

【作者】 刘爱莲

【导师】 陈允锋;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 陶渊明并无专门的文艺论著,他的文学思想,散见在他的一些诗文的片断中,这些片断直接或间接地谈到了他的文艺观;另外,他的诗文中所时时流露出的创作倾向,所运用的创作方法,也体现出其文学思想的精华。这在整个魏晋南北朝的文学思想链条上,是一个不容忽视的重要环节。然而,一方面,陶学界有关陶渊明文学思想的研究不多,又不够深入细致;另一方面,由于陶渊明文学创作与当时文坛主流文风相比存在显著差异,故多数论者常将其看作晋宋诗坛上的孤芳独秀,充分肯定其卓越才华、杰出贡献之时,却忽略了他与时代潮流间不可割舍的关系。基于此,本文拟在详考前人有关陶渊明研究成果和深入思考陶渊明文学创作特点、具体分析东晋文学性格的基础上,将陶渊明与东晋文坛联系起来,从陶渊明重“情志”的文学思想及特色、重“比兴”的文学思想及特色、融合“儒道”的文学思想及特色三方面比较分析陶渊明文学思想与东晋文坛的关系。正文共分三章:第一章“陶渊明重“情志’的文学思想与东晋士族文学”,主要从分析、概括东晋士族文学精神与陶渊明作品“情志”特色来揭示陶渊明文学思想与东晋士族文学关系。本章首先概括东晋士族文学精神的两个特色:一是士族文学的“寡情”;二是士族文学的贵族化。进而作进一步分析,东晋士族文学的“寡情”,并非不重视抒情,而是抒发种种极为特殊的情;东晋士族文学的贵族化追求,产生于偏安江左的政局和富足闲适的地主庄园生活。接着,本章从陶渊明文学作品出发,分析陶渊明重“情志”的文学思想及独特之处,其独特之处即在于陶渊明文学创作既重视“情志”抒发又有所节制,这体现了他受东晋时代风气的影响与超越。同时指出陶渊明的诗文创作是一种真诚、优雅的文学,他于这种文学中注入自己真实的个性和真挚的情感,其文学理想是追求率真、自然、冲淡的美。另外,陶渊明在贫穷状态下从容不迫地生活和创作,相对于东晋士族文士们刻意地潇洒风流来说是真正的高贵和大气。第二章“陶渊明重‘比兴’的文学思想与东晋玄言诗”,主要从分析、概括受玄学思潮影响的东晋玄言诗创作特征、陶渊明作品中的“比兴”手法运用、“比兴”意象特色来揭示陶渊明文学思想与东晋玄言诗关系。体现为:东晋玄言诗具有重义理、轻物象,重铺陈、轻“比兴”的创作倾向。事实上,玄言诗中并非没有物象,并非没有“比兴”之义,只是玄言诗中的物象是寄言玄理和玄学理想境界的工具,玄言诗中的“比兴”之义多为玄理。陶渊明具有重“比兴”的文学思想,在他的诗文中“比兴”手法运用表现形式多样,表现意象丰富,作品中物我融合,又能不受意象束缚,也不刻意渲染意象与情感寄托之间的关系。这是他受东晋玄言诗创作风气的影响与超越。第三章“陶渊明融合‘儒道’的文学思想与东晋‘儒道’关系”,从思想史的角度考察儒、道两家思想的发展轨迹,分析陶渊明融合“儒道”的文学思想渊源与特色以及其与东晋“儒道”关系发展内涵的异同。其特色正可见出陶渊明的伟大之处,体现为:一、陶渊明有选择地吸收儒、道两家思想;二、陶渊明捍卫早期儒家思想的“真诚”,又借以纠正后期“新道家”学说的“不真诚”;三、陶渊明在实践中实现了融合“儒道”的文学思想。

【Abstract】 Tao Yuanming made no treatise on literary to elaborate his ideology of literary, while it was found in his poetry segments, which could reflect his ideology directly or indirectly. In addition, the creating trends in his poetry as well as the creating methods, also presented us with the quintessence of his ideology. Tao’s literary ideology is essential and can not be ignored in studying the literary ideology of the Wei, Jin and the South and North Dynasties. Unfortunately, on the one hand, studies on Tao’s literary ideology have paid even only a little attention to it, which doesn’t make it deeply or particularly. On the other hand, scholars would have affirmed Tao Yuanming’s talent and contributions because his unique styles in literary creation was greatly different from the contemporary main trends, but have ignored that Tao Yuanming should be set in the contemporary times to get studied objectively and thoroughly. So, the author of this thesis, bases the present thesis on the existing studies on Tao Yuanming by other scholars to make clear the characteristics of Tao Yuanming’s literary creation, and the literary characters of East Jin dynasty are also analyzed to combine Tao Yuanming and the literary circle of East Jin dynasty together. In this thesis, the author tries to analyze the relationship of Tao Yuanming and literary circle of East Jin dynasty from the Tao Yuanming’s literary ideology being characterized by emotional factors, by Bi and Xing as well as by the fusion of Taoism and Confucianism. The thesis consists of 3 chapters.Chapter 1 is titled "Tao Yuanming’s Emotinal Factors in Works and the Gentry’s Literature in East Jin Dynasty". The author discusses the relationship between Tao Yuanming’s literary ideology and the gentry’s literature in East Jin dynasty through analyzing and summarizing the spirits of the gentry’s literature in East Jin dynasty as well as Tao Yuanming’s emotional factors in his works. At first, the author summarizes that the gentry’s literature in East Jin dynasty is characterized by the two spirits. One is that the gentry’s literature is lack of the actual emotional factors, while some emotional factors prefer to express certain unusual and illusory feelings. The other is that the gentry’s literature in East Jin dynasty is aristocratic, which results from the leisurely and comfortable life and the political situation of the times. Then, starting from Tao Yuanming’s literary works, the author analyzes the emotional factors in Tao’s works and the unique spirit in it. The unique spirit in Tao’s works lies in that Tao took the emotional factors seriously in his works, with both emphasis and abstinence, which indicates his influence from and surpassing over the literary spirit in East Jin dynasty. The author also points out that Tao’s literary works are faithful and elegant, in which he inserted his authentic character and sincere feelings, and that the beauty of Tao’s literary ideology is forthright, sincere, natural and mild. In addition, that author also emphasizes that compared with the painstakingly fabricated elegance of in the literary works of the gentry in East Jin dynasty, Tao’s calm and leisure living in poverty is the real dignity and generosity.Chapter 2 is titled "Tao Yuanming’s emphasis on Bi and Xing and Xuanyan Poetry in East Jin Dynasty". In this chapter, the author mainly analyzes the relationship between Tao’s emphasis on "Bi" and "Xing" in his literary ideology and the Xuanyan poetry in East Jin dynasty which was greatly influenced by the Metaphysics in the contemporary times. The author firstly analyzes and summarizes the characters of Xuanyan poetry in East Jin dynasty, which was greatly influenced by the Metaphysics, that Xuanyan poetry is characterized by the emphasis of argumentation and elaboration, and the lack of the real objects and the writing methods of "Bi" and "Xing". In fact, Xuanyan poetry also involves the real objects and the writing methods of "Bi" and "Xing", but the objects are treated as the tools to convey the ideality and theories of the Metaphysics, and the writing methods of "Bi" and "Xing" are applied to elaborate the Metaphysics theory. On the other hand, Tao Yuanming put great emphasis on the writing methods of "Bi" and "Xing", and in his literary works, such methods were applied to enrich the images in various ways and also can not bound by images, Not deliberately rendering the relationship between image and emotional sustenance, which also indicates his influence from and surpassing over the Xuanyan poetry in East Jin dynasty.Chapter 3 is titled "The Fusion of Taoism and Confucianism in Tao’s Literary Ideology and Taoism and Confucianism in East Jin Dynasty". In this chapter, the author firstly investigates the developments of Taoism and Confucianism from the perspective of intellectual history, and then the author analyzes the origins and characters of the fusion of Taoism and Confucianism in Tao’s literary ideology, and points out that the similarity and differences between such fusion and the developments of Taoism and Confucianism in East Jin dynasty in connotation. Tao Yuanming’s talent is fully represented by the characters of the fusion of Taoism and Confucianism in his literary ideology. Firstly, Tao Yuanming selected and adapted the two kinds of thinking. Secondly, Tao Yuanming defended the original utmost sincerity of inchoate Confucianism against later the insincerity of later so-called "New-Taoism". Thirdly, Tao Yuanming fused the two kinds of thinking in practice.


