

【作者】 刘家莹

【导师】 刘震;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 九十年代初,文学作品加入市场经济浪潮,制造出一系列畅销文学,“陕军东征”、“布老虎”系列、“长篇热”等都是代表。文学作品的畅销背后有复杂原因,特别是在当时中国社会整体转型的复杂历史情境中,更显得有研究意义。而作为文学创作者、推动者的各方知识分子在市场经济的浪潮中的辗转、追寻,对自我身份的质疑、焦虑和重新定位、自我构建,在其中所体现出的心态变化,对文学的走向有至关重要的作用。本文将通过“陕军东征”这一典型案例,参考布尔迪厄关于文学场域的理论,分析文学生产机制中各方势力的相互作用,尤其要仔细分析作为关键因素的知识分子心态的转变以及在文学生产中发挥的作用,考察市场经济通过各个因素对文学的影响。在考察中,笔者力求还原历史情境,客观、真实地评析“陕军东征”这一文学现象在文学史中的地位。九十年代的畅销文学并不是个案,在中国现当代文学史上曾经多次出现文学作品畅销的现象。但是,九十年代文学作品的畅销却具有特殊性——市场运作。中国政府七十年代末八十年代初,调整发展策略,将经济发展放在国家政策的首位,并通过一系列政策推动了整个社会的转型,促进全民发展经济。经济浪潮对原本就贫寒的写作者是一种吸引,而政府政策中关于取消对出版单位的补贴和版税制度的实施,成为广大知识分子加入市场竞争的直接推动力,影响了出版者、写作者对作品的考量态度。“陕军东征”在这样一个背景下出现,开始就带有了市场化的味道。写作者出于对读者欢迎度的考虑,对作品内容和写作方法对做了调整;出版者面对销量、经济效益的压力,对出版作品有了挑选新标准,并在销售中发挥了助推作用。虽然“陕军”作品得到了普通读者的追捧,在评论界的反响却是复杂的。针对畅销文学的市场化运作和性描写内容,文艺评论者展开了激烈的争论,甚至引发了集体大讨论——“人文精神大讨论”。在此,众人争论的焦点已经不仅仅是文学的走向问题,更牵涉到一个知识分子更为关心的、更具有切身利益的问题:知识分子该何去何从?对这个问题的解答和争论,是对知识分子身份和自我认同的重新建构,其中展现出的知识分子心态变化,为当代文学史研究提供了一个重要视角。对知识分子在此时心态转变的研究,可以为九十年代文学以及当前文学发展给出一种解释的可能。笔者认为,对“陕军东征”等畅销文学作品,不应简单地用“堕落”、“合谋”等具有强烈贬抑性词语下定论,也不应过分抬高其地位,此类文学现象的出现是知识分子在当时情况下的选择,而此类现象对中国文学的影响还有待长期观察。知识分子在此期间所表现出的无奈、挣扎以及此后的不同选择,也是中国文学走向今天雅、俗文学或者说大众文学与精英文学分裂的起点,对中国当代文学产生了不可估量的影响。

【Abstract】 In the early 1990s, Chinese literature stepped into marketing age. The writers and the publish houses made lots of literary outlets sell well, such as "shanjundongzheng", "bulaohu" series and "changpianre". There was a complex situation when these works be well sold, especially at what time Chinese social change historically.as writers and publishers of literature works, intellectuals played important roles in this matter. The fast-developing market economy made intellectuals confused, but they had to struggle to survival. It means they have to find new ways to make value of themselves, and to compromise to market economy seemed like a good choice. But it was difficult for intellectuals to get off their high horses, so when running after market and money, they experienced challenge and reconstruct of their status. What they had experienced and what they had chosen? It is important for our Chinese literature study.Here, we will try to deep into the "shanjundongzheng" series, research the interaction of every aspects, by Pierre Bourdieu’s theory about literature produce field. Especially, we will focus more attention on intellectuals, the linchpin of literature produce. In research, I will try to back to history where all these things happened, and try to find the correct position of "shanjundongzheng" series.First of all, we have to concede that these well-sold literature works are not only exist in 1990s. Actually, there were many literature works sold very well in Chinese literature history. But, marketing make the 1990s novels very different. Chinese government started to develop economy in late1970s to early 1980s, and stopped subsiding to publish house. All of these pushed writers and publishers, who was poor all the time, to market directly and affected the direction and contents of literature works indirectly. If books sell good, there would be more income for intellectuals.Writers were considering:whether readers like my book or not? And publishers were faced with the pressure of selling and economic benefit. So, writers chose to write what readers like and publishers chose to push books to buyers by marketing ways. "Shanjundongzheng" series were given to birth in this background, and were the first batch of literature works sold by marketing. Although the works of "shanjundongzheng" got good public praise in readers, but to literature researchers, the assessment was complicated. There were arguments among researchers about literature works being sold by marketing ways. Some researchers thought that it was a good thing that literature works being read by more persons. In this way, not only writers and publishers can earn money but also readers’level would get developed. But the other researchers insisted that intellectuals had degraded and this situation would course depravity of literature. These arguments were called "humanistic spirit discussion". Researchers were not only discussed about the future of literature, but also the future of intellectuals. The experiences and choices of them affected the direction of literature developing, and the study of these is important for Chinese literature account.I think, it not correct to define "shanjundongzheng" series with "degrad". There were complicated situation when these works got into market, so we have to back to history, to think all of aspects, and estimate the value of literature of that time in history.


