


【导师】 李朝辉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 委婉语是世界民族语言中普遍存在的语言现象,也是在社会言语交际中不可或缺的重要组成部分。汉语学习者在运用汉语进行交际时,除了要符合语法规则外,还要符合语用规则,即我们所说的语言得体性。委婉语词的正确运用是语言得体性的一个重要标志,学生了解并掌握汉语委婉语词,有助于提高汉语交际能力。有鉴于此,本文根据《汉语委婉语词典》(张拱贵主编,北京语言大学出版社,1996年)中编录的委婉语词汇,并对照权威的《现代汉语词典》(商务印书馆,2009年),找出《现代汉语词典》中收录的《汉语委婉语词典》的委婉语词,将这些委婉语词与缅语中的委婉语词从死亡与殡葬、疾病与伤残、分泌与排泄、性爱与生育、身体器官与生理变化、犯罪与惩罚、战乱与灾祸、家庭与婚配、人际关系与称谓、职业与境遇、钱财与经济、品质与性情等方面进行语义对比,进而分析汉缅委婉语词文化内涵的异同,并进一步为缅甸汉语教学提供参考借鉴。通过研究发现:一些汉缅委婉语词委婉语义相同,表达也相同或相近;有些汉缅委婉语词虽然委婉语义相同,但表达相异或完全不同;有些汉语委婉语词在缅语里找不到对应词;同样很多缅语的委婉语词在汉语里也没有对应词。基于这样的对比,文章分析了汉缅委婉语词背后体现的文化内涵的异同,并在此基础上提出了相应的教学建议。文章希望能够帮助缅甸学生正确把握和运用汉语委婉语,以提高汉语表达的准确性和得体性,从而提高汉语交际能力。

【Abstract】 Euphemism is a common language appearance of every national language in the world. It is also the important component of verbal communication in community. When Chinese language learners use language in communication, we must use it not only to consistent with grammatical rules but also to pragmatic rules. This is what we call the language appropriateness. The proper use of the euphemistic word plays an important role as a symbol of language appropriateness. Students, who can catch up and master in Chinese euphemism words using, would be able to improve their Chinese communication skills. According to "Dictionary of Chinese euphemism" (Zhang Gong gui as editor, Beijing Language University Press,1996) in the catalog of euphemism vocabulary, comparing with "Modern Chinese Dictionary" (Commercial Press,2009) in the control authority part, researcher selects some euphemism words from "Dictionary of Chinese euphemism" which were collected from Modern Chinese Dictionary. This paper compare the euphemism words between Chinese and Myanmar e.g. death and funeral, illness and disability, secretion and excretion, sex and fertility, body organs and physiological changes, crime and punishment, war and disaster, family and marriage, interpersonal relationships and title, occupation and circumstances, finance and economy, quality and temperament and other aspects in order to carry on the semantic comparison. After an analysis of the similarities and differences between the above two language euphemistical words from the view of cultural connotations, researcher then provides a reference for Chinese language teaching in Myanmar.The results indicate that some of the Chinese and Myanmar euphemistic words show the same expression or similar meanings; whereas some represent the different ways of expression or totally different from each other. However, although the same euphemistic words can be found in these two languages, their usage and application is still not equivalent. Based on this comparison, the article analyzes the similarities and differences of cultural connotation background in Chinese and Myanmar euphemistic words, then pointing out the fundamental methods in appropriate teaching suggestion. Hope that this article could help Myanmar students understand and use Chinese euphemism correctly, in order to improve the accuracy and appropriateness of language expression, and leverage their Chinese language communication skills.

  • 【分类号】H13;H421
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】191

