

The Development of Female Role Awareness in the History Curriculum of High School

【作者】 文巧华

【导师】 朱发建;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 基础教育课程改革实施以来,我国中学阶段的教育工作取得了诸多的成就,课程的编制、教科书的编写、教学理论的转变、教学观念的改变等方面都取得了长远的进步。新课程改革提倡素质教育为中心,弘扬人的全面发展,强调学生的主体地位,这一理念得到了广大教育工作者的支持和响应。高中历史教育工作者也积极响应新课程的号召,在理论探究与教学工作中也取得了一定的成果。新课程改革对历史教师提出了更为严格的要求,除了扎实的专业知识、先进的教育学和心理学理论,还要求教师在实践的基础上对教学方法进行探讨。这一时期的历史教学的理论研究成果可以说是遍地开花:问题教学法、史料教学、兴趣教学、研究性学习、个案教学法等等。从社会学的角度去探讨历史教学,对教材中的阶级问题、女性问题的研究也是教育工作热心的话题。本文从社会学中的女性主义的角度,来分析高中历史教材,探讨新的历史教学方法,为新课改中的性别平等教育贡献一份力量。性别平等,是我国的一项基本国策,教育部门也承诺,在2015年完全实现性别平等教育。这是一项伟大而艰巨的任务,在现在的学科课程中仍然存在性别偏差的现象,教材、教师的教育行为中都有性别偏差的影子存在。本文探讨了历史课程中性别偏差的现象、原因、危害,以及对解决途径进行了探索。目的是希望帮助女高中生纠正不正确的性别观念,正确了解自己,正确处理与他人、与社会的关系。在历史教学中,培养女性独立自主的角色意识,树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,是历史教育工作者的责任与义务,也是社会主义建设的需要。当然,本文中的许多想法和建议还需要进一步接受实践的考验,本人也会继续努力探索历史教学理论、改进历史教学方法,争取更好地为中学历史教学服务。

【Abstract】 Since the implementation of curriculum reform of basic education, secondary education in China has made many achievements, curriculum development, teaching theory of change, and changes in teaching concepts have made long-term progress. this concept has been supported by the educators and the response. High school history educators also responded positively to the call of the new curriculum, research and teaching in the theoretical work has achieved good results.New Curriculum for history teachers made more stringent requirements, in addition to solid professional knowledge, advanced education and psychology, also requires teachers to teaching theory and teaching method is used. During this period of history teaching theory research can be said to be everywhere: the problem approach, historical teaching, interest in teaching and so on. From a sociological point of view of history teaching, the class of materials in question, the issue of female education is also enthusiastic about the topic. From the sociological point of view of feminism, to analyze the high school history textbook, history of new teaching methods, curriculum for the new gender equality in education contribute to a force.Gender equality is a basic policy of our country, the education sector also promised, in 2015 the full realization of gender equality education. This is a great and arduous task in the current curriculum and gender bias still exists in the phenomenon, teaching materials, the teachers act in the shadow of both the existence of gender bias. This paper discusses the history curriculum in the phenomenon of gender bias, causes, hazards, and the solutions were explored. Purpose is to help female high school students to correct the incorrect gender, a proper understanding of their own, the right to deal with others, and society. In the history of teaching, training women in the role of independent consciousness, establish a correct outlook on life, outlook, values, history educators, responsibilities and obligations of socialist construction.Of course, many of the ideas in this article and recommendations need to be further tested by practice, I will continue to explore the history of teaching theories, methods to improve the teaching of history, towards a better service for secondary school history teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】195

