

Studies on the Diversity of Macrobenthos in the Mangrove Wetland of Dongzhai Harbor, HaiNan

【作者】 马坤

【导师】 黄勃;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 海洋生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 红树林在热带和亚热带海岸生态系统中扮演着重要的角色,它产生的碎屑是水生生物的营养物质及能量的来源。大型底栖动物不仅是红树林生态系统中物质循环、能量流动的推动者和传递者,而且还具有红树林生态环境的监测和环境生物的指示作用,因此,红树林湿地的大型底栖动物的研究备受关注。本文于2009年3月-12月,对海南东寨港红树林区大型底栖动物的调查和研究。3月、6月、9月和12月分别代表春、夏、秋、冬四季,每季度调查一次,用取样框在设置的站位上进行取样。本文比较分析了东寨港红树林湿地大型底栖动物的生物量、栖息密度的时空变化特征和不同季节的红树林群落的大型底栖动物物种多样性变化特点;探讨了不同的红树林群落、环境因子和大型底栖动物物种多样性之间的关系。为东寨港红树林湿地的保护、合理的开发利用及红树林生态系统的恢复提供必要的科学依据。研究结果如下:(1)东寨港红树林湿地的大型底栖动物共63种,其中软体动物的种类居首位,甲壳类次之,环节动物最少;大型底栖动物的种类由南部向北部逐渐递增。(2)东寨港红树林湿地的大型底栖动物平均生物量和栖息密度较高,分别为239.24g/m2和642.92ind/m2。在平均生物量和栖息密度的比较中发现,腹足类、甲壳类和双壳类所占的比例最高;红树林区小于裸滩区;白骨壤红树群落最高,北港角果木群落最低。大型底栖动物的生物量和密度呈现季节变化。(3)东寨港红树林区大型底栖动物的平均物种多样性为1.617,平均丰富度为1.331;平均均匀度为1.0725。红树林群落的大型底栖动物的平均物种多样性指数小于裸滩,其中白骨壤群落的大型底栖动物的物种多样性指数最高,海莲-桐花群落的大型底栖动物的物种多样性指数最低;红树林群落的大型底栖动物的物种丰富度指数小于裸滩,无瓣海桑群落的大型底栖动物的丰富度指数最高,北港角果木群落大型底栖动物的丰富度最低。大型底栖动物群落的物种多样性呈现季节性变化。(4)大型底栖动物的种类组成、分布和多样性的高低与温度、盐度、红树植被种类、潮汐、水动力等有密切的关系。(5)通过CLUSTER聚类分析可知,东寨港红树林的大型底栖动物群落组成存在着一定的相似性,由此可将底栖动物群落划分为5个的群落即(Ⅰ)三江角果木群落和红海榄-角果木群落;(Ⅱ)无瓣海桑群落;(Ⅲ)海桑-秋茄群落、白骨壤群落和白骨壤-红海榄群落;(Ⅳ)秋茄群落;(Ⅴ)海莲-红海榄群落和北港角果木群落。(6)通过数据分析得出,在大型底栖动物的生物量和密度方面,无瓣海桑人工林、海桑人工林、秋茄人工林高于天然林,而在物种多样性方面,无瓣海桑人工林物种多样性最高,海桑人工林、秋茄人工林的物种多样性除了低于三江角果木林外而明显的高于其他天然林。本次实验得到的东寨港大型底栖动物的生物量、密度和物种多样性都高于以往研究的结果,由此可知红树林植被多样性的增加有利于提高整个区域的大型底栖动物的物种多样性。

【Abstract】 Mangroves play an important roles in coastal ecosystems of the tropics and sub-tropics producing of a lot of litter which provides food and energy to the aquatic oragniams.Macrobenthos is not only booster and transfer group of material cycling and energy flowing,but also a bio-indicator to appraise the ecosyenviorment quality in the mangrove area,so the research of macrobethos in the mangrove wetland attract more and more scientists and learders.we research the macrobethos of the mangrove in the Dongzhaiharbor from march 2009 to decermber2009.The macrobethos were investigated in four quarter and we sampled seasonly in the station which is setted.the objective of the exempent is to study Spatio-temporal variation of macrobenthic in the compostion of the specise, biomass and density and the diversity of macrobethos communities in the different mangrove forest as well as research the relationship in different mangove forest,the enviroment factors and the diverstity of macrobethos.To provide the necessery scientise data for mangrove wetland protection, exploitation and ecological restoration.the research result of the article as follows:(1) The sixty-three specises of macrobethos were identified in the four seasons in mangrove wetland of Dongzhaiharbor,in which Mollusca is the first, gastrop is the second and Annelida is last.the number of specises is more and more increasting from sourthern and northern.(2) The annual average biomsaa and density of macrobenthos in the mangro-ve wetla nd of Dongzhai harbor were 239.24g/m2 and 642.92ind/m2,respectively.The gastrop, shells and gastropod account for high pecentage in the average biomass and dens ity.the naked mudflat is higher than mangrove and Avicennia marina community is the highest; Ceriops tagal(perr.)C.B.Rob is the lowest in the biomass and dens ity.In the additon,the biomass and denstiy is changing with the seasons.(3) The annual diversity index Richness index and Qvenness index of specise is the 1.617, 1.331and 1.0725.The annual diversity index and Richness index of naked mudflat is higher than mangrove areas. Avicennia marina community is the highest and Sonneratia caseolaris-Aegicera cornicualatum(L.) Blanco commmunity is the iowest; the Richness index of Sonneratia a petala Buch commmunity is the highest but Ceriops tagal(perr.)C.B.Rob commmunity of BeiGang is the lowest.The density of macrobethos community is changing with seasons. (4) The specises,distruct and diversity of macrobethos and temperature,slatily,the specises of mangrove,tride are the closed relationship.(5) The cluster analysis showed not only the different of the macrobethos communiti es in the same area,but also the communities of macrobethos wasdivided into fiv e communites:(Ⅰ) Ceriops tagal(perr.)C.B.Rob communi-ty of SangJiang and Rh izophora stylosa Griff community and Ceriops ta-gal(perr.)C.B.Rob community; (Ⅱ) made-planted Sonneratia a petala Bu-ch; (Ⅲ) Sonneratia caseolaris and A egicera cornicualatum(L.)Blanco community, Avicennia marina community and Avicennia marina community and Rhizophora stylosa Griff community; (Ⅳ) made-planted Kandelia candel Druce; (Ⅴ) B.sexangyla(lour.)poir community and Rhizophora stylosa Griff community; Ceriops tagal(perr.)C.B.Rob community of BeiGang(6) The result of study indication that the divisity of made-planted mangrovefound th e divisity of macrobethos is higher than before.the biomss and density of made-p lanted mangrove is higher than nature mangrove.Thediversity of made-planted So nneratia a petala Buch is the highest;the others are lower than Ceriops tagal(perr.)C.B.Rob of SanJiang but it are ob-viously high er nature mangrove. The data of the experience is higher than before among bio mass,density and specises diversity. So it show that the increase of specises divisity of mangrove vegetational is helpful to improve divisi ty of macrobenthos in the whole area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

