

【作者】 思伟

【导师】 朱立群;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前中国正在全球各个层面积极开展多边外交活动。中国提倡世界多极化,积极实践多边主义,越来越广泛地参与到国际组织及国际条约、地区组织及地区性国际条约中,甚至成为一些国际性组织及地区性组织的创始国之一。而上海合作组织是真正意义上由中国倡导建立的地区性国际组织之一,也是唯一一个以中国城市命名的地区性国际组织。今年恰逢上海合作组织成立十周年,在此之际,本文以上海合作组织为研究对象,来认识中国的多边外交及和平崛起,就具有了不平凡的意义。本文在对上海合作组织的十年发展进行回顾的基础上,分别从组织内部和外部环境的角度梳理了国际社会各方对上海合作组织的认知与态度,并对他们在该组织的利益进行阐述,最后在分析了各方利益诉求的基础上,分别阐述了其对上海合作组织的发展建议和未来期望。本文对以上议题展开陈述并进行了相关的研究,笔者认为:上海合作组织是国际舞台上一颗冉冉升起的新星,成立十周年来,该组织在地区和国际事务上发挥着越来越重要的作用,而该组织的建立和发展与每一个重要的国际力量的利益都息息相关,每个国际行为体在这个平台上都有着利益上的差异和观点上的分歧,在此背景下,每种力量都应该求同存异,把握该组织发展的历史机遇,寻求有效合作与共赢。

【Abstract】 China is actively participate in multilateral diplomatic activities in the world at present. China promotes world multipolarization, and practice multilateralism actively. Participate in international organizations, international treaties, regional organizations and regional international treaties more and more widely, and China even became one of the founders of some international organizations and regional organizations. The Shanghai cooperation organization was set up by China, and it is also the only international regional organization that named by China`s city. Its the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Shanghai cooperation organization. So, this paper points out that Chinese multilateral diplomacy and peaceful rise has an extraordinary significance.In this paper, we reviewed the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for a decade, and then described international actors` knowledge, attitude and interests on SCO from internal and external views. And finally analyzed their recommendations and expectations of SCO respectively. This paper conduct related research on issues mentioned above, and I think: the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a rising star on the international stage, it is playing an increasingly important role in regional and international affairs when tenth anniversary of this organization, and each major international force has interspersed with this organization, each international actor in this platform has different interests and perspectives. So each actor should seeks common ground, grasps the opportunity of the development of SCO, and to seek effective cooperation and common interests.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D814.1
  • 【下载频次】171

