

【作者】 黄训

【导师】 李东波;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车制造企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,要想赢得竞争,就要以市场为中心,以最快速度响应多变的市场,提高汽车企业的竞争力并迅速赢得市场与用户。同步工程方法(SE)是缩短产品开发周期的有效措施之一同步工程(Simultaneous Engineering)是集成地、并行地设计产品及其零部件和相关各种过程的一种系统方法。汽车开发是一个研发周期长、成本投入大、参与人员与部门多的工作行为,同步考虑工艺、质量等综合设计元素,需要先进的计算机辅助技术来实现各种工程分析。通过与国内知名合资汽车设计公司及供应商在整个汽车项目开发期间的合作,论述了整车的开发流程,及各个阶段同步工程的实施方案;介绍了同步工程方法在整车开发中的核心技术手段,并提出了在国内汽车研发企业实施同步工程的发展方向。对同步工程在整车开发中的关键技术进行了深入研究,包括冲压与注塑两个关系产品制造成败的重要方面。从力学模型和方法理论,到制造过程可能出现的成形缺陷,以及CAE在冲压与注塑工艺中的预测及指导作用进行——论述。最后,从同步工程的核心技术,板料冲压成形分析及注塑成形分析在整车开发中的应用,特别是在造型设计、结构设计及试制三阶段作了重点论述。通过经验丰富的工艺人员及模具供应商的参与,对设计提出合理化建议,并以侧围外板及仪表板中间嵌饰板为例,建立了有限元分析模型,通过使用AutoForm及MoldFlow软件进行分析,用分析结果指导结构设计,进行更改。非常明确的表明了冲压成形及注塑成形分析技术对车身设计的重要性,对后期的模具开发的重要性。

【Abstract】 Automotive industry increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, in order to win the competition, we must take the market as the center, the fastest to respond to market changes, and quickly win market and customers. Simultaneous engineering (SE) is one of effective measures to shorten product development cycle.Simultaneous Engineering is integrated, the parallel design of products and their components and related processes in a systematic way. Vehicle development is a long cycle, high investment, many participants with the department’s work behavior, synchronously to account for process, quality and design elements, requiring advanced computer-aided techniques to achieve all kinds of simulations.Cooperated with the famous car design company and mold suppliers during the entire project development, this paper discusses the vehicle development process and the various stages of the implementation of simultaneous engineering program, introduces the core technical means of simultaneous engineering approach in the vehicle development, and proposes research and development enterprises in the domestic automobile how to develop projects simultaneously.Deeply research on the key technologies of Simultaneous Engineering in the vehicle development, including two important aspects as stamping and injection which make great influence on mold manufacture. This paper discuss the mechanical model and methods, forming defects which may occur in the manufacturing process and the prediction and guidance of CAE in the stamping and injection mold manufacture.Finally, the core technology of simultaneous engineering, sheet metal stamping and plastic injection molding analysis are discussed in the vehicle development, particularly in the modeling design, structural design and trial three stages. Experienced personnel and mold supplier make rationalization proposal for design. We have done analysis on body-side outer panel and instrument panel trim insert, establish finite element model by using the AutoForm and MoldFlow software. The results of analysis guide structural design changes. It’s clear that the stamping and plastic injection molding analysis are important to body design and mold development.


