

【作者】 王月

【导师】 谭继军;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 葛罗米柯是一位出色的外交家,他1939年被苏联外交部所看中,继而进入外交界开始崭露头角,1956年任苏联外交部长,此后一直是苏联政界尤其是外交界一位举足轻重的人物,1988年离开苏联政坛,1989年去世。作为苏联外交史上一位不可忽视的人物,葛罗米柯所生活的时代是一个风云变幻、剧烈动荡的时代,是苏联从世界各主要资本主义大国的经济封锁、武装包围中崛起并逐渐走到权力巅峰的时代,在这个时代里,各大国利益相互交错,在外交上纵横捭阖、各取所需。时势造英雄,葛罗米柯怀着对苏联社会主义制度的崇高信仰,在复杂艰难的外交较量中巧妙周旋,他是苏联外交的标志。葛罗米柯的外交思想与实践在很大程度上是苏联最高决策者外交意识的体现,这正体现了在苏联外交制度乃至整个政治制度权力纵向排列下,官员在极强的权力等级观念指导下表现出的政治上对当党内最高权力机关绝对忠诚的政治行为。在其漫长的任职期间,他的外交思想与实践经历了几次重大转变,都体现了国际关系格局的重大变化及由此引起的苏联外交决策重心的重大转向。由于外交官职业的特殊性以及苏联政治的另类运作的影响,葛罗米柯在其外交实践的过程中,也表现出的这种近乎刻板的忠诚,这使得他的外交思想及实践也常被后人圈点,这一点也十分耐人寻味。

【Abstract】 Andrei Gromyko is an excellent diplomat. He was selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union in 1939 and then began to stand out in the diplomatic circle. Since he became foreign minister in 1956, he had been a figure of some consequence in soviet political especially diplomatic circles. He retired in 1988 and died in 1989.In the history of soviet diplomacy, Gromyko is a very important figure who lived in a volatile and turbulent era in which the Soviet Union emerged from the economic blockade and armed siege imposed by the world’s major capitalist countries and developed into a superpower in the world. In such an era, the interests of major powers were tangled together, which called for excellent diplomats and politicians and Gromyko is one of the seasoned diplomats that emerged from that era. With firm faith in the social system of the Soviet Union, Gromyko, the logo of soviet diplomacy, skillfully manuveured among various states.The diplomatic thoughts of Gromyko, to a large extent, is a reflection of the thoughts of the highest-ranked policy deciders in the Soviet Union. It shows that under the hierarchic diplomatic system and the whole strictly-ranked political system of the Soviet Union, soviet officials, guided by the sense of hierarchy, were completely loyal to the highest organ of power within the communist party. During his tenure, Gromyko’s diplomatic thoughts and practices had experienced several shifts that reflect the changes of international patterns and the shifts of the policy focuses of the Soviet Union. But as has been mentioned before, because being a diplomat is a special vocation as well as due to the hierarchic political system of the Soviet Union, Gromyko also showed nealy stiff loyality toward the supreme organ of power in his diplomacy, which also provides us with some food for thought.

【关键词】 葛罗米柯外交思想外交实践
【Key words】 GromykoDiplomatic ThoughtsDiplomatic Practice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D851.2
  • 【下载频次】53

