

The Research of Cadre Selection and Appointment Mechanism Reform under the Background of Inner-party Democracy Construction

【作者】 朱虎

【导师】 李德芳;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新时期,干部选拔任用机制改革己成为我国干部人事制度改革的重要内容,是民主政治体制改革的核心内容之一,也是我国整个社会政治改革攻坚阶段的关键环节。在我国,以党内民主建设来推动干部选拔任用机制改革已成为大势所趋。文章以党内民主的发展与建设为大的理论框架和分析背景,以改革开放为分界点,考察了新中国成立后干部选拔任用机制的历史发展,对这一发展过程进行了一个简要的回顾。进入新世纪,特别是党的十六大以后,党内民主建设的加强助推了干部选拔任用机制改革,干部选拔任用机制改革已经成为新世纪社会政治发展的必然要求。文章以海南省干部选拔任用机制改革的探索为例,对其改革的内容,取得的成效,改革过程中存在的问题进行了细致、详实的阐述,从构建干部选拔任用的民主机制、科学机制、监督机制以及推动机制的制度化建设等四个方面提出了完善我国干部选拔任用机制的具体思路与方法,以期对解决这些问题提供一些参考,开创人尽其才、才尽其用的新局面。

【Abstract】 In the new era,the reform of cadre selection and appointment mechanism has become not only the emphases of the cadre system reformation in my country,but the core of the political restructuring.Furthermore,it has become the key facet for the whole social reformation. Promoting the reform of cadre selection and appointment mechanism by the inner-party democracy has become a trend in China.This article examined the historical development of the cadre selection and appointment mechanism reform after the founding of new China,and briefly reviewed the development process that make the development of inner-party democracy and development as the major theoretical framework and analysis background. In the new century, especially after the 16th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party, the party of the building of democracy to strengthen the staffing mechanisms reform and promoting cadre selection and appointment mechanism reform has become a new demand that social and political development will be required. Hainan province’s reform measures about the cadre selection and appointment system as an example,the article descripted detailed its reform, the effectiveness and reform process presented an essential method to innovate and consummate it by establishing a demoeratized, scientized and institutionalized mechanism for the reform of cadre selection and appointment mechanism that will create a new situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

