

A Study on Community Participation in Public Crisis Management of Urumqi

【作者】 李园莉

【导师】 雷霆;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,随着全球化的影响和社会不稳定因素的不断增加,如何有效预防和应对各种公共危机,成为世界各国共同面对的问题。我国是世界上受自然灾害最为严重的国家之一,并且处于经济社会转型期,是突发事件高发阶段,公共危机管理已成为我国有效治理危机、建设和谐社会的重要课题。政府在应对公共危机事件时虽然处于核心地位,但力量毕竟有限,这就需要公众的参与。社区作为公众最基层的组织,由于贴近群众以及具有资源、沟通、信息、行动等优势,能够在公共危机管理中发挥其重要性。本文结合公共危机管理和社区参与的相关概念、理论,以乌鲁木齐市社区为例,采用资料搜集、实地调研和观察的方法,深入剖析、了解乌鲁木齐市社区参与公共危机管理的现状,立足乌鲁木齐市历史、地理位置等的特殊性,比较分析出乌鲁木齐市在公共危机管理中社区参与的一系列成绩和问题,在借鉴国外公共危机管理中社区参与的成功经验基础上,从危机意识、组织建设、法律保障、应急机制和财力支持等方面,探讨出加强乌市公共危机管理中社区参与的对策建议,以期为政府的公共危机管理工作提供有效的借鉴与参考。

【Abstract】 Nowdays, with the impact of globalization and the increasing social instability, how to effectively prevent and respond to crisis, as the problems faced by countries in the world. China is the world worst affected by natural disasters, one of the countries, and in the economic and social transition, is the high stage of emergency, the public has become an effective crisis management, crisis management, building a harmonious society important task. Government response to public crisis at the heart of the event though, but the power is limited, which requires public participation. Community as a public grass-roots organizations, as well as the masses have the resources, communication, information, action and other advantages, can play in public the importance of crisis management.This combination of public crisis management and community involvement related concepts, theories, to the community as an example of Urumqi, the use of data collection, interviews and observation methods, in-depth analysis to understand the community involvement in Urumqi, the status of public crisis management, based in Urumqi, history, geographical location, the special nature of comparative analysis of the crisis management in public Urumqi Community Participation in a series of achievements and problems, in reference to foreign public crisis management based on the successful experience of community participation, from the sense of crisis, organizations, legal protection , emergency response mechanisms and financial support, etc., made a number of strengthening community participation in Urumqi Suggestions public crisis management to crisis management for the Government to provide the public an effective reference for.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

