

The Research on the Relation of Parents’ Teaching Ways of Business Schools Students、 Social Support and Subjective Well-being

【作者】 雷薇

【导师】 彭运石;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在对国内外关于父母教养方式、社会支持以及主观幸福感及三者关系研究的文献进行系统梳理与综述的基础上,采用父母教养方式量表、社会支持量表、主观幸福感量表对728名商科类大学生进行调查,试图了解商科生父母教养方式、社会支持与主观幸福感的现状,探讨父母教养方式、社会支持以及主观幸福感之间的关系,考察父亲教养方式的六个因素、母亲教养方式的五个因素通过社会支持影响商科类大学生主观幸福感的内在机制。研究结果表明:1.商科类大学生的总体主观幸福感大都处于中等偏上水平,尽管商科生在生活满意度维度上的得分不是太高,但是他们的积极情感依然占优势,消极情感所占的比重较小。2.商科类大学生的总体主观幸福感在性别、年级和城乡等方面存在着显著差异。3.父母教养方式、社会支持与商科生主观幸福感三者之间的关系非常密切。父亲教养方式的父亲惩罚和严厉、父亲偏爱被试、父亲过度保护等维度对主观幸福感均有较高的预测作用;父亲情感温暖与理解关心、父亲过分干涉、父亲拒绝与否认等维度对主观幸福感的影响不显著。母亲教养方式的母亲过度干涉与保护、母亲拒绝与否认等维度对主观幸福感均有较高的预测作用;母亲情感温暖与理解关心、母亲惩罚与严厉、母亲偏爱被试等维度对主观幸福感的影响不显著。社会支持对主观幸福感有显著的预测作用。4.社会支持在父亲教养方式与主观幸福感之间存在完全中介作用;社会支持在母亲教养方式与主观幸福感之间不存在中介作用。

【Abstract】 The research conduct a survey about parents’ teaching ways, social support and subjective well-being of 728 business schools students by using parents’ teaching numeral sheet, social support numeral sheet and subjective well-being numeral sheet on the basis of literatures concerning domestic and overseas parents’ teaching ways, social support and subjective well-being,in order to discuss the relationship between parents’ teaching ways, social support and subjective well-being,observe-the internal mechanism of B-school studnets’ subjectivce well-being under the effect of six elements of father’s teaching ways as well as five elements of mother’s teaching ways through social support. The findings are as followed:1. Even though B-students’ life satisfaction is not so high, most of their sbujective well-being is moderate or higher. The positive feeling is still in the dominant position, negative feeling account for smaller proportion.2. There are significant differences between gender, grade, town and country in the B-school students’ subjective well-being.3. Parents’ teaching ways, social support and subjective well-being are related tightly. The dimensionality of punishments, severity and favoritism from father and over-protection in father’s teaching ways have a more effective functions for forecasting subjective well-being.However, the dimensionality of concerns and understanding in father’s love, over-interference, refuse and deny from father have inapparent effects on subjective well-being.On the other hand, the dimensionality of mother’s over-protection and over-interference, refuse and deny from mother have a more effective functions for forecasting subjective well-being.The dimensionality of concerns and understanding in mother’s love, punishments,severity and favoritism from mother have inapparent effects on subjective well-being.Social support has notable effect on forcasting sbujective well-being.4. Social support has intermediary function between father’s teaching ways and subjective well-being. However, it don’t have such effect on mother’s teaching ways and subjective well-being.


