t/hm2d。人工杨树林是荒漠梭梭林蒸腾耗水的19.04倍。基地每天蒸腾耗水为92451.54t/d,比造林前增大了84433.72t/d,水成本为2760.49元/d(按0.03元/m3计算)。从生长季内由蒸腾耗水所造成的总花费为42.24万元。(7)同种种植模式下,不同种植方式下的林分蒸腾耗水量差异较大。单沟单植模式的4.5×2的种植方式下俄罗斯杨林分的蒸腾耗水最高,蒸腾耗水量为49.65t/hm2d。单沟双植模式为4.5×0.75×0.5,蒸腾耗水量为60.86t/hm2d。八米一带的模式为8×2×2,蒸腾耗水量为8.39t/hm2d。同一种植密度下,单沟双植蒸腾耗水量最大,其次为单沟单植,八米一带最小,蒸腾耗水量依次为:48.06 t/hm2d,34.36 t/hm2d,24.88 t/hm2d。本文的结论可为生态学的干旱区生态承载力,土壤-植物-大气连续体研究提供基础数据,可为区域生态管理提供参考。

【Abstract】 For contrasting and analysis the transpiration water consumption between plantation commynity and desert shrub community in Arid Region, Flow4-DL and Prober12 were used to measure P.alba,P.xrusskii, Haloxylon ammodendron,Tamarix elongate sap-flow dynamics and the envirement factors in Karamay Cabe forest and the outer margin during August, 30 , 2009– October, 30, 2010.The change characters of plantation tree and desert shrub sap flow and the method to caculate tree and shrub stands transpiration water consumption were contrasted and analysised. The cheif results were show as followed:(1). The sap flow of plantation tree and desert shrub change as a single-peak curve and came in being small-scope fluctuation at peak time. The scope of fluctuation at peak time bacame bigger with DBH or diameter of branch increased. The dyanamix curve of plantation sap flow was smoother than desert shrub’s.(2).Solar radiation,PAR,wind speed,Air humidity were the main factor of plantation and desert shrub sap flow. The firstly domination factor of Haloxylon ammodendron,Tamarix elongate sap-flow was PAR and Wind speed second. The first and second domination factor of P.alba, P.xrusskii were respectivly Air humidity and PAR. Same main factors and a dominating factor can be used to fit the sap flow. The fittings result of the former was better than the later,but the later’s fitting equetion was easy and efficient,so we select the domination factor to fit sap flow.(3). The sap flow of plantation and desert shrub would decreased in rainy day than in dry day. When the rain occurred during a day ,the sap flow would decreased and the range was small; when during a night, the sap flow would increased than dry night and the range was great. The plantation’s sap flow would increased only when it was raining and one or two hours before and after the rain and decrease in whole rainy day. The desert shrub’sap flow would increased before raining in night and the flowing night of the rainy day. The change of Tamarix elongate’sap flow in rainy day was great than The change of Haloxylon ammodendron’s.(4). The sap velocity and DBH / diameter of branch were significantly correlated and the relation between them could be use different functions to fit and have been determind. The relation between P.xrusskii sap velocity and DBH could fit with logarithmic function, P.alba was line function; The relation between Haloxylon ammodendron’s sap velocity and diameter of branch could fit with exponential function, and Tamarix elongate’s power function.(5). The fitting equation which fitted the relations of sap velocity and DBH / diameter of branch can compare the ability of different plant’transpiration water consumption. The ability of P.xrusskiil’s transpiration water consumpution was higher than P.alba’s , the drought resistant ability was lower than P.alba’s and conversely P.xrusskii’s transpirtion water consumption ability was lower and drought resistant ability was higher than P.alba’s. Haloxylon ammodendron’s transpiration water consumption abilty was lower than P.xrusskiil’s and the drought resistant ability was higher when diameter of branch during 1cm - 3cm. P.alba’s water-saving was bigger than P.xrusskiil’s as a whole,becouse there were mainly plant whose DBH wre less 10cm.(6). It was advisable to use diameter and sapwood area as convert scalar to calculate plantation stands transpiration water consumption. There was a power regression equtation between P.xrusskiil and P.alba’s sapwood area and DBH. The poplar plantation’transpiration water consumption was 30.84t/hm2d by This equtation and fitting equation which fitted the relations of sap velocity and DBH. The diameter of branch and crown of shurb could be used as convert scalar to caculate the desert shurb stands transpiration water consumption. There was a exponential regression equtation between Haloxylon ammodendron’s transpiration water consumption and crown. The transpiration water consumption is 19.04 times as much as Haloxylon ammodendron’s. The stands’transpiration water consumption of Karamy cabe forest was 1.62t/hm2d before the base builting up and 92451.54t/d now, recreased by 84433.72t/d. The cost of water was 2760.49yuan/d. It would taken 422.4 thousand Yuan in whole growing season becouse of the transpirantion water consumption.(7). The stands transpiration water consumption in poplar plantation varies with planting model,planting way and planting density, so there are the highest water use efficency in the same mageagement patten. The highest water use efficiency of P.alba’s stands planting by the maneagement of single-channel and single-planting is 4.5m×2m with the water consumption 49.65t/hm2d. Then it is 4.5m×0.75m×0.5m in the maneagement patton of single-channel and double-planting with the water consumption 60.86t/hm2d, 8m×2m×2m in zoon planting with internal 8 maters with water consumption 8.39t/hm2d. In the same planting idensity ,the water consumption of single-channel and double-planting is highest,followed by single-channel and double-planting’s, and that of zoon planting with internal 8 maters is lowest, and 48.06 t/hm2d,34.36 t/hm2d,24.88 t/hm2d respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

