

Application of Research Study in Senior Chinese Language Teaching

【作者】 李丽铭

【导师】 李剑冲;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 教育是为社会培养人才的有力保障,在这个国际化、科技化、多元化的知识经济时代里备受世人瞩目。为了全面推进素质教育,培养学生的创新精神,教育部第一次提出在全国普通高中实施研究性学习,并要求予以充分的重视。研究性学习是基础教育新课程体系中“综合实践活动”的有机组成部分,以其日益凸显的适应时代发展的价值受到人们越来越多的关注。研究性学习和以往的传统教学虽然都是以德育教育为核心,以培养学生的创新精神和提高学生的实践能力为重点,但传统的教学过于注重基础知识的传授,教学方法单一机械,教师是知识的唯一传授者,学生则总处于被动的接受地位,因而学习兴趣下降,教学效果不佳。而研究性学习恰能在教育理念、教学方法、师生关系等方面弥补传统教学的不足。将研究性学习引入课堂,会使我们的课堂教学充满激情与活力。本文共分为三个部分:第一部分是引论,阐释了选题的动机和意义,包括语文教学的现实困境和实施研究性学习的有利条件、研究性学习研究的范围,包括研究性学习在语文教学中的特殊性及其在高中语文教学中的特殊性和研究性学习的研究原则和方法;第二部分分别介绍了研究性学习和语文研究性学习,包括国内外对研究性学习的理论研究综述,同时也介绍了语文研究性学习的本质、特征及形式;第三部分介绍了语文研究性学习在高中语文教学中的运用,阐述了实施研究性学习的具体操作,包括研究性学习教学目标的确定、研究性学习的组织形式、实施程序、成果评价以及运用研究性学习应注意的问题等。

【Abstract】 Education is a group for social training talents effective protection, so in this international, technology and diversified era of knowledge economy has attracted worldwide attention. In order to promoting quality-oriented education, cultivate the creativity of the students, the ministry of education first proposed in the national average high school carrying out research study, and asked to full attention. Research study is a new curriculum for basic education system "integrated practice" an integral part of its increasingly obvious the value of the times to adapt more and more attention by people.Research study and previous traditional teaching is the core of moral education to cultivate the innovative spirit of students and improve their practical ability to focus, but too much emphasis on traditional teaching basic knowledge, teaching methods, a single machine, teachers are The only impart knowledge, students are always in a position of passive acceptance, and thus decrease interest in learning, teaching ineffective. The research study just in educational philosophy, teaching methods, teacher-student relationship, etc. to make up for the lack of traditional teaching. The research study into the classroom, and make our classroom full of passion and vitality.This paper is divided into three parts:The first part is introduction, explains the motivation and significance of topics, including language difficulties and the realities of teaching research study in favorable conditions, the scope of research study and research, including research study on the specificity of language teaching language teaching in high school and study the specificity of learning principles and methods; The second part describes the research study and research of language learning, including the study of foreign language learning and learning theory research overview also introduced the research study of the nature of language, character and form; The third part introduces the language of learning in high school language teaching, research study describes the implementation of specific operations, including research study to determine teaching goals to study the organization of learning, the implementation of procedures, outcome evaluations and the use of research study should be noted problems.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】206

