

The Theory of Procedural Law Culture

【作者】 赵建国

【导师】 黄捷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 程序法文化作为一种社会现象及法文化的一部分,是维护社会和谐不可缺少的。其对于一个国家实现法治与和谐起到重要的保障作用。该篇文章主要从程序法文化的概念及特征、程序法文化的历史、中西方程序法文化差异、原因、如何构建我国程序法文化几个方面来加以分析程序法文化,力图使大家对程序法文化有一个正确而相对深入的理解。以此来促使大众逐渐重视程序,树立程序观念,最终实现中国程序法文化的现代化发展。第一章是程序法文化的概念与特征。在对与程序法文化相关的概念加以界定的基础上笔者提出了自己对程序法文化这一概念的理解,即认为程序法文化是一定国家、地区或民族过去与现在所形成的人们思想与制度乃至物质形态的沉淀和固化了的有关程序性法律规则集合体的结晶。第二章是程序法文化的历史考察。回顾历史是为了从前人的成功与失败中寻找对我们今天有益营养成分为我所用,因此我们是不能忘记历史的。该章从中国法文化历史与西方法文化历史两个视角来考察法文化中的程序法文化现象以便更加全面的了解中西方程序法文化的历史。第三章是中西方传统程序法文化的差异及根源。西方的程序法文化比我国的程序法文化要发达这已是不争的事实,但我们与西方的差距在哪里这就是我们要寻找的答案。笔者认为中西方程序法文化的差异主要体现在司法行政合一与司法行政分立、职权主义与当事人主义、伦理化与宗教化、非程序化与程序化几方面。二者的差异根源表现为思想基础不同、发展的经济前提不同、地理位置不同、国家形式不同。第四章是我国程序法文化滞后的现实原因及构建。笔者研究程序法文化历史、中西方程序法文化的差异与根源的最终目的就是希望能够通过个人的肤浅研究为我国程序法文化的发展起到抛砖引玉的作用,让更多的有志之士加入其中为实现中国程序法治化共同努力,因此本章笔者提出了个人对我国程序法文化的构建框架。基于以上分析,笔者明确指出我们应从程序法文化的两种存在形态加以研究,尤其是注重从人的思维意识领域进行研究,充分吸收西方程序法文化中先进的理论成果来加快我国程序法文化的现代化发展。在构建我国程序法文化时着重加强公民程序观念的培养,最终实现程序化法治。

【Abstract】 Procedure culture, as social rules and a part of law culture, is indispensable to maintain social harmony. The rule of law for a country’s security and harmony play an important role. The article mainly analyzes the concept of law culture, its characteristics and history differences in procedural law. Gradually in order to raise public attention to procedures, establish procedures for the procedure concept, and eventually realize the modernization of Chinese culture, the development of procedural law.The first chapter talks about the concept of procedural law, its culture and characteristics. The author defined procedure law concept himself. The main points are behavioral rhythms, steps, and processes should be pre-designed, specified and adjusted. All steps to regulate people’s behavior are the processes of the procedure law cultureThe second chapter is the procedural law of the history of investigation. Recalling the history to the past successes and failures of people find useful nutrients for us today is what I use, so we can not forget history. This chapter traced the history of Chinese law and the western culture method to examine the cultural and historical perspective of legal culture both in the cultural phenomenon of the procedural law for a fuller understanding of the Procedure Act in Western cultural history. The third chapter is going to mention the procedural law in the Western tradition and the roots of cultural differences. The procedural law of Western procedure culture, which has to be developed, is what we are looking for answers. I believe that the procedural law in the Western cultural differences mainly reflected in the administration of justice, unity and the separation of judicial administration, powers and Party, ethical and religious, non-procedural and procedural aspects. The performance differences basis on the economic prerequisites of different countries in different forms.Chapter IV tries to make a research on Procedure Law of China’s culture and practical reason for its disadvantages. The ultimate goal of the author is to hope that more experts pay more attention on the research of procedure culture.Based on the above analysis, the author says clearly that we should understand procedure law culture and make good use of law procedure. I hope all the people try our best to complete the procedure law and strictly obey it.

  • 【分类号】D909.1
  • 【下载频次】46

