

【作者】 王笑非

【导师】 张二华;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着相干技术在地震断层解释中的不断应用以及油气勘探开发转为小工区、小断裂带的需求,正确识别小断层及其空间位置分布极为重要。但是,在常规的地震资料基础上,应用相干技术识别小断层的方法并不理想,存在某些不足。例如地震资料中存在大倾角、杂乱反射产生的地震资料等,都对相干技术应用的效果产生了影响,造成识别出来的断层不连续或着包含虚假断层。本文结合国内外相干技术的发展,充分研究了几种相干算法的原理,对比分析各种算法的优缺点及相干参数对断层检测的影响,提出了一种沿三维反射界面进行相干计算的方法,不仅可以消除地层倾斜及褶皱变形的影响,还提高了小断层识别的分辨率和清晰度。在算法实现过程中,利用三维图形技术将原始数据剖面图像与相干切片图像组成栅状图进行综合显示和对比分析,还利用虚拟轨迹球技术实现三维交互旋转等操作,直观地进行三维显示和观察。

【Abstract】 Accompanying with the application of Coherent Technology in the interpretation of earthquake fault, and it is very important of recognizing the small faults for the oil and the gas exploration and development. But on the basis of conventional seismic data, there are some deficiencies on the application of coherent techniques to identify the small faults.The old method is not satisfactory. For example, the presence of large angle seismic data and seismic data generated bychaotic reflections both had an impact on coherent results, which was causing the fault is not identified with a continuous or contain false fault.This article considered the development of coherent technology, had a full study of the principles of coherence algorithm for generations and the principle of the phase surface tracking, and had a comparison of advantages and disadvantages of each generation algorithm and the effect of the coherence parameters for the coherent slices. Finally, based on the same physiognomy tracking face,proposed a coherent method which can eliminate the influence of tilted and folded stratum, at the same time, improve the resolution and clarity of identification of small fault.In the algorithm process, using three-dimensional graphics technology to display and comparative analysis grid-like graph, which is constituted by the profile image and the coherent image. Also using the virtual trackball technology to achieve three dimensional interactive rotation. The images can be easy to three-dimensional display and intuitive observation.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】205

