

The Research on Key Technology of Ocean Environment Observation Data Transmission Regular Operation

【作者】 张建涛

【导师】 韩家新;

【作者基本信息】 国家海洋技术中心 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 海洋观测数据传输网是海洋观测体系的重要组成部分,是连接立体观测系统、预报警报系统和信息综合处理系统以及用户之间的纽带和桥梁,其稳定可靠的业务化运行对提高海洋观测预报和海洋灾害预警能力具有重要意义。随着国家对海洋观测技术的高度重视以及海洋科学技术的进步,我国海洋观测将由近海向深远海延伸,多种观测平台特别是海上观测平台将被大量使用,海洋观测数据传输系统存在的一些问题更为突出,比如系统过于复杂、硬件设备不能互换、可能产生访问冲突以及升级改造困难等。为解决这些问题,本论文从以下几方面展开研究:一是提出数据传输标准化方案。它包括三个方面的内容:接口标准化、通信协议标准化和数据传输格式标准化。同时在参考多种传输协议的基础上,建立了一套比较完善的通用传输协议。二是在基本不改变现有软硬件平台的基础上,为实现数据传输标准化提出了一个可行的方案,即在观测平台和通信设备之间构建一个中间解释层。中间解释层相当于一个中间转换模块,用于实现接口、通信协议的转换。三是设计了一套系统用于实现中间解释层的功能,包括硬件部分和软件部分。硬件部分使用C8051F020处理器和一些外围接口器件,软件部分使用Silicon IDE和Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0实现软件开发。最后,构建一套试验环境对所设计的系统进行试验验证,并对结果进行分析。

【Abstract】 Ocean data transmission network is an important part of the ocean environmental observation system which plays the role of bridge and link that connects the three-dimensional observation system, forecasting and warning system, information integrated processing system and the users. Its regular operation is of great significance to improve the ability of the marine observation forecasting and disaster warning.Along with our government’s high regard to marine observation technology and the advancement of marine science and technology, our country’s marine observation will extend from coastal waters to deep sea and then various observation platforms especially marine observation platforms will be widely used. There are some outstanding issues in the marine data transmission system which can be illustrated by the following examples: the system is too complicated, hardware devices are not versatile and may generate an access visiting conflict and upgrading difficulties.To solve these problems, the work is completed as follows:First of all, the data transmission standardization program has been offered. It consists of three aspects: physical interface standardization, communication protocols standardization and data transmission format standardization. On the basis of referring to a variety of transfer protocols, the thesis establishes a comparative perfect transfer protocol.Secondly, data standardization has been realized without changing the existing hardware and software platform. The thesis proposes a practicable solution, which is, establishing a middle layer of interpretation between the observation platform and communication platform. The middle layer of interpretation is equivalent to a middle conversion module which realizes the conversion of interface and communication protocol.Thirdly, a system has been designed for implementing the function of the middle layer of interpretation, including hardware and software components. C8051F020 processor and some external interface conversion devices have been tried to use as hardware. Silicon IDE and the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 have been used for software development.Finally, a set of test environment has been established to validate the designed system by experiments and then the results has been analyzed.


