

The Research of Yingyang and Yingqu

【作者】 谢珺晗

【导师】 蒋振华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以应场、应璩为研究对象,在内容安排上,分为四章。第一章,“应场诗文赋研究”,对应场诗歌的和而不壮的创作特色,文思斐然的辞赋创作和“学优以得文”的散文创作做了较为细致的分析和考察。指出应场的诗作具有一种悲苦之情,与时代的乱离密切相关。而对其赋作,则分为抒情言志、咏物、述征行猎、同题共咏四类。同时指出他的散文在当时确实文词英拔,有可述之处。第二章,“应场文质论研究”,以应玚和阮璃所做同题文《文质论》为研究对象,先对文质之辩进行溯源,然后从他们的天地万物之文质、人物之文质、政治之文质三个方面来分析他们的文质论,认为他们的文质思想分别代表了建安时期的士人对当时政局、人文、文化等方面的态度。第三章,“应璩《百一诗》研究”,对应璩“百一”之名作了比较细致的考察,此“百一”之名,或许是“以百言明一意”之意。同时也对《百一诗》的内容做了分类,认为可以分为关怀社会之作和关于人生的看法和感受的诗歌两类。并指出《百一诗》既具有典奥古朴的特点,同时又还有平易俚俗、诙谐幽默的特点。第四章,为“应璩书牍文研究”。指出应璩的书牍文反映了他思兼儒道的特点,而在艺术风格上,又表现了文辞清丽,骈散兼备。此外好作形容、多引典事也是应璩书牍文的重要特点。

【Abstract】 The research object of this paper is Ying Yang and Ying Qu. And it is divided into four chapters.First of all, this paper researched the Poetry, Prose and Fu of Ying Yang. Author explored and analyzed Ying Yang’s harmony but magnificent creation features, brilliant creation of Fu, and excellent creation of prose. These poems have a feeling of misery, because of the time fill with separation and war. His fu is divided into four kinds, that is the lyrical Fu, the Object-chanting Fu,the Fu on hunting and the collaboration of Fu.Secondly, this part analyzed wording and quality of Ying Yang. The research object of this part is the same topic essay of Ying Yang and Ruan Yu--The theory of wording and quality. Author firstly studied origin of the discuss of wording and quality. And then, author analyzed their the theory of wording and quality at three different angles—the nature of wording and quality, the human of wording and quality and the politics of wording and quality. Their thought of wording and quality represented scholars attitude about political situation、humanity and culture in Jian’an period.Thirdly, this part researched The Song of a Hundred and One of Ying Qu. In this part, author carefully inspected the name of "Hundred and One". This name perhaps has the meaning of Conveying a meaning with a hundred words. And in the meantime, author classified two kinds of The Song of a Hundred and One. One part of these poems show loving care for society, and the others have views of life. The Song of a Hundred and One not only has simple feature, but other uncultured and humorous feature.Finally, this part studied Epistle of Ying Qu. The epistle reflected his unique personal faith between Taoism and Confucianism. And in artistic style, Ying Qu’s epistle were elegant,descript and classic.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】186

