

The Research of Improving Writing Ability of Pupil by Text Language

【作者】 杨海英

【导师】 韩彦斌;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 语文教学的核心是语言的教学。长期以来,作为语文教学重头戏的作文教学,一直是教学中的薄弱环节,是小学语文教学改革的难点。本文从教师和学生两个方面分析出小学生写作能力低下的原因,学生怕写作文是因为生活中不能细心观察、认真思考,缺乏作文素材的积累外,还不善于灵活运用文本中积累的语言。大部分学生写作热情和积极性不高,大部分学生写作文时无话可说、无材料可写、无处着手。即使写出了,也是篇幅短小、内容干瘪、词不达意、思维混乱的“文章”,他们视作文为负担、包袱,甚至怕上作文课。本文提出“利用文本语言,提高小学生习作能力的实践研究”,意在把研究的落脚点放在创造性地驾驭课本,超越课本,多角度、深层次地发掘课本中的文本语言,利用课本中的文本语言,实现课本价值的最大化,扎扎实实地进行课堂实践,寻求小学语文课堂内写作与阅读教学过程相融合的基本方法和科学策略,努力以读指导写,以写促进读,做到读中会写,写中会读,打通读写的“快速反应通道”,同时利用课外文本,进行读写训练充实课内阅读,充分调动起小学生的写作热情和积极性,在一定程度上促进了学生语文素养的全面提高。使读与写在语文课上和谐发展,以提高学生的习作能力。

【Abstract】 Chinese teaching is the core of language teaching. For a long time, as the highlight of Chinese teaching, the composition teaching has always been the weak link and difficulty of Chinese teaching reform of primary school. This article is based on the survey of composition teaching of Experimental Primary School of Wuhai City. To analysis the reason of respect from teacher and student for low writing ability of pupil, which are rooted in lacking of careful observation, serious consideration, writing material accumulation and flexibility in the use of accumulation language of text, most students have low passion and enthusiasm for writing and no material to be written when they begin to write. Even if the passage finished, is the’article’of short, dry, inaccurate and confusion. They see writing as a burden even afraid of writing class. This article propose’development and utilization of text language, improving practical research of the ability of student assignment’, which intend to put important on mastering textbook creatively, surpassing the textbook and exploring the text language multi-angle and deep-level in textbook, achieve the maximum value by text language and put it into practice, seek for the basic methods of teaching and scientific strategies of integration of writing and reading in classroom, improve the ability of reading and writing and get through the’rapid response channel’of reading and writing. It mobilizes the enthusiasm and motivation in writing fully and promotes language literacy of student to a certain extent. This makes reading and writing develops harmonious in Chinese language class which improves the ability of student assignments.

  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】389

